Chapter 5

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Addy, Lilac, Ricky, and Teddy left lunch early to find the DADA room, which they found rather quickly. When they walked in the room, Addy and Ricky, who were the first to see him, ran up to Harry and hugged him. Teddy stuck with Lilac and walked up to them.

"Wotcher Harry!" Teddy said and hugged his godfather. "Hey you three." Harry said and walked up to Lilac. 

"Hi. I'm Addy and Ricky's uncle Harry." He said and shook her hand. 

"I'm Lilac. Lilac Smith." she said with a smile. He seemed nice enough to her. There was something familiar about him but she couldn't put her finger on i- "Wait! You're that man who helped my parents and I when we went to the Ministry to fill in some paperwork for my grandfather!"

"Wait! That's right! You're Elias's granddaughter. I completely forgot you were coming this year.  You have an amazing memory. Marcus, you mark my words. This one will be the Hermione of her year." he said and turned to Marcus Baker, the DADA professor. Lilac played with the tips of her hair in slight embarrassment.

"How is your grandfather by the way? I haven't heard from him for a while." Harry asked her and she told him that her grandfather was okay and very excited when he heard that Lilac was going to Hogwarts. 

"Hey Harry! We are going to go talk with Neville after our last class today. Lilac wants to learn about the war. Do you want to come too?" Teddy asked sincerely. 

"Ah. As fun as that sounds, Ginny has a game to write about and got five free tickets for it so I'm going to have to decline." Harry said, "But if you have any questions afterward, feel free to write me, Lilac. Addy, Ricky and Tedster here can help you with that."

"Ok" Lilac said. Other students began to enter the room and everyone found seats. 

"Hello class! My name is Marcus Baker, but to you I am Professor Baker while we are in the classroom. On weekends you may call me whatever you wish.  I can see all the wonder on your faces, and yes, this is Harry Potter. He will be here every once and a while to help out and give lectures. He also helps teach the older students Advanced Defense so if you take that class you will probably see him more often." Professor Baker said and Harry stepped forward.

"I just want to welcome you all to Hogwarts. I once was a student like you and sat in this very room, though every year it was a different teacher. Defense Against the Dark arts was probably one of the most useful classes for me for reasons you probably know or will learn soon. However, nowadays, we hope you won't have to use these spells in real life, unless you become an auror of course. These spells are for your safety and frankly are fun to learn." Harry said before giving Professor Baker the podium. 

"Now, today we are going to have some fun because after all it is the first day. Harry and I are both trained Aurors and know how to do this safely. I don't want to see any of you attempting to do what we are doing. If I or any other teacher catch you doing this, it will result in detentions for anyone involved. Harry and I will be showing you a proper wizards duel, without Dark Magic obviously. We are aiming to show you the basics of dueling when it is a fair fight, however as we both know, sometimes the fight isn't fair so just keep that in mind."

Professor Baker and Harry stood face to face, bowed and stepped back, both thinking of the spell they would use. As usual, they had both agreed on a list of spells that they could use so they could anticipate somewhat what the other was going to do. Harry began with his signature spell, "Expelliarmus!" Baker dodged the spell and tried to raise Harry's glasses off his face with a nonverbal, "Wingardium Leviosa". Harry caught on quickly and grabbed his glasses before they were off his face. Then he sent a silent "Stupefy!" Baker's way when he wasn't expecting it and Baker was stunned. Harry then reversed the spell and helped Baker up. 

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