Chapter 14

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Addy and Ricky were quick to tell to their mother and uncle about their new found powers. They both focused really hard and of course, ended up screaming Hi Mum and Uncle Connor very loudly in their mum and uncle's ears.

Connor and Genny, of course, were surprised to hear the voices in their heads. They hadn't really used their powers in a while. There was no need to.

Soon enough, Addy and Ricky had contacted a number of people in their heads, truly because they could. This made their powers slightly different than Connor and Genny. 

Their powers soon became very helpful one day, when Ricky made a breakthrough. 

Ricky came running into the Gryffindor common room, this time stopping before entering, asking if Frank and Addy were snogging. When a negative response came he entered and looked Addy in the eyes and said, "I know where the Nocens are." He said. Frank and Addy looked at him as if the sky had thrown upon his head. 

"What?" Addy said.

"I know where they are. I read Mr. Nocens' head. They're in Hogsmeade!" Ricky said grabbing Addy's hand and pulling her out of the room, toward the Hufflepuff common room. They happened to bump into Teddy and Lilac, as the two exited the kitchens after their daily afternoon snack.

"I know where they are!" Ricky exclaimed. Addy looked as if she was about to smack Ricky's head.

"Who?" Lilac said

  "Malus and Odium Nocens," Ricky said excitedly. Teddy scratched his head and gave Ricky a confused look. Ricky rolled his eyes and said,"Thomas's parents. Seriously dude. You are the one who introduced us to them."

"Yes, but how do you know where the Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying Monkey are?" Teddy asked cleverly causing Lilac to laugh.

Addy and Ricky gave him strange looks of curiosity.

"Wizard of Oz? come on guys. Follow the yellow brick road? Somewhere over the rainbow?" Lilac said slightly annoyed at her friends' ignorance. 

Addy and Ricky shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders. Ricky said, "I know where they are because of our head connection thinking thingy."

"More importantly, who calls them the Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying monkey?" said Addy. "And what is a wizard of Oz?" Ricky asked.

Lilac rolled her eyes. Of course, that's what they were worried about. 

"The wizard of oz is a muggle story about a girl named Dorothy and her dog Toto. The wicked witch of the west is the villain and her flying monkeys are her minions. After this is all over we should definitely have movie night at my house or Teddy's and watch it. It's a classic."

"Well. We should start calling them that. It sounds about right. Everyone knows Mr. Nocens just does Mrs. Nocens's dirty work. " Ricky said and Teddy smacked his head and rolled his eyes.

 Addy and Lilac laughed at their friends and Addy asked Ricky a more serious question, "Where are they, Rick?"

Ricky's face became incredibly serious. The place he said caused the others to gasp. They hadn't expected the Nocens to be that close to Hogwarts. Teddy paled slightly, reminiscing his family's history. 

Addy squeezed Teddy, knowing how much the place meant to him. They all didn't freak out until Lilac mentioned something that made all of their jaws drop. They had been there just last week, checking it out. They had wanted to explore Teddy's father's past and maybe figure out who the heck the Marauders were cause Harry and Remus refused to tell them. 

The Noceans were at the Shrieking Shack. And Ricky knew they were going to attack Hogwarts. 

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