Chapter 1

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Genny felt the weight hit her shoulders. She was graduating today. She passed all of her NEWTs along with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and all the other 7th/8th years. It was a very successful and surprisingly uneventful year to everyone's great relief, especially Minerva Mcgonagall. And any day now, she and Charlie would become parents. 

She walked out of the room they shared and saw Charlie sitting on the couch in their common room. She sat down next to him and hugged him. He gave her a kiss and she left the room to go to the Hufflepuff common room. Justin Finch Fletchley was already up as well. The two of them had become pretty close over the year, along with Hannah Abbott. 

"Hey Tinman," Genny said as she came in. Justin snorted, rolling his eyes as he made room for her to sit down next to him.  He never quite knew how Genny made up her nicknames for him. Whenever he tried to make one up for her, he failed miserably. 

"How are you doing?" Justin said. Genny ushered his hand over as she felt the babies move. His eyes lit up as he felt a small kick. 

"Fine. Nervous I suppose." Genny said, "Ready to not be pregnant and to be done with school."

"Yeah, " Justin sighed, "It's a huge day."

"It sure is," Hannah said as she came down and saw them. She smiled and walked over to place her hand on Genny's belly as well and once she did joy filled her up as she felt the kicking too. Then, Hannah helped Genny up to her feet and the three began walking out of their common room. 

The trio walked down to the Great Hall and saw that a fifth table had been added to the room just as Sprout had told them the day before. This was the graduating class's table. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville were already sitting there in their graduation gowns. Justin, Genny and Hannah sat by them and soon Draco joined them. The other Slytherins sat as far away from the others as they possibly could. Luna and the other Ravenclaws all came together. Soon the rest of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor graduates came. 

After what seemed like an eternity of eating, McGonnagll stood up along with Slughorn, Sprout, Charlie, and Flitwick.

She began her speech congratulating the graduates. Genny woke up from her tired, pregnant daze and realized that family members had come in the hall. Every student was called up and given their certificate then were excused to their families. Right as Genny joined Daisy and Conner and hugged them, she felt a tight contraction in her body and knew that the babies was coming soon. She told them and Daisy held her hand and ushered her out of the room. Conner rushed to find Charlie, but could only make eye contact with him. He nodded, signalling to him that the babies were coming. He rushed over to Madam Pomfrey and the three of them hurried to the hospital wing without causing any commotion at all. 

The labor began and one by one, their other family members began entering the room, realizing what had happened or rather what was happening. Harry and Hermione were the last to enter the room. 

"Honestly, Harry. You should have noticed that your own sister was in labor." Hermione scolded.

"And I suppose you noticed before I did?"

"Of course! I noticed right as Connor and Charlie left. I told Ron and then went to find you, but every time I'd get to where I saw you last, you'd be in another spot" Hermione said, exasperated.

Hours passed and finally, finally, a cry entered the room. 

"It's a girl." Charlie whispered gently to Genny. She let out another scream as she began to push the next one out. Within minutes, a boy was welcomed into the world. Charlie smiled as the babies were washed and placed on Genny's chest. 

"I'm so proud of you." He said softly. He lighly grazed his daughter's cheek and then kissed Genny's forhead. 

"We got a girl and a boy in one go. Your mum is going to be so jealous, Charlie." Genny whispered, chuckling.

Charlie laughed and said, "Adelaide and Patrick Weasley, you are so perfect."   Genny smiled and held her babies close. Her life couldn't have been more perfect.  Adelaide had a mop of ginger hair on her head, the true sign she was a Weasley. Patrick had green eyes that were brighter than Harry's.

"Luna? Neville? Remus? Tonks? Are you guys in here?" Genny said. The four were brought forward. Charlie touched Genny's shoulder and she felt a bit of sadness and guilt. 

 A couple months ago, Draco had very kindly requested that Neville be made godfather of one of the twins in his stead. The request had seemingly come out of no where, and when they confronted him about it, he said that he had a private reason, mainly being that he wouldn't be around very much, which they later found out was because he would be travelling around the world, encouraging Death Eaters to forget their ways and become better people, where he would eventually run into Astoria Greengrass. So naturally, the duo asked if he would consider being the twins' honorary uncle, to which Draco agreed wholeheartedly. 

"Luna, Neville, we would be honored if you two would be Adelaide's godparents. And Remus, Tonks, we would be honored if you two would be Patrick's, " Charlie said. 

The four of them nodded, accepting. Soon enough, Madame Pomfrey shooed everyone except for Charlie out of the room. 

"We're parents darling." Charlie said. Genny nodded and said, "of twins. We need to keep them away from Gred and Forge." Charlie laughed and kissed her forehead. 

"Char- I think I can only do this one more time. I honestly don't know how your mum did it." Genny said. Charlie smiled, three would be enough.

"Well, as you said before, we already have a boy and a girl. My mum is bound to be jealous."

"And why would I be jealous?!" a voice boomed from behind Charlie. His face whitened as he turned around to see his mother, who, he realised, had not been told that Genny was in labor. Arthur quickly came into the room as well, with an apologetic smile on his face. 

"I tried to keep her out of here as long as possible." He said and Molly glared. Then she transformed fully into grandma mode as she doted over her first grand-babies. 

"You know, Addy looks like you did when you were born, Charlie. With a mop of red hair and a mescivious smile. You knew from the moment you were born that you were going to scare the Merlin out of me."


"It's true! And of course Ricky looks like his grandfather. Or at least I think he does." Molly said, creating the nicknames that would forever be used. 

A few days later the couple came  back to their home in the new British dragon center. It had finally been finished and the first dragons had been transferred from the Romanian one. Merlin, Norberta and Flame were the first ones along with several native British dragons.

As Genny put her kids to sleep that night, she looked at them and sighed. They would have quite the reputation to live up to. Especially if Ricky continued to look like Harry and James. Genny secretly hoped he would have ginger hair as well. 

As she herself went to sleep she realized that they would have no problem. They were Potters, Evans, Weasleys, and Prewitts for Merlin's sake. The baton had been passed on. 

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