Chapter 9

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Ricky raced into Longbottom's class. He gave Ricky a stern look and Ricky looked down, knowing he was late. 

"I'm sorry Professor. There was a lot of commotion in the halls." Ricky said and sat down. 

"What do you mean a lot of commotion?" Neville asked, "There are hardly any students here."

"Professor, the first round of returning students came today. Surely you knew. " A blonde girl by the name of Mildred said. 

"No, I did not Ms. Kennedy. Thank you. Mr. Weasley, plan ahead next time."

"Yes, sir," Ricky said and got on with Herbology. 

The class went about quite well. Until about halfway through when even more commotion began. Lilac was the one who noticed it first. She whispered to Ricky saying, "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"That shaking?"

"No, I didn't. What shaking?" He said. Almost immediately after he said it, he noticed the water in his watering pail move slightly. Then he felt it. 

"Oh. That shaking. I'm sure everything's fine. Honestly, we can't get worked up about everyt-Sweet Merlin!What on Earth is that!" He said pointing toward the forbidden forest. Lilac turned and looked too. 

What was coming out of the forest, was a quite large dark creature that, at least in Lilac's mind, resembled a reason of a man. It was gigantic. However, all her internal descriptions of it made sense when she heard Teddy yell out, "Professor Longbottom! Is that a troll?"

Neville turned to look at the forest and noticed more of the dark creatures.

"No, Teddy. That is no troll." He said and grabbed his wand, "All of you! Inside the castle." He said and rushed them inside.

Addy, Lilac, Ricky, and Teddy all managed to sneak out of course and went to aide the teachers. They didn't stop to think and ran into the forest.

"Teddy! How do you harm a giant?" Addy yelled to Teddy who shrugged his shoulders. 

"Mum and Dad used dragons in the second war," Ricky said.

"Well, we haven't got one of those now have we?" Addy said, not noticing what her wand was doing. Teddy, the observant one, noticed and said,"Addy, what are you doing?"

She gave him a quizzical look. His eyes wandered to her wand and she looked down. Beneath her was a silvery white lion was laying down beside her. At first, when she saw it she jumped. Then she realized just what it was. 

"I-I don't believe it. I think it's my patro-Blimey Teddy! You are doing it too!"She said, realizing that they were making their patronuses. 

Near Teddy was a wolf that was playing around in the air. Lilac and Ricky both produced theirs at the same time, LIlac's being a bear and Ricky's a tiger. 

"But I don't understan-" Lilac started.

"Now is not the time to understand!"Teddy said, with fear in his eyes. Then his Patronus did a rather remarkable thing. It raced toward the giant that was coming toward them and began distracting it. Then Teddy's wand shot a marron spell at the giant. The other three's did as well and soon enough, the giant was unconscious. 

The four of them looked at each other in amazement. "What just happened?" Ricky asked.
"Well if you don't know I suppose we're all doomed." Addy replied. The quartet the were startled by a figure behind them who said, "Never in all my life have I seen something so amazing." 
They whipped around and there stood Hermione Granger, with her arms open. Hermione gave all four of them a hug, made sure they were ok, scolded them, then asked how they did it.

"We don't know," Addy said, still looking at her wand in wonderment. 

Hermione's mind went crazy trying to think of an answer. Then it dawned on her. "Sweet Merlin," she whispered. 

"What?" Ricky asked.

"N-Nothing I- I can't tell you. It's not my place."

"Aunt Hermione! What is wrong with us!?" Teddy said angrily. 

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, "There's nothing wrong with you dear boy. It's just something your parents feared would be about you, which I think is."

Lilac and Ricky, the smartest of their year, when deep into thought as to what she could have meant. 

Then at the same time, they said, "Tell us what the prophecy is."

Hermione stared at them in awe. "W-what? Ho-How?" They were smarter than she was, or at least than she thought they were.

"Come on!" The foursome said. 

Hermione sighed and began. 

"It was made by Sybll Trelawney about a year after Ricky and Addy's birth." Hermione started." Your mum, Addy and Ricky, and I were there with her. 

It stated, 

Four shall be born at the dawn of a new age

With spirits of warriors

 Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear

Out of the darkness will come a great hurt and pain

The world will not be the same again

A great light will come forth

However, there will be strife

One side will live while the other will die. "

The four children had mixed faces, and then anger became the prominent one, however, they couldn't yell at Hermione, as she had just done them a favor. Instead, they marched out, defeated the rest of the giants and then found Remus, Tonks, Genny, and Charlie, who were all amazed at what their children had just done. As the kids got closer, the parents realized that they were furious. 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THE FREAKING PROPHECY!!" Addy and Ricky shook. Except neither of them said freaking. Instead they said another word that was probably more appropriate given the circumstances.

The parents all sighed, knowing that they truly were the children the prophecy was talking about. 

"We didn't know if you were the kids the prophecy was talking about. Darlings, we were terrified. The number of times Harry could have died because of his prophecy. We didn't want you all to have to go through that." Genny said gently. 

The kids calmed down.

"It all makes sense now," Teddy said, "you should have told us sooner though. Like maybe last year or at the beginning of this year. I mean we are older now and understand things more."

"I wonder if the prophesy is why I always try to help people without thinking of the consequences," Lilac said.

"That's just the Hufflepuff in you," Ricky said earning a smack on the head from Teddy and Addy. 

Lilac then felt a piece of paper fall on her head. It then fell on the floor. It was a letter from her father.

"That's odd. Normally Nordic wants a treat after giving me a letter." She thought as she tucked it in her pocket to read later.

The four heroes went to the room of requirement, a place where they began to hang out as it wasn't picky as to what house you were in like the separate common rooms were.

The four then began discussing what they had learned.

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