Chapter 6

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The rest of Charms went on pretty well. It was very apparent that Williams was scared that McGonagall would come out at any time. She began teaching Wingardium Leviosa and critiquing kids on their form.

After Charms, they went to Transfiguration. Ricky was really excited about this class because he had heard amazing things about Professor Tristen Werk. Lilac and Teddy had already met their Head of House the night before and were pumped for his lesson. Ricky's head of house was Professor Vagott while Addy's was Professor Longbottom.

Professor Williams was the Slytherin HoH.

Transfiguration lived up to Ricky's expectations and the whole class except for a select few Slytherins, namely Nocens and his sidekicks, thoroughly enjoyed the class and had a huge amount of fun. Professor Werk was very much like McGonagall however he wasn't as strict. He still had a strictness factor though and was definitely one of the candidates to being headmaster after McGonagall retired.

The foursome found that Transfiguration could easily be one of their favorite classes.

After Transfiguration, they made their way down to the greenhouses to visit Neville. When they found him in Greenhouse 3 he was sitting down and talking to Harry.

"I thought you couldn't  come! You cheeky little bugger!" Addy said as she gave her uncle a hug.

"Yes well turns out Ginny was going to a Cannons game. They were playing Puddlemore United and I didn't want to pick sides so I let Ron go instead." Harry said, "Plus I want to hear all about your first day! I remember mine...Blimey, it was nerve-wrecking."

"Yes we know oh wonderful chosen one!" Teddy said and rolled his eyes. Harry glared at him.

"You're life was soooo hard. We get it already!" Addy and Ricky chimed in together. Harry rolled his eyes. 

"What do you mean? Chosen one?" Lilac asked.

"Ah. Right. That's why you guys are here. I forgot. Well, Nev. Take it away." Harry said.

"Ok. Lilac. There wouldn't have been a second wizarding war without the first and there wouldn't have been a first had a man named Thomas Marvolo Riddle not been born. Riddle was in Slytherin at Hogwarts and absolutely hated Muggleborns, well Muggles in general."
Neville started.

"One reason behind that is his father was a muggle and abandoned his mother because he wasn't in love with her. Riddle was born because of a love potion his mom used. It is kinda ironic that he was into blood purity when he himself was a half-blood." Harry continued.

"Yeah so anyway, he was a guy who was a very angry man and very prejudice. He also happened to be the heir of Slytherin. He went to Hogwarts like you and me. When my parents were in Hogwarts and Harry's were too he was just gaining power and spreading terror. Anyone considered a blood trailer was punished severely or were killed. But of course, people rebelled against him. Because they knew what was right. Some of the first people to truly rebel against the blood purity ideas were Sirius and Andromeda Black. Sirius was best friends with James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew." Neville said. Harry muttered something incomprehensible under his breath that sounded to Lilac as "dirty rotten scoundrel" but she couldn't be sure. Addy, Ricky, and Teddy all shuddered. They had heard many people talk smack about Peter Pettigrew.

"Yeah. So the first war happened when Voldemort and his followers began attacking people who refused them often killing or harming them. The first war ended when Neville and I were a year old on Halloween. Neville's parents were already at St. Mungo' s by then because they had been tortured to insanity and my parents were in hiding using a special charm that hid them unless a secret keeper told you where they were." Harry said.

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