Chapter 8

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The next few days were very jolly for the Weasley/Potter/Lupin family.

Arthur and the other Weasleys had arrived a few days after the cousins found out about Arthur's  illness. Teddy and Lilac were working round the clock trying to find a cure. 

"It just doesn't make sense," Lilac said. They were working in an empty classroom. "According to every test I've made, he should be fine. He shouldn't have the illness. His blood samples show no sign of it and yet-"

"he has it," Teddy said. "I wish we could ask for help but they would make us stop if we did," he said and looked at Lilac. 

"I know. I wish we could too.  I guess he could still take Gunhilda's cure but it's not enough. There is something else wrong with him." Teddy said, pulling his hands through his hair in stress. 

"Wait. The nurses haven't use Gunhilda's cure. There's no-Great Merlin's biceps." Addy said.

"We should start making it." They said at the same time. 

"Why wouldn't the nurses make it? It doesn't make sense." Teddy said. "And Great Merlin's biceps?! Really?"

"Yeah, whatever. What if they're-"

"Under the imperious." Harry's voice said from behind them, causing them to jump. 

"You three are truly brilliant you know that."He said, "how long will it take to make?"

"A few hours. We should have it done by tonight." Teddy said as he mixed some ingredients. "How'd you find out where we were/what we were doing?" he asked. 

"Too easy. Well, you guys disappeared every day at the same time to do homework. I just had to follow you one time. I left you guys alone until today when I figured out that the nurses were under the Imperious. Obviously, the escaped death eaters are up to something and have been planning this fo awhile." Harry said. "Question. How'd you get the blood samples?

Addy smirked, "Who said Grandpa doesn't know." She said with a small gleam. 

"Another question. Where'd you get all this stuff?"

"Harry. We are in the Room of Requirement. I happen to know medical procedures as well. I've been learning them since 2nd year. "Lilac said as she was busy testing something. 

"Ted-can I have a test tub-Thanks." She said as Teddy gave her a test tube. 

"What are you-"

"Testing the blood further to see if he has anything other than dragon pox. So far everything incurable has been negative, which is a good sign. I'm even testing against muggle illnesses." She said. "No cancer thank Merlin. " She mumbled putting the test tube on a rack, that was almost full of tests. 

"Magic certainly has it's advantages. I can replicate the original blood sample over and over. It's identical every time which means I can test all kinds of things." She said testing something else.

"Ted. He has diabetes." She said showing the positive test.

"Well, that explains Thursday. " Teddy said. 

Harry smiled at the three. They had grown so much since their first year. Physically and personality wise. Lilac had gained confidence. Teddy had matured quite a bit. And Addy. Well, she seemed to become more and more like her mother the older she got.

"Do Vic, Frank, and Anthony know?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Vic normally helps us but she wants to spend time with him today. Anthony helped until his parents took him home. Frank obviously is with his family too." Lilac said, "No chance of  Addison's." She mumbled.

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