Chapter 11 Teddy

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Lilac rendered us all speechless. As always.

She's bloody brilliant that one. She and Ricky are constantly in a world of their own.

As we all thought about all of the saving we had done, we realized how right Lilac was.

One thing scared me though. What would happen next year, our last year at Hogwarts? I mean I thought last year was the best saving year...mainly cause it gave us all the guts to confess our undying love for the people we absolutely adore.

I'm not dramatic....I'M NOT! Ricky is reading over my shoulder and rolling his eyes. And now the girls are too. Great.

At the end of our little meeting, we all agreed that we weren't going to change. We were just going to let life give us a wild ride.

We left the Room and went outside to find our significant others. Most people thought that Lilac and Ricky and Addy and myself were going to get together someday. Whenever someone told us that we'd just roll our eyes simply because we all consider each other siblings...I mean obviously, Addy and Ricky do.

When we got to the great hall, we saw the rest of our family there. All with smiling faces and pride shining on their faces. Harry especially. Except Harry also carried a hint of sadness. I guess that's cause he knows exactly what we are going through. 

I felt someone jump on my back and giggle. I laughed and looked up to see Vic's face. She was always happy. I asked her about it once and she said, "Teddy, why shouldn't I be? I have parents who love me, siblings that will do anything for me, a whole bunch of cousins, friends that stick beside me no matter what, and a boyfriend who loves me for who I am, not my veela genes." After she had said that I knew I loved her. Victoire is absolutely perfect for me.  She is there whenever I need her. She is extremely optimistic and puts her trust in people, even when they don't deserve it. Not to mention, she's one of the bravest people I know. 

"What's on your mind, Wonder Boy?" She asked me as she got off my shoulders. I held her hand and said, "Oh ya know, how amazing you are." I said, blushing slightly. She laughed and said, "Real smooth, Mr. Wonder." I laughed and shook my head as she pulled me over to her parents. 

Bill embraced me in a hug and so did Fleur. Those two were already so much like parents to me...I mean besides my own parents, Harry, Genny, Ginny, and  Charlie. Blimey, that's a lot of people. 

"Hi Bill," I said as he pulled me into the hug. He said hi back and then placed his hand on my shoulder. "I didn't know about the prophecy by the way. If I did, you know I would have told you right away." Bill said and slapped my back nicely. Victoire turned to him and said, "What prophecy?"

I sighed, not wanting her to worry about it. As I opened my mouth to explain, Bill held up his hand, signaling to me that he would explain for me. I smiled, gratefully and let him proceed. Let's just say after Victoire found out, Harry had a rather large red spot on his shoulder where she punched him. He smiled sheepishly and said, "Yeah, I probably deserved that." causing us all to laugh. 

And then everyone else heard the prophecy because Vic just had to share. 

So then Grandma Weasley wouldn't let Addy, Ricky, Lilac and I out of her sight. Which isn't that bad, to be honest. Grandpa Weasley was the same way, but was much more subtle about it, saying things like, "Hey Ricky! You want to play chess?" or "Teddy, why don't you and Lilac come over here and play exploding snap with me." Soon enough, our whole family was doing it, much to our annoyment. We caught on pretty fast though. And because not many of the Weasleys were in Hufflepuff, we tended to hang out more and more together in the Hufflepuff common room. People began to expect Addy and Ricky in the common room and didn't question them.

Soon enough, when it was deemed somewhat safer, the Potters/Weasleys/Lupins were finally able to leave. The ones who weren't in school would be living in a secret safe house. The location was only known by Percy, for security reasons. 

Addy, Ricky, Lilac, and I were beginning to feel the pressure and burden placed on us. Harry, of course, was very sympathetic, considering that he was our age when he heard of his own prophecy to save the wizarding world. He had no idea though. I was beginning to realize that it might not only be the wizarding world we would be saving. 

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