I'm stealing WiFi to publish this right now

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Sooo.... tagged by ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL and Miyuki_Sakurai and Goodyhoody_14.

 tagged by ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL and Miyuki_Sakurai and Goodyhoody_14

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1. Refer to previous tags. Cannot be bothered to mention all of them again.

2. Wanzi, Wanz, Shainai, etc etc...

3. Currently I have been OBSESSED with VIXX LR's Beautiful Night (A M A Z I N G song). It's such a beautiful song and Ravi's voice when he raps that first verse is the sexiest thing I've heard!
Other than that, I've been repeatedly listening to VIXX's Rock Ur Body and BTS's House of  Cards.

4. Private.

5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've read wayyyy too many books in the seventeen years of my life so far to choose.

6. Chandler M. Bing from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. hands down! No other character has such perfectly timed sarcastic wit and he's such a well rounded character.

7. Non KPop wise, there's WAYYYYYY too many for me to choose.
KPop wise, NamJin and WonTaek (I know that WonTaek has become almost every Starlight's new favourite ship since Whisper but it's always been my VIXX OTP, and the Whisper MV has only increased my love for that ship).

8. Reading, listening to music, writing, watching comedic stuff.

Anything discriminative to race, gender, sexuality, and people as a whole.
People who hurt animals. Like seriously, just DIE.
Adults in my life - especially those random nosy busybodies you don't know too well - trying to boss me around with my 'future career decisions'.
And a LOT of other stuff, I'm generally a very rage-consumed person.

Listen to music.... *looks around*... withOUT headphones. *shocked gasps from the audience*
Watch TV or comedic videos on YouTube or all those "sexy idols" and "(idol group name) on crack" compilations (you know, those videos with loud... inappropriate  music and swearing) without worrying about my mom showing up
Write stuff
Run up and down the stairs randomly (Idk why, I just do.)
Dance to songs
Eat my brother's so called "secret supply" of chocolate


By the way (and no I have not been asked to promote this and no it's not because the author is a close friend of mine, I GENUINELY LOVE this book),
go and read "Realizing Colours" by Miyuki_Sakurai. It's a Ken fan fic, which is part of her series "Starlight Dreams" (which so far, also has an N fan fic and a Leo fan fic).
While I like all three books in that series, I think that this Ken fan fic has dethroned the other two very easily, coz it's such a deep and well thought out and beautiful story. So go and read it or you other Wattpad Starlights are missing out!

Also to Miyuki_Sakurai, don't disappoint me with the Ravi one you're writing next; I'm looking way too forward for it!!!

D'accord, c'est fini! Yay!
Laters alligators!


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