Return to the Castle

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    Jason held Ella above water as she floated on her back. Ella laughed as Jason's hand barely touched her back. It kinda tickled though. Ella held her breath and went under water. Jason guided her hands to his shoulders and she pulled herself up. He smiled at her and kissed her lightly. She kissed him back and smiled. "Ella! Jason!" Alice approached them with a scolding look on her face. The parted from each other and Ella immediately sunk. Jason pulled her up and set her on the sand. He then got out and Alice smacked him. "What did I tell you?!"She screamed. "Hey don't you dare hit him!"Ella yelled at her, getting in between her and Jason. "Don't you get into this. You're the one putting him in danger!"She yelled at Ella. then smacked the side of her face. Ella stepped back her face struck with fear. Ella felt tears coming. "Fine I am leaving and you shall never see me again."She said running to the palace.

Ella walked into the palace and went to Lunar's room. "I will stay."She told her. "Good. We will host a ball and all the people in the kingdom shall be invited."She said. "Can the theme be black and white?"Ella asked. "Yes it can."Lunar smiled and hugged her cousin.

Ella SnowWhere stories live. Discover now