Swan Girl

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    Ella woke up to a loud bang and the honking of her fellow swans. She looked up and saw Johnathan shooting at them. Ella flew up and towards him the sun west setting. She fell to the ground and stood up on her human legs. "What are you doing here?"She growled at him. He looked at her with a surprised look on his face. The others had also turned into their human form. "I was looking for a prize bird to bring in."He said. "If you ever come here again you'll be dead."Ella snarled at him. He frowned at her and walked away.

    "Was anyone hurt?"Ella shouted. "Nope, everyone is unscathed."Lydia said. "Good." Ella smiled and walked out from under the tree and went towards the castle. She climbed up the wall and sat on the balcony edge. "I was wondering when you would come up here."Jason said. "Well it takes a while to climb up here."She turned around and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

    She pulled away and smiled at him. "When will you come back to the Castle?" He asked her. "When this dreadful curse is gone." She sighed. "I will make sure that it ends." He kissed her forehead and held her close. "The sun is coming up, I can feel it. I have to go..." She smiled and kissed him once more before diving into the lake below. She swam under the water through a tunnel and appeared in the pond where all her swan friends were. "Oh thank goodness you are back. The sun is rising now." She said and they all stepped into the water of the pond. There was a bright light and they all became swans once more.

Ella walked onto the mossy ground beside the pond and went to sleep.

Ella woke up and saw Miranda standing in front of her. The sun was setting and she got up. Her wings became arms, webbed feet and duck legs became regular human feet and legs, and she was back in her white gown. Ella smiled and went through the woods and towards the castle. Once again she went up to the balcony where Jason was waiting.

"We are having a ball in two nights. Please come, you need to." He smiled, giving her an invitation. "I will try." I smiled back and took the invitation. He kissed me and held me close.

Ella SnowWhere stories live. Discover now