Nokomis' Curse

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    Ella's wedding gown was a work of art. She walked around and stood back on the platform. Ella turned in the three-sixty mirror and gaped in awe at her gown. Lunar glided in wearing a golden colored gown. "Cousin you look beautiful. Your groom is waiting for you, are you ready?"She asked. "Somewhat. Is my dad walking me down the aisle?"Ella said. "Yes he is."Lunar said. "Alright let's go."Ella said walking towards the door.

Ella and Jericho walked down the aisle and he let her go to stand next to Jason. After a long ceremony, they went to the reception hall and ate food. Ella had to sit down so she could breathe. The dress had become too tight. Ella watched as everyone danced, laughed, talked, and ate food. Ella walked out onto the balcony and grasped the railing. "What is the matter my dear?"An old shaky voice asked. Ella turned around and saw an old woman standing behind her. "Oh, my, nothing's the matter thank you."Ella said. "But you look so sad."She said. "Just watching the swans swim around."Ella said shrugging her shoulders. "Here."The woman handed Ella a swan shaped cookie. "Thank you madam."Ella took a bite of the cookie and started coughing. "I thought your mother taught you to never trust a stranger."Suddenly Nokomis was standing in place of the old woman. "You... you did this."Ella gasped. Suddenly she was falling again.

When Ella woke up she was lying on the ground wearing a sheer white gown. She was also surrounded by swans. "That wicked woman put a curse on me!" Ella said something not to princessly. The swans immediately turned into humans and smiled at her. "Queens have done this to us for we don't know how long."One with red hair said. "What is your name?"Ella asked her. "Lydia, Lydia Carswell." She smiled. Lydia wore a sheer black dress similar to Ella's white one. "They have always been jealous of our beauty so they did away with us."A blonde girl said. She was beautiful, they all were. "I'm Miranda, by the way."The blonde girl said. Ella stood up and Miranda leaped onto the water. She was walking on it. Ella stood on the water and smiled. The sky was beginning to brighten. "Oh no the sun is rising."Lydia said. "What happens when the sun comes up?"Ella asked. "We turn back into swans."Miranda said. The sun touched their heads and they turned into swans. Ella shrunk and suddenly she was all white with feathers. "Ugh."She said. "You'll get used to it."Lydia smiled a beaky smile.

Jason was out hunting. He stopped inside a weeping willow for water and found a flock of swans. The sun was setting and it was almost dark in the shade of the leaves. A blinding light shone and all the swans turned into beautiful women. "Jason?"A familiar voice that he hadn't heard in months sounded. "Ella?" He turned around and saw Ella. "Jason!"She screamed and kissed him. "Where have you been?"Jason asked him. "Here. Nokomis cursed me. I'm one of the swans."She said. "Ella?" Lydia asked. "Lydia. This is my husband, Jason."Ella smiled. "I thought Nokomis was dead."Jason said. "So did I."Ella said. Ella watched as the girls gracefully danced on top of the water. "Ella come join us."Miranda said. Ella left Jason and leaped on to the water. They twirled, leaped, and did tons of other routines. The sun was coming up. "Jason you have to go!"Ella screamed falling to the water. "No I'm not going to lose you again!"He shouted back. Ella turned into a swan and honked at him. "GO!"She screamed. Jason looked hurt but still ran off.

    Ella glided on the lake and curled up as much as she could and fell asleep. Lydia watched her as she did so and watched Miranda fall asleep. Eventually Lydia fell asleep too.

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