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    Ella was dressed in a royal blue dress and a silver tiara with blue amethyst embedded into it. Ella walked to the ballroom doors and walked in. A black and white ocean swam before her. Ella stood out the most. Her mom had told her to wear blue instead of Black or white. She looked around and spotted group that consisted of a red haired girl, a blue haired girl, and two blonde haired people. She automatically went over there. Lunar joined her.

"Welcome to the ball of Ella's return."Lunar said to the group. Alice glared at Ella. "It was very kind of you to invite us My Queen."Jason said bowing. "The pleasure is all ours."Ella said dipping into a slight curtsey. "Ella I need to talk to you about him when you're done."Lunar whispered in Ella's ear before leaving. "Why are you here?"Ella asked. "We got an invitation that said we had to be here."Alice said. "That didn't mean you had to come."Ella snapped,"You're just lucky I didn't tell Lunar that you slapped me." "Ella... I wanted to see you."Jason said smiling. "I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to see you commoners ever again."Ella said. Jason looked at her with an expression that she had used many times, disappointment. "It was a pleasure seeing you again, good day."Ella left to find Lunar.

Ella finally found Lunar in her study. "You wanted to speak to me about Jason?"Ella said. "Yes I did. Ella I know you love him so I was thinking why not make him a prince and you marry him."She smiled at Ella. "Really? That's amazing! Thank you."Ella hugged Lunar. "But I don't know where he is."Ella said disappointed. "I saw him heading back to his house."Lunar said. Ella ran down the halls and out the front door.

When she arrived at Jason's house she opened the door and kissed Jason. "What was that?"He said when she let him go. "Lunar said that we could get married if you become prince."Ella said quickly. "No way. She wouldn't do that."Alice said. "Oh really? Come back to the ball and ask her yourself."Ella snapped.

"Yes I did give them my blessing."Lunar said to Alice. "Oh... my sincerest apologies my Queen."Alice said curtseying. "So when shall the wedding be?"Lunar asked Ella and Jason. "Um... next month?"Ella said. "Really I was thinking more next week."Lunar said. "Oh alright, what do you think Jason?"Ella asked looking up at him. "If it's alright with you."He smiled. "Okay next week."Ella said. 

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