Chapter One

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"I'm telling you, Draco, if you want something good on Potter then we should do it."

"We could get in major trouble for this, Pans. Plus it would take at least a month, and I've got better things I could be doing in that time."

I rolled my eyes. "Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe studying for our OWLs, which we have to take in less than nine months!" He said, getting exasperated.

"Merlin, you're beginning to sound like Granger," I teased.

"You should take notes, if you actually want to go through with this."

You see, over the summer, I had devised a masterplan to finally get back at Potter. It was simple really, we would  brew some Polyjuice, and I would transform into Granger (I wanted it to be Draco, but clearly it would impact his fragile masculinity). I'd sneak into Gryffindor Tower and make Potter spill all his secrets. A truly original idea.

"Oh, definitely," I replied, a smirk finding a way onto my face.

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