Chapter Five

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I arrived at the bathroom, slightly out of breath.

"So? What happened?" asked Draco. I couldn't look him in the eye, so I ignored him, making my way over to a mirror.

I had now almost completely changed back into myself, although I still had Hermione's nose. It was an adorable nose, I had to say.

Draco was getting agitated now. "Pans? PANSY!" I had to look at him now. I regained control, and put on my mask.

"I didn't get very much," I said cautiously. "Although, they're definitely hiding Sirius Black somewhere. And they called Umbridge a cow."

"Is that all?" Draco looked disappointed. I nodded, scared I'd blurt out Potter's secret if I opened my mouth again.

There was a small groan, and we could tell that Granger was coming to. Draco hid in a stall, whilst I rushed over, taking off the Gryffindor tie and robes, then helping her up (very uncharacteristically).

"Parkinson?" she mumbled.

I wasn't quite sure what to say now. "Oh, um, hi."

"What am I doing here? Why are you helping me? Did I find my textbook?"

An idea popped into my head. "Yes, I found it after Transfiguration and gave it back to you, don't you remember?"

She shook her head weakly.

"You went to the Gryffindor common room, and you came out a few minutes ago. I think you were hexed or something though, I was going to ask Flitwick about the homework and I found you unconscious." I continued, surprising myself at the lies that were flowing so easily.

"Oh. Okay then, I'll just have to take your word for it." She pondered for a second. "Who would hex me?"

"I'm not sure, maybe your friends know. You should go back to Gryffindor, they'll be worried...."

Hermione nodded, and then looked down to find me holding her tie and robes. She looked at me curiously, but didn't say anything as she slipped them on. She walked a little unsteadily towards the door, but stopped before she reached it.

"Oh, Pansy?" she called.


"Thank you." she said sincerely, before opening the door and walking through.

I felt something in my stomach, and for the longest time, it wasn't hatred.

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