Chapter Two

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Whilst the potion was brewing, we had taken to observing the Gryffindors at every moment we could. My efforts were mainly towards Hermione, taking in her mannerisms and quirks and all the little things that might give me away. She was actually very pretty, not that I'd ever admit it to anyone. Obviously.

Draco, however, was rarely seen with his eyes off of Potter. He said that it was only for the mission, as he had taken to calling it, but I had a suspicion that it may be something a little more.

Before we knew it, the potion was almost ready. We knew what we were going to do, steal one of her books, then grab her when she came looking for it (hopefully alone).

In Transfiguration, as we were packing up, I swiped her textbook off of her desk while she was looking the other way. I managed to get a hair off of her robes, too, so that was one less thing we had to worry about.

After the next lesson ended, I practically sprinted to the girls' bathroom. It's where we had been brewing the Polyjuice, as nobody came in due to Moaning Myrtle. It's a shocker that nobody had thought of it sooner, as it truly was an inspired idea. Myrtle tended to leave us alone, seeing as we were Slytherins, and that suited us just fine.

I figured that we had an hour or so until Hermione came looking for her book, so Draco finished up the potion (he's a genius, honestly), and put the single stand of hair inside it. Immediately it bubbled, and turned a shocking silver.

"Appetising," I commented.

"It damn well should be, after I spent a whole month working on it," he looked at me. "This better be worth it, Pans. Don't screw this up."

"I won't," I promised.

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