Chapter Ten

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I went up the stairs of the Slytherin dorms, eager to properly tell Draco what had happened with Hermione. Reaching Draco's room, I was about to barge straight in, when I heard a sniffle. I pushed the door open gently to reveal him curled up in a ball, sobbing.


I was never great at the whole feelings thing, especially not crying, so I wasn't sure what to do.


He sniffled again, looking up at me momentarily, before dropping his gaze and going back to crying softly. I knelt down to sit beside him, patting him on the back in what I hoped was a comforting way.

"What's wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh Pansy, everything is wrong. I think I'm gay, and I probably have a massive crush on Potter, and my father will hate me if he finds out, and you and Hermione are so perfect for each other, and I'll never be happy like you two because I'm being forced into an arranged marriage and I don't even like girls, and-"

I hugged him, cutting off his rambling. It was a shock to both of us, but it felt good.

"Dray, there's something I didn't tell you about the night I polyjuiced into Hermione."

He looked at me curiously, wanting me to go on.

"So, um, Potter was telling Weasley about his crush," I said nervously.

Draco groaned. "So? Who is she? Probably Chang or the Weaselett-"

"Draco!" I interrupted. "Draco, it's you."

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