Chapter Three

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I heard footsteps coming down the hall. This better be her. I strutted confidently out of the bathroom to come face to face with Hermione Granger.

"Parkinson," she greeted, a touch of venom in her tone.

"Granger," I returned, with an equal amount of malice.

She turned her head from me for a split second, and it was then that I pounced.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, knocking her out immediately. Wow, that was actually pretty good. Nice one, Pansy.

I dragged her into the bathroom behind me, where Draco was waiting with a flask of silver Polyjuice in his hand. I took Hermione's robes and tie, and went into a stall, potion ready.

That was officially the worst thing I'd ever tasted. I felt my hair begin to grow and my face change. After a minute, I slipped on her Gryffindor robes and tie, and unlocked the door of my stall.

"Oh. My. Salazar!" Draco said. If that didn't confirm my suspicions of him being gay, then I didn't know what would. I mean yeah, I could find him snogging a guy in a broom cupboard, but we can't be too fussy!

I looked into the mirror to see that I was the spitting image of Granger. Well whoop-dee-do, at least our month hasn't been completely wasted.

"You need to go! The potion only lasts an hour!" Draco shooed me off, wishing me luck. I took the Transfiguration book, for good measure.

I managed to find the Gryffindor common room okay, although I had no idea what the password was. I stood in front of the Fat Lady for a few minutes, pretending to be absorbed in the book. I was getting stressed now. It was just my luck that Longbottom, of all people, decided to come out.

I smiled at him, in a very Granger way.
"Thanks Nev!" I said brightly. It was actually lovely to be nice, for a change. Maybe I should do it more often.

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