Chapter Four

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I made my way into the common room, and was struck with a pang of jealousy. It was warm, and comforting, and all the things common rooms should be. Not cold, dark places like the dungeons.

I managed to find Potter and Weasel in the corner, Potter chatting animatedly while the Weasel looked bored out of his mind.

"'Mione! Thank god you're here!" the Weasel called. I walked over, tapping my forefinger against my thigh, something I'd noticed the real Granger do occasionally. It was quite adorable, actually.

I plonked myself down on an obnoxiously red armchair, and smiled. Potter smiled back.

Weasley kept talking. "Harry is not shutting up about Malfoy. Please save me."

I had to fight to keep my eyes bulging out of their sockets. What the fuck?

"What is he saying, exactly?" I managed to say calmly.

The red-head rolled his eyes. "Oh, just the usual. His perfect mercury eyes, his extremely kissable lips, not to mention his absolutely phenomenal ar-"

"Ron!" Potter cut in, laughing. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, trying to hide my utter shock.

"Oh come off it, 'Mione, you know all about my horrendously large crush on him. Did you find your textbook okay?" He asked, as if he hadn't just revealed probably the most important thing ever.

"What? Oh, um, yeah. Must've fallen out of my bag after Transfiguration."

Weasley let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Now you can help us with our homework. Can you believe McGonagall set us so much? I thought she liked us!"

I forced myself to laugh in agreement. I had to get something else, or else I would be forced to tell Draco about this discovery, and I wasn't sure if it was something he should know. I decided to play it safe, using something I'd read in the Daily Prophet.

"Can you believe that Harry almost couldn't come back here? After the dementors, and all..."

Ron looked at me strangely, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, I thought we agreed not to talk about that. The only good thing about the summer was seeing Sirius. I feel bad for leaving him, but there's not much else we can do. Not with that cow Umbridge here, anyway."

There we go. I had something solid for Draco, so I could leave whenever I wanted. Part of me wanted to run away and go throw up in the bathroom, but another, smaller part of me wanted to stay here for longer, forever even. It was nice, being able to smile and have caring friends (even if they weren't really) and just feel so free.

I didn't really have a choice though, as I could see a few strands of hair getting darker and slowly shrinking. I stood up abruptly, mumbled something about going to the bathroom and all but ran out of the common room.

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