Chapter Fourteen

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           "Y'all are lookin' pretty good out there." Cody slow clapped, walking towards the arena fence. 

            "Thanks. I think Stryker has finally gotten used to this arena." Maleena said, pulling her horse to a stop next to Cody. Both Maleena and her horse were breathing hard after their runs. 

           "You goin' to run around once more? I can film you this time." Cody offered, smiling at Maleena, something he noticed himself doing every time he was around her, or even just when she crossed his mind. He had come to realize that he had serious feelings for her, but knew he could not act upon them since she had a boyfriend. Either way, Maleena would never like a guy like him, based on the fact that Dillion is the complete opposite. Knowing he could take better care of Maleena than Dillion ever would made his heart hurt a little; he hated the fact that she was getting hurt by a guy who did not treat her right, but it wasn't his place to say that. 

         Maleena pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. "I would love to, but I have to get goin'." She dismounted from Stryker, leading him by the reins out of the arena with Cody beside her. 

          Maleena's voice brought Cody out of his thoughts. "Where you goin'? Got a hot date tonight?" Cody teased, giving Maleena a playful wink.

          "Actually, kinda. I am fixin' to go surprise Dillion at his house tonight. He has no clue I am coming over, so it should be fun." Maleena spilled her plan. 

          "Oh, so y'all are still together?" Cody tried to not sound disappointed. It was the first time that Maleena had even mentioned her boyfriend the whole week. 

          "Yeah. Why?" Maleena heard herself getting defensive.

          Cody stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets as they walked to Maleena's truck and hitched trailer. "Well, I just assumed that after how he treated you last week at the rodeo that you would call things off with him." He stated, matter of factly. 

           "I mean, I am goin' over there today to talk to him, but I don't think we will break up." 

           "Oh, okay. Well, I have been praying for y'all." Cody faked a smile. He knew a toxic relationship when he saw one, and Maleena and Dillion's relationship was just that. However, he knew it was not his place to tell Maleena that, or encourage her to break up with him, even though he knew that was what's best for her well being. 

           "Thank you. I appreciate it." Maleena grinned, closing her trailer doors after Stryker was safely inside. 

           Cody walked to Maleena's truck, opening the door for her. "Well, text me afterwards and let me know how it goes, please." He smiled at her through her open driver's window. 

           "I will." She smiled back, turning on her truck, pulling out of the dirt lot, heading back to her house to drop off her horse. 

           Knowing she had to take it slow on the drive to her house since her horse and trailer were in the back, Maleena drove slower than she wanted on the back roads, impatiently tapping her fingers against the steering wheel as she drove home. The second Maleena got home, she backed her trailer beside the barn, leaving her truck running as she backed Stryker out, turning him out into the side pasture. After she unhitched her trailer, Maleena began speeding off to Dillion's house. She knew his parents were out of town, and he had the day off from work. When she had texted him earlier, he had told her he had no plans except to stay at home the whole day, so what better way to spend his day off than with his girlfriend. They definitely needed some time to just talk.  

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