Chapter Thirty Eight

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          "So, did you and Chandler have fun yesterday?" Maleena asked as she leaned over her dresser, getting close to the mirror as she applied her eye makeup. 

         "Oh yeah; I think so. It was a lot of work, but him and I make a good team. I told him that I appreciated his offer to help, since it was perfect timing considering that most of our employees for our hauling business just happened to be off this week." Cody replied from his spot on the foot of Maleena's bed. 

         "Well, good. I'm glad. I really appreciate you allowing him to help you. I know it was good for y'all to hang out and have guy time." Maleena turned from getting all fancied up for tonight. Facing Cody, she asked, "How's it look?" Waving her hands across her body, she fashioned on a smile to accent her hair and makeup that she worked hard on. 

        "Well you know that I think you're beautiful without any makeup, but you look absolutely stunning tonight." He complimented, walking across the bedroom, to Maleena's side, resting a hand on each of her hips. 

      With an eye roll, Maleena pursed her lips to wave off Cody's comment, but inside, her heart raced and she could feel herself blushing madly. "You're too sweet. But, I'm serious. Does it all look alright?"

      "Darlin', it looks perfect." Grinning, Cody leaned in, giving Maleena a peck on the lips, only for her to quickly pull back, a hand going to her mouth. Stepping back, Cody dropped his hands from her sides. "What's wrong?" 

       "I have lip gloss on. I was worried it would smudge." Maleena chuckled. When it was show and rodeo time, Maleena was a whole different person. Never would she care as much about how her outfit or makeup looked. Looking at her startled boyfriend, Maleena let out a chuckle, stepping forward, "But, I could always reapply it." Just like that, she was back in Cody's arms, ruining her lip gloss. 


       "So, what happened between Rose and Lucas the other day?" Cody asked, holding Maleena's hand as he drove to the fairgrounds where the futurity barrel race horses were being shown, completing the day with the sale. 

        "Umm, I haven't actually heard much, but the last thing that she told me is that her and Lucas are back together. He packed up all of his stuff to move back here and be with her. The crazy thing is that Rose said they are talkin' about eloping even. I cannot believe that I didn't tell you about all of this. I'm so sorry."

        "That's quite alright, sweetheart. You have been very busy recently and have had a lot on your mind." Cody glanced over to his shotgun rider who was nervously shaking her leg, staring out the windshield. Letting go of her hand, he rested it on her thigh, making her nerves instantly simmer down. "It's goin' to be okay." 

       "Thanks, C. I appreciate it. I don't even know why I am so dadgum nervous. It's just a show. I think I am more anxious about the sale, to be honest. I want to buy Bullet so badly." She thought about the red roan horse and their ride around the barrels. There was just something about him that really connected. It took her and Stryker a while to become that in sync, but with Bullet, it was almost automatic. She just hoped and prayed that it wasn't just "beginner's luck" on Bullet's part. 

         "That's why we brought the trailer." Cody flashed his pearly whites, tilting his head back to point at the trailer that was hitched up to his truck. 

        "You're the best." Maleena smiled, feeling better like she always did when she was with Cody. Glancing back out of the dashboard, Maleena could see the fair grounds coming into view, several trucks parked alongside of the road, half in the grass, half on the gravel driveway. A large crowd of people crossed the street in front of Cody's truck, making him apply the brakes to allow them to pass. "I was under the impression that this was fixin' to be a relatively small show." Maleena announced in an insecure voice.

        "You are goin' to be just fine, sweetheart. I promise you. Besides, you have run barrels in front of a much larger crowd of folks before. Heck, you have done that numerous times. Everything will be just alright." Cody reassured as he carefully meandered his truck through the maze of trucks and people. Maleena was right, the place was already packed, and the show wasn't scheduled to start for close to another hour. "Everyone just wants to see the new girl on the block who turned out to be a show stopper..." Casting a wink at his girl, he added, "In more ways than one." 

       "My gosh, Cody Mason, you are a flirt today. Not that I am complaining, because I love it." Leaning across the center console, Maleena dropped a kiss on Cody's cheek. Just as she did so, a shrill scream could be hear, ringing out in the air surrounding the truck. Immediately pulling back, wide eyed, Maleena looked around them to see who screamed, and what caused such an extreme reaction. 

      The only thing that could have been the culprit was a group of three younger teenage girls standing directly in front of Cody's truck. "Looks like you have some fans." Cody chuckled.

       Maleena watched as the three girls walked over to Cody's side of the truck, heading straight for the passenger side door. Through the open window, the oldest of the three girls shoved a picture in Maleena's direction.

       "You're Maleena Lackley! I can't believe it. Can you please please please sign this picture for me? I have been watching you ride for forever, and I saw you win that futurity race. That was amazing!" The blonde begged of Maleena. 

      Taken aback by the sudden fame, Maleena stared at the picture of her in the young girl's hand. It was an older picture of when she had won a championship barrel racing event. She was standing next to the decorated saddle that she had won that night. The memory was still deeply burned into her mind. It was one of the best nights of her life.

        "Sure, I'll sign it for you. What's your name?" Maleena asked, taking the picture and pen the young blonde offered. 

        "Maria. And these are my friends Chloe, and Theresa." Maria's blue eyes sparkled as she watched her idol write her name on the picture. 

       After giving the other two girl's her autograph, Maleena thanked them as they went on their way. 

        Laughing to herself, Maleena looked at Cody. "Well that was interesting." 

        "You're well known here, sweetheart, I'm tellin' you. You are basically rodeo royalty." He slowly maneuvered his truck down the long dirt road, keeping a mindful eye for more potential fans of Maleena's. 

        "That's very ironic considering that back home, yeah, everyone knew me, but I was no where near being close to the best. The competition there was something else." She didn't mean it in a bad way, but it was true. She had gained an extensive amount of experience in the rodeos in her hometown. Since she was one of the youngest riders, if she wanted to be the best, she had to perform better than the best, no matter that her lack of experience could prove a problem. With perseverance, and the determination and grit to never give up, stubborn Maleena kept practicing over and over to better her runs. Eventually, her hard work paid off. 

        "Are you sayin' that the folks here are beginners or too easy for you?" Cody smirked, glancing over to his shotgun rider.

         "Obviously not, since I still get crazy nervous every time I get to ride." She huffed out a breath, looking out her window as the stands came into view. The amount of people here was purely insane. Yes, no matter how many rodoes she her competed in, she still had never found a way to settle her nerves. 


        Author's Note: Hey y'all...please don't hate me for being so absent on Wattpad this past month or so. I apologize profusely, and I'm sorry for the super short, crummy chapter. I am currently listening to music, waiting for my next class to start as I am writing this. Hope y'all enjoy this filler chapter. Please let me know what you would like to see happen next, and let me know if you have any recommendations, please. Thanks, y'all. Y'all are the best. :)

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