Chapter Nineteen

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           Maleena let out a "tsk" as she wiped off her eyeliner for the third time. Her hands were shaking so bad with nerves that she was having a hard time putting it on her eyelids in a straight line. Cody would be there any minute to pick her up for their date. Even though it was the fourth date that they had been on in three weeks, Maleena was still as nervous as she was for their first date.

          Cody was the most nervous, but most adorable gentleman when he had come and picked her up for their first date a couple weeks ago. He had asked her out after Maleena had joined the group of rodeo folks at Steak N Shake after the rodeo that night. For their first date, Cody had taken Maleena out to dinner, and then they just walked around at a park pond nearby. The entire night, Cody was more quiet than he usually was, as was Maleena since they were both so nervous. Even when Cody walked Maleena to the door when he dropped her off, he didn't even give her a hug goodbye; he had walked off the porch with an awkward goodbye, and a promise to call Maleena in the morning. The memory had caused a huge smile to break out on Maleena's lips as she lifted the mascara wand up to her eyelashes again. 

          After she finished applying her makeup for the third time, Maleena took a step back to look at her outfit in the long mirror. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed out her one shouldered black sweatshirt. The shirt was complimented with a pair of comfortable, but slightly worn Cowgirl Tuff jeans. Around her waist was a black W.B. Atlas belt with round conchos. On her feet, Maleena sported a pair of her favorite black square toed cowboy boots. Lastly, to accessorize her outfit, Maleena wore a horseshoe necklace around her neck. 

           Letting out a breath just as she rested her hand on the bathroom door's handle to open it, Maleena heard the doorbell downstairs ring, paralyzing Maleena as she tried to listen to who was at the door. Hearing Cody's familiar voice warmed Maleena's insides, only making her even more nervous than before. 

          Practically skipping down the stairs, Maleena walked into the living room where Cody was talking to her parents and her brother. "Hey, handsome." Maleena smiled, sulking up next to Cody, resting her head against his shoulder. It was crazy how comfortable she was around him already, loving that her family was comfortable around him as well.

           Cody, still listening to a rodeo story that Chandler was telling, silently greeted Maleena by wrapping an arm around her waist, keeping her against him. 

           Maleena drowned out the noises of people talking in the living room as she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second as she focused on Cody's hold on her. Doing it naturally, without thinking about it, his thumb was rubbing over the material on Maleena's shirt, making Maleena grin. Opening her eyes when Cody called her name, Maleena looked up at him, silently asking him to repeat whatever he just said. 

            "You ready to head out?" Cody asked again, a grin rising on his lips. 

            Maleena nodded, standing up straight from her leaning against her boyfriend. 

            Cody let go of her waist to stretch his hand out to Maleena's dad's. "Sir, thank you again for lettin' me take your daughter out tonight. I will make sure to have her home by her curfew." 

           "It's no problem, Cody. We will see y'all tonight." Wayne smiled, watching as his daughter followed Cody outside. With a smile, Wayne turned to his wife, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Well, Sue, I think that Maleena has finally found someone perfect for her. Cody is the perfect gentleman."

          Suellen gave her husband a look. "Is this you approving of a man for our daughter? You feel okay?" Teasingly, she reached up and felt his forehead for a temperature. 

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