Chapter Twenty Two

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       "Alrighty. Here we are." Cody announced as he let go of Maleena's hand to turn off his truck, unbuckling his seat belt. 

        "I just realized something. You didn't bring a trailer, so how are we gettin' the livestock back to your place?" Maleena asked, following Cody's suit by hopping out of the cab of his truck. 

       Cody let out a warm, deep chuckle as he asked for her hand again, walking towards the arena. "I know the owners, plus, they give everyone 24 hours to pick up their animals."

      Maleena teasingly let out a groan. "Don't tell me that your parent's own this place, too?" 

       "No, they don't, but the folks who do are really good friends of my family. Besides, I am not even sure if we are buyin' any livestock today. I was fixing to just look, even though my dad gave me enough cash if I see somethin' worth bidding on." Cody led Maleena over to the registration booth so they could pick up a call card, 'just in case.' 

       At the moment, the animals being auctioned off were the sheep and goats. The cattle weren't set to sell for another ten minutes or so. 

       Not surprising, but the arena bleachers were almost completely packed full. Thankfully, Maleena and Cody found an empty row in the back of the floor seating. If they ended up bidding on anything, they would have to be sitting in the floor section rather than the balcony seats so it was easier for the auctioneer to hear and see them. 

       Once they were seated on the wooden benches, Cody wrapped his arm around Maleena, leaning back against the fencing behind them. Maleena snuggled up against him, listening to the sound of the auctioneer calling off numbers and bids, raising the number higher with each hand raised in the audience. 

     "Thank you for bringin' me here today. Before we moved, I spent almost all of my time at the fairgrounds or auction yards, or places like that, but ever since we moved here, I haven't really gotten out and done anything. Shame on me, but I didn't even know where these auction grounds were located. I don't have many friends here, so I am thankful to have you to take me out and do things like this." 

      "Of course, darlin'. This is my life right here. Being at auctions and sales, rodeos, all of that stuff. I travel so much to different places. We have a hauling business as well where we deliver hay, silage, straw, bedding, and things like that to surrounding ranches. It's hard work and long days, but it is so worth it. I'm just sorry that we aren't doin' something more fun right now." Cody stroked Maleena's hair with the hand that was around her shoulders. 

     "No need to apologize. I seriously love this type of thing. Besides, anytime I am with you, it is fun." She smiled up at him happily. 

      "I'm glad, darlin'. I always have fun with you as well." He dropped a soft kiss on the side of her head. "So, why was it that y'all moved?" Cody asked, having to raise his voice slightly over the loudness of the auction. 

      Maleena took in a breath. She missed her hometown, and the house she grew up in. She would do almost anything to go back there, but then again, if she was back home, never would she have met Cody, so there were good things to them having moved. "Because of my dad's job. He was co-owner of the company back home, but then I was born and he stepped down so he could be home more with Chandler and I because my mom always had to work night shifts and she was always on call. My grandparents lived too far away to take care of us full time, and mom couldn't give up her job as a nurse, so my dad made the sacrifice. So now, the company is opening up a new location here in Montana, and they asked my dad to be the one starting it. So, it's a good thing that he is getting a promotion, but I just wished it could have been back in Wyoming. We weren't given hardly any time to move, so goodbyes were kept short." As she said it, Maleena thought about the friendships that she had left behind. In her heart, she really believed that they were lasting friendships, but only one of her friends had texted her since she moved, and Maleena hadn't heard from her for months. 

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