2. Ordinary fight

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My head is hurting .
I raised my hand and touched my forehead .
" not again" I whispered . There's a bump on my head .

" are you stupid!" I immediately opened my eyes to see Mark standing over me . Wait where am I . I looked around . Ooh I'm lying on my couch.

" why did you jump in our fight" he said .

" you were the one fighting?" I asked

" you didn't knew it was me ? And you ran out to beat strangers?" He asked with a frown

" hmm ya , some guy was beating the other to pulp . " I said

" and you thought of becoming super women . And I was not beaten to pulp . I was also beating him back " he said

" Are you a thug? And shouldn't you be thanking me?  " I asked

" Thanking you !? My foot . No actually your foot . You didn't save me instead you got me in more trouble. Because of your sudden decision to sleep right in front of us fight , I had to surrender and give my wallet and phone to that thief!" He said

" what? He was a thief ?" I asked

" ya I just got robbed because of you ." He said

" guys stop fighting " Maya said coming out of no where

" is it hurting" Maya asked

" little bit " I said rubbing my head.

Right after that a strange noise came of someone's growling stomach

" are you hungry?" I asked Mark

" I was going out to eat but someone attacked my wallet on the way . I could have easily saved myself from that robber but then you jumped in our fight. That robber suddenly dropped his hands off me and started walking towards you . So I ended up giving him my wallet and phone and asked him to leave. " he said

" ooh" now I feel sorry .

" feed me " Mark said

" huh" I asked

" I don't have any money so feed me now" he said

" there is some left over pizza . " Maya suggested

" cool . I'd love it" Mark said excited

" I'll heat it up for you" Maya said
She seemed quite excited. She and her crush!!!

She never heated anything for me . Now she is running in the kitchen using microwave. Does she even know how to use it?

~ring ring~
My phone is ringing somewhere .
After a lot of struggle I found it in the balcony, on the coffee table .

It's mom

" hey mommy" I said picking up the phone

" hi Aera... how are you? " she asked

" I'm good ma . How you doing ?" I asked

" I'm also doing great. I transferred some money to your account ." She said

" mom! You don't have to . You've already paid my rent . I'll soon find a job here . " I protested

" I know you will . It's not that much , just for food and all. " she said

" thanks mom " I said smiling

" you liking it there?" Mom asked

" yes mom . Don't worry about me . And take care of yourself . Don't work to hard . Rest a lot . And please next time don't sent me any money. I'll ask you if I need any " I said

" ok ok you also take care and please don't cause any troubles and accidents" mom said laughing

" mom! I'm an adult " I said

" and still clumsy " she teased

I pouted

" ok I get it . you are grown up and can take care of yourself . But please watch before you walk . "
Mom said

" hmmm" I said

" I have to go now . Sleep early " mom said

" good night mommy and I love you" I shouted making kissing noises

" good nite" she said and hung up

Ooh god now I am missing her . I just want to cuddle with her .

I walked back towards kitchen . What a nice view. Mark eating like a dog

" it's good . It's home make?" Mark asked with his mouth full


" ya , it's the best item Aera makes " Maya said proudly bringing smile on my face

" Aera made this ?!" Mark said

" ya ! I made it" I said joining them on the counter stool
I picked up one piece and started eating it

" hey that's mine !" Mark shouted

" I made it , so it's technically mine . Plus there is a lot more " I said

" now I know why you weight so much " Mark said with a smirk . His comment made me stop from swallowing my food .

" what?" I asked in shock

" you weight so much . This all cheesy food is the secret behind your weight" he said

" I don't weigh much " I protested

" trust me , it was very hard to bring your dead body inside. My back is still hurting " he said making weird expressions , touching his back .

" What? You picked me up?" I asked

" ya . So what ! You wanted me to leave you out there on the street?" He asked

" guys stop it " Maya again stepped in our argument

" Maya ! He just labeled me heavy ! " I protested hoping maya to take my side

Suddenly Mark stood up from his stool picking up pizza slices in both his hands .

" I didn't label her heavy " he said looking towards maya
" see " Maya said . she is taking his side .
Mark started walking towards the main door

" actually I labeled her Fat !!"
He shouted and ran outside .

" how dare he!!!" I screamed and jumped down the stool , pressed the accelerator of my body to run after him. He needs more beating

Guess what
My foot stuck on that same stool , making me trip . My pizza slice accompanied me down .
Ouch !!!!!😖🍕

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