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Dear diary, today is Wednesday, the day I tell my teacher if I accept the offer of being the newsperson thing. I am going to accept and I have a 4th reason added to my list of why I should say yes:
4. Less Theo.
I am so mad at him. It's only been a day and I am so damn pissed. I will never look at him the way I used to. As the guy who changed for me. Never again.
"Liam, how are you! So, what your answer? Yes or no? Accept or deny?"
"I accept, miss." Accepting was probably the only good choice he made this week. Everything else he did turned out really, really bad. And this, this shouldn't do anything to him than to make him smarter and get better grades.
"Perfect. Sign... here!" And he did. He decided to see her in the morning, not at lunch since he didn't want to have time to think of all the bad things that might happen if he accepts.
At lunch, Liam sat with Stiles and Scott. Mason and Lydia weren't here today so he sat with Stiles and Scott. He obviously can't sit with Theo.
"That bad, huh?" Stiles asked while eating.
"So, they like, made out?" Scott asked Liam.
"Yeah, and they made out and everything." Stiles answered Scott.
"What are you going to do L.D.?" Scott asked Liam. When Lydia introduced Liam to Scott and Stiles , Scott didn't really catch his name but he knew his initials so he called him L.D. He still calls him that sometimes.
"Avoid him, I guess. What else can I do? He deserves to be hated by me." Liam knew he did.
"Morning everyone, books out." Stiles was preparing his things for the lesson while Scott kept giving Theo a stare.
"What do you want, McCall?" Theo finally asked.
"I just wanted to give you some tips. When we date or when you tell me you love me, don't go making out with a bitch, okay?"
Theo stood up in anger.
"You know I'm right! He's a kid and you hurt him! I know your an asshole but that bad?" Scotts voice was too loud.
"Oh yea? How about you stop hanging out with Malia and start hanging out with your girlfriend more!" Theo shouted back.
"Don't get Malia and Kira into this! At least Malia has changed. And Kira is my girlfriend, not yours! You already made out with a girl, why don't you go tell her you love her to top off the cake?" Theo, with no control, came at Scott and punched him as hard as he could. Scott punched him back very hard too.
"Stop! Both of you, principals office, now!" The teacher didn't seem too happy.
"This is your fault." Theo whispered to Scott.
"I wouldn't have started it if you didn't hurt my brother." Scott told him back. Liam and Scott aren't actual brothers but they care about each other so much that people know them as "brothers from different mothers." it's just Scott's first time calling Liam his brother.
"Theo, can we talk?" Sarah came up to Theo at lunch.
"Stay away from me you bitch" Theo told her back. He's probably back into the swearing habit.
"You didn't stop me. You were into it."
"I wasn't thinking. Why would I make out with you on purpose? I just missed Liam so I kissed you."
"You didn't kiss me, you made out with me."
"No, you made out with me." Liam stood up and walked away, leaving Sarah speechless.
"Wow, I can't believe they still hang out." Stiles told Scott while helping him tissue up his nose.
"Who's hanging out with who? My heads facing up so you need to tell me what's going on."
"Theo and Sarah. He did walk away from her though so I'm not sure what's going on with them."
"Of course not, no one does. Theo might be an ass but he does care for Liam. I know that I just hate how he treated him. It's not right."
"Scott, you need to be around Kira more. You know you do. She might be okay with you two now but she's not gonna like to be in a relationship with someone who talks to her once a day forever."
"I know. Can you bring her over? I can't really see anything but the sky. Oh, and Stiles, talk to Lydia and don't tell her I asked you to."
Stiles went to get Kira in confusion.
Liam was writing on a piece of paper all the school related things he could put in the newspaper. He turned to get another pen and saw Theo.
"When did you come?" Liam and Theo.
"Around the time you were writing about the school water supply."
"Okay, cool, now leave. Don't the words I Hate You mean anything?"
"You don't mean it so, no"
"Oh, I think I do now. Leave."
"Liam, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kissed her. I'm sorry I didn't stop her. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry for everything. But I really don't like her. I didn't kiss her because I wanted to, I kissed her because I miss you."
"So it's my fault now? Theo, Leave before I kill you."
"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving until you forgive me."
"I'm not gonna forgive you because you said sorry."
"I don't know what else to do."
"Nothing. Do nothing, I don't want you."
"You don't want me to try anything or you don't want me."
"Both." Liam stood up and walked to the printer for more paper.
"Liam, please." Theo was crying now. No one has ever seen Theo cry. He's not the crying type. "I'm sorry for how I treated you. I love you so much Liam. Please, forgive me. Don't date me, you don't even have to like me but just forgive me. I can't stand living knowing you won't forgive me!"
"Theo, leave!" Theo walked out of the door but Liam pulled him back and kissed him. It was more making out. To think of it, Theo gets made out with so much.
Liam pulled back the kiss and smiled. "I love you." He told Theo and Theo giggled.
"Liam, wait. I love you and I really want to kiss you but, do you forgive me?"
"I know you changed, Theo. And I know you would never hurt me so yes, I forgive you. But I warn you, if we ever get in a fight again and your against me, I'm going to point out that you made out with someone else while I was breaking down." Liam and Theo smiled.
*Hey, this is Lydia's phone! Leave a message!*
"Ugh cmon Lydia, stupid voicemail!" Stiles tried to call Lydia about a billion times but she wouldn't answer.
"Hello, Stiles?"
"Hey, Lydia, how are you?"
"I'm fine. Why did you call?"
"Why are you absent?"
"I asked first."
"I called to check why you aren't at school."
"That's such a lie."
"I'm calling to ask if you have a problem with me moving on."
"Of course not! Go date girls, it's one of my business, anyways."
"Yea, I guess. Why are you absent?"
"I'm sick."
"That's such a lie."
"I am, I have a headache and I wasn't allowed to leave the house." Lydia's mom was calling her in the background. "Gotta go Stiles, enjoy.. school, bye!"
She hung up the phone.
"So, how's Lydia?" Scott asked Stiles.
"Headache or some bullshit. She wouldn't say."
"Maybe she has a headache."
"Liam, would you mind going to the class next to us to get coloured paper? Preferably red? Maybe blue?" Liam's teacher asked.
"Yes, miss." He walked out of class and knocked on the door.
"Yes?" The class next to Liam's class had a very old looking lady.
"Uh, can I get some coloured paper? Blue and red, maybe?"
"Yes, come in."
It was Theo's class. And the slut was sitting behind him. She was sitting 3 desks behind him but that's still behind him.
"Hey, cutie." Theo whispered to Liam.
"Hey, do you know where the paper is?" Liam whispered back.
"Back drawer. Be careful it's w-" Liam slipped and fell down. "Wet." Theo helped him stand up while laughing.
"Shut up, Theo, it's not funny!" Liam said, smiling.
"I'm sorry, babe. You just slipped on like two drops of water." Theo continued laughing.
"Theo, back to your seat. Do you need help?" The teacher asked Liam.
"No, sorry to disturb, miss. I've got the papers. Thank you." Liam walked out of the class.
"What a sweet boy, is he okay?" The teacher asked.
"He'll be fine." Theo replied.
"Hey Scott, can we talk?"
"Hey, Kira. Sure, what's up?"
"I don't think I can do this anymore." She told Scott.
"Do what?" Scott was scared of her telling him what he thinks she's going to tell him.
"Us, I think we need to end it. It's not working out and I'm not feeling it. You barely see me and when you do, it's for like 10 minutes. I'm sorry, but my decision is final. Know that I still love you though. I'll see you around." She carried her bag on one shoulder, and walked off.
Scott then called Stiles, because that's the first thing he always does.
"Stiles? Hey. Call me back, I need you help." Scott left the message and waited for Stiles to reply. He didn't. It's been an hour and he hasn't called back. Scott didn't think he should wait anymore so he went over to Malia's.
"Liam, good to have you back." Theo told Liam.
"Theo, uh, where's the coach? I wanted to ask him if I could join the team but every time I try to, he wouldn't be in his office. Oh, hi everyone." Liam wanted to ask coach to come back to the team but instead, he walked in and found Theo standing in front of the whole lacrosse team.
"I have news, you came at the right time. Have a seat, Liam." And so Liam sat down. "As you all might know, coach had been coaching the team in this school for about 15 years. He's an old man now and he's unable to continue his job. He asked me to take over his job forever. I'm your new coach. I can still play lacrosse if I wanted to. My interest for it has lowered down so I don't mind not playing. But if I do choose to play, your co coach will coach us all. He's a grown man. So, that's it. I'm your new coach, everyone. I hope you give me the same respect you would give coach Sam." Everyone was happy and surprised at the same time. They all wanted Theo to coach someday but they never expected him to ever coach them. They all gave an applause for Theo then left, except Liam.
"I can't believe your coach!" Liam ran up to Liam and hugged him.
"I know! Isn't it amazing!" Theo's always so happy to hem Liam was happy for him. He loves when Liam is proud of something he did. "So you wanted to join the team again?"
"Yes, but I know your coaching so it's definitely your decision." Liam honestly didn't want to get in the way of Theo's coaching. He wants him to do a good job and Liam could distract Theo.
"Of course you can join again! I'd love to see you workout." Theo winked. Theo winks a lot. "I'll get your jersey ready. What number was it."
"It's not important. Any will do."
"No, I remember I killed myself to get you that jersey so tell me, what number was your jersey?"
"Theo, seriously, give me anything. I don't care."
"Liam, I'm not gonna let you get in the team if you don't get the jersey you wanted."
"9. It was 09."
"Oh yea, 9. Why didn't you want to tell me?"
"Because someone else has it... and because the last time I wanted the number 9, you almost killed yourself."
"But I'm coach now, so I can get you any number you want without needing to kick some ass. Okay babe, you gotta go. I have some work and you've got class."
Liam kissed Theo for a quite long period of time. "Why did you kiss me like that?" Theo asked Liam while smiling.
"Because I love you." Liam smiled back and walked to class.
Scott knocked Malia's door and waited for her to open it. Unlike Stiles, she answered pretty quickly.
"Hey, Scott, come in!" She hugged him and showed him the way to the living room. "So, why'd you come?"
"Well, i don't really know. Kira broke up with me and Stiles wouldn't answer the phone. I had no one to talk to and I was bored. I feel so bad for her and I know I had the chance to fix everything but I don't know why I didn't. I feel so stupid."
"Well you should." Malia answered him with a reply he sure didn't want to hear. "An amazing girl broke up with you and all the reasons she did was your fault. I don't blame her, Scott."
"I don't either, I told you, I feel stupid. I know this is my fault."
"Do you still love her?"
"I don't know. I think so. Why wouldn't I?"
"You know, Scott, you don't have to love a perfect person. Some people love terrible, terrible people. Like how Liam loves Theo. And Liam changed Theo. Just because she's perfect, doesn't mean that's a reason you should love her. You don't control who you love."
"God, I wish I could believe that. I'll never find the perfect person.. to me."
"You will, you just have to wait." She smiled and hugged him.
Theo had gym that day, Or PE- physical education. Whatever people call it, and Liam had a class that starts late. So being the perfect boyfriend, he went to watch.
"Hey, you in this class?" A girl came up to Liam. Theo didn't see Liam but he could see him clearly. "No, just seeing someone."
"Oh, my boyfriend plays, he's number 2." Liam smiled and she walked away.
"Random ass person." Liam whispered to himself."
"Okay kids, 25 laps around the field. Go!" The PE teacher was a very large. Liam could see every part of him very clearly even from far. The boys ran laps around the field and Theo, because he's Theo, was first to finish. "Good job, girls! Give me 15 push-ups! Hey, kid over there!" He was talking to Liam. "You can't just watch them kill themselves. Give me 15 push-ups, too." Liam rarely says no to teachers anymore, so he didn't really have a choice except do 15 push-ups. And lucky for him, he was fast at push-ups, and really good. He finished first, a guy second, Theo third, then the other boys.
"Good job, what's you name, kid that doesn't go to our class?" The teacher asked Liam. Liam felt awkward. The thing he hates most is being asked questions like this in front of a class.
"Liam Dunbar, sir." The teacher smiled and so did Theo. Liam just covered his face in embarrassment. Theo and Liam then walked to the changing rooms. Not that Liam needed to change, but Theo did so Liam followed.
"You did good, buddy!" Theo told Liam. "I didn't even notice you were sitting on the benches until the teacher called you." Theo joked.
"I'm going to have to walk into history smelling like you." Liam joked back.
"Hey!" Theo bumped Liam's shoulder and they both went into the rooms. 
"Hey, Kira! Can we talk?" Sadly, Kira thought this was Scott speaking. But it wasn't, it was Stiles.
"Stiles, hey, sure."
"Okay, I know this might sound crazy but I know Scott is an ass. Though he really does like you. And I think if you may-"
"Stiles." She interrupted him. "I know he really likes me. But, he just doesn't love me. I don't even think he knows what love is. Speak to him, your his best friend. He'll speak to you." And she walked away with a forced smile.
"Scott, you idiot!" Stiles walked up to Scott. "Kira really loves you to find out that you "like" her? What the hell, man?"
"I don't choose who I love, Stiles. I'm sorry."
"I'm not the one hurting. Speak to her."
"No, I won't. I don't know what to say and I don't want to hurt her."
"Speak.to.her." Stiles was getting really desperate now.
"I won't." And Scott wouldn't budge.
"Fine. Kira! Come over here!" Kira walked to Stiles with a confused face.
"What the hell, man." He seemed really mad at Stiles.
"Talk.to.her." And he walked away, leaving Kira and Scott alone.
"I know you hate me." He told her.
"I don't hate you. I might at the moment, though."
"I'm sorry, Kira. I am. I don't know what to say to you because I don't know the reason why I don't love you. I know that sounds stupid but it's true."
"It's fine, Scott. You don't love me because you like someone else."
"I don't."
"I know you do." And it really sounds like she does. "I know you like Malia, Scott. And it's okay. She's been there for you more than I have even if you were the reason I wasn't there for you."
"Malia is my friend."
"Maybe, but why would you pick a friend over your girlfriend?" She smiled softly. "By, Scott." And she left.
"Hey Liam!" It was Hayden.
"Oh, Hayden, hey... long time no see." •

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