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Dear diary, I'm packing my lacrosse stuff up in my bag since I have a game today and Theo's playing. This is my first ever match and I gotta say, I'm scared 2 death. I feel so pressured but I know it's going to go well (not). I'm also picking my mom today from the airport. She missed so much but I never tell her anything so technically, she missed nothing.
*Theo❤️ calling* Theo calls Liam every morning to check up on him since he knows his mom is gone and he's worried for him.
"Theo, hey! Good morning!" And Liam's always excited to talk to him.
"Hey babe, I've got bad news."
"Bad news? Is everything okay?"
"Everything fine. The co-coach is sick and can't coach the team so I'm gonna have to do it. I can't play."
"Oh, that's okay. I'll see you there?"
"I'll see you there. I'm happy you're okay with it. Just know that there's nothing I can do." But the thing is, Liam wasn't okay with it. He wanted to play with Theo in a match for the first time. At least he knows Theo's gonna be there. Liam's match is after school so the whole team, including Theo, have to ride a bus and go to the destination where they'll play lacrosse.
"Hey friend!"
"Mason, your back, hey! Where you been?" Mason made Liam's day a whole lot better.
"I had to go to the court for my dad."
"He's still in jail? How long has it been?"
"Honestly, I've lost count. It's not a very fun thing to do, counting the years and months your dad has been in jail. And yeah, he's still in."
"Damn, I'm sorry dude. Though, I'm having a match. today at SP" SP was sports evolution. It's the place the games going to be in. They always play there. "And I was wondering if you'd like to come?" Liam would do anything to make his best friend feel better. Mason likes lacrosse, he's just not very good at it. Liam watched Mason nod his head with a smile and they then walked to class.
"So, I think we should get the cappuccino." Lydia told Stiles. Every morning, they would go to Starbucks before school to grab a drink. That day, they got to go a little late since both their classes start late.
"No, lyds. We've been getting the cappuccino everyday now." Stiles told her.
"No, most days. Not every day." The waitress corrected them.
"I'll take a hot chocolate." Stiles told the waitress and Lydia still got her cappuccino. They then left the cafe and drank their drinks on their way to school.
"Hey, have you seen Malia?" Scott asked random people if they've seen Malia. He hadn't seen her for some time and he's getting worried. She hasn't answered any of his calls or called back and the messages he sends her are getting seen or even delivering. He's really, really worried.
"Stiles! Have you seen Malia? Oh, hey Lydia." Scott looked and them holding hands but didn't seem surprised. He knew it was going to happen.
"Sorry man, I haven't. We'll help you look, don't worry. All our classes start in 45 minutes. Scott nodded and they all went searching.
School went by pretty smoothly. No fights, no drama. Nothing like that. The day went by with studying and that extremely rare in this school. The lacrosse team and Theo were all outside about to enter the bus.
"Remember guys, this is just a game. It's for fun and yes, it would be better if we won but if we lost, at least we tried. Also, try no to kill anyone. Okay, get in." Theo pointed at the bus and they all got in. Liam sat next to Theo at the front of the bus and all the rest in the back. In the school buses, the students play loud music. Well, the students in the back play the music, they are usually the annoying, mean kids. The middle of the bus have the normal students. The students that talk, but not so loud. You know, "normal" kids sit in the middle. And I'm the front are the quiet ones who read or listen to music from their earphones. Liam, who usually sits in the middle, now sits in the front just to be near Theo.
"So who are we against?" Liam whispered to Theo, trying not to disturb the ones reading.
"Ravens, I think. They aren't that good so well be fine."
"Okay cool. You okay? You seem upset." Theo did seem upset.
"No, just worried." That was definitely a lie.
"Malia! Oh, my god! Guys Ma-"
"No shhhh Lydia!" Lydia found Malia at the back of the school dumpster. It was actually unbelievably far. "I don't want them to find me!" Malia whispered to Lydia.
"Do you know how long we have been trying to find you? We all missed at least one class!" Lydia was one of those people who get really mad when they feel like they did something for nothing.
"I didn't ask you to find me. Actually, I didn't want you to find me."
"We are you friends now, Malia." Malia's eyes went wide. "We will look for you even if it takes forever. And- oh look, there's Scott. Hi Scott!" Scott walked over to them, relieved. 
"Malia? Have you been here this whole time? Behind the school garbage?" Scott asked her while Stiles was running up to them.
"No, I went shopping and stuff." She told all 3 of her friends.
"Shopping and stuff?! I haven't exercised this much since the day I was being pushed out of my moms vagina, and I didn't have to do anything!" They all looked at Stiles in disgust.
"I'm sorry, okay. I'm screwing up all your lives. And it's not like I wasn't happy with my other friends." Malia wasn't happy with her other friends, though.
"You mean the ones in pink with pom-poms all over them? How were you even close to happy?" Stiles asked. No one puts any comment on the jokes that Stiles says since they got used to it. Even if you hang out with him for 5 minutes, you'll get used to it.
"Yeah, uh... Malia, you aren't screwing anything up. Actually, maybe, you're good luck. Stiles and I are together now and Kira and Scott broken up for good with no hard feelings." Lydia told her. Malia was happy now with a smile that wasn't being forced. She was genuinely happy.
When the team arrived to the place they are going to play in, they ran around the field to get warmed up. That's what they always do.
"2 more laps, guys!" Theo shouted to the team so they could hear them.
"Theo, follow me." Liam held Theo's hand and pulled him to the back of the area.
"Why are we back here?" Theo asked Liam.
"Because I know your upset. I know something's going on and I know it's hurting you. Tell me, please."
"The team we are playing against aren't the ravens, they are the hawks. The team Jason moved to. You're playing against his team and your all going to get hurt bad. As your coach, I should have did like a meeting or something but I didn't know what to say and so I didn't say anything. I'm sorry, Liam." Liam didn't seem mad, just worried.
"No, it's fine, it's just- Jason? Isn't he still at our school?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, he is. He just changed teams. I don't even know if that's allowed but he's in a team for a different school now."
"Well, at least we don't have to see him when we are all doing our favourite thing, lacrosse." Liam always tries to cheer up the mood. He always finds the good in things and if he can't, he brings up good news and if there isn't any good news, he makes a joke. That's who he is and he figures out what to say by the second.
"Yeah. We should get back. Cmon, buddy." Liam kissed Theo and they walked back to the field.
An hour and a half later, the other team arrived and so did Jason. Everyone looked at Jason with his yellow and blue lacrosse kit. Then looked at Theo, then back at Jason.
"Okay team." Theo started. "I know you're all confused about why Jason's in that other team but the thing is, he changed to a team from another school while he's still at our school. It's not that hard to understand but I'm not really in the mood to explain. Anyways, do what you all do best and have fun. Everyone stood up and got in the field.
Beacon hills were winning by a few points and that's all thanks to Liam and a guy called Simon.
"Mike! Hey, Mike! See that kid? Number 9 from the other team? I want you to pretend your aiming for the ball then hit him on his leg really hard." Jason whispered to one of his team mates. People are usually scared of Jason so they did what he told them to do. And so did Mike. He swung his bat around then hit Liam's leg really hard with it.
"Hey! Hey, I saw that!" Theo shouted.
"You saw nothing, Your kid got hit accidentally." The other teams coach said. But after a few minutes of arguing, the hawks got in trouble. Beacon hills won the game and got the trophy. The crowd was cheering and everyone was happy, except for Liam be Theo. They both had to rush to the hospital for Liam's leg. The doctor said he just needed a cast but it would stay on for a long time.
"Does it hurt?" Theo asked Liam, every five minutes. Even when he got his cast on, he kept asking.
"Yes, babe, I'm fine. It just hurts but I'm not going to die." Liam smiled at Theo and Theo just looked at him happy. He loved him so much and he feels like it's his fault. If he told Liam that Jason was playing, Liam would have come prepared. Or at least, he would know what's coming.
"This is all my fault, isn't it? I should have told you earlier." Theo asked Liam.
"Yes, you should have. But it's not your fault. I don't blame you for anything. I'm okay, I promise." Liam kissed Theo. "I love you." Theo smiled at Liam. "I love you too, Liam."
Stiles and Lydia left Malia and Scott to talk.
"Malia, never do that again." Scott told her.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry." He smiled at her then kissed her. "Why'd you do that?" She asked him.
"Because I want you to be my girlfriend." Malia was happy when he asked her but she wasn't sure she was up for it. She never had an actual boyfriend. Theo wasn't even close to a real boyfriend. But, she really liked Scott.
"Then I'll be your girlfriend." They both smiled, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
"So, you guys are official?" Stiles asked Scott in science, quietly.
"Yeah, we are. And I think we are both happy." Scott was really happy and so was Malia.
"That's great, man. Now don't loose her."
Liam hated his cast. It made everything even harder than it already was. He arrived to class 3 minutes late every lesson, he couldn't play lacrosse and, seeing Theo was harder now since Theo has to coach the team and Liam is never there to be around him. Although, he did get treated better. People would help him get his things and stuff. He's not sure why he's treated like this. Doesn't everyone break their legs once in a while?
"Liam hey, oh my god. Your leg?" Mason came running to Liam. "What the hell happened?" He asked Liam.
"Well, Jason and his team kinda broke it." Liam told him.
"What? Oh, it's true? I heard the whole Jason changing teams thing." Mason is one of those people who hear about something before it happens or while it's happening. It's like he reads the future.
"Yeah, it is. And it's also ridiculous. When Theo told me I almost pissed myself." Mason laughed.
"So, it's been like a week since I've seen you and Theo kissing or holding hands. Is everything okay?"
"Mason, you see me like once a week. It's not so surprising you didn't see us together. But yeah, I barely see him anymore."
"Is he even in school?" Mason asked Liam.
"I wouldn't know. I think so." And just when they said that, Theo was walking down the hallway. He didn't look around so he didn't see Liam or Mason.
"Okay, so he is." Mason said.
"Huh... Theo, wait! Theo looked back at Liam while Liam was trying to run up to him. "Hi!" Liam said with a wide smile.
"Liam, hey." Theo looked upset.
"Hi, boyfriend. I think?"
"Sorry, I've just been busy with the team and stuff."
"Yeah, I know. You go do your thing. I'll see you later." Liam smiled then walked back to Mason and they both saw Theo leave the school.
"Where do you think he's going?" Mason asked. 
"I don't know, who cares. Come on, We've got history." Liam walked to his class with Mason.
At history, Liam had to be partnered up with a very smart girl, Cindy, who didn't let Liam do any of the work. Mason, on the other hand, was working with Ryan, who also did none of the work. Mason had to do everything. He was the Cindy.
"Psst, Mason!" Liam whispered as loud as he can.
"Can we switch partners?" Liam asked.
"I'd still be stuck with the one that doesn't work so, no."
"It's not like I chose to not work!" Liam whispered, a little louder.
"Bye Liam." And Mason went back to his project. Leaving Liam bored.
"Cindy, I'm gonna help with this wether you like it or not since you're not working independently, you're working with a partner which is bored out of his mind!" He didn't whisper this time. She nodded and gave him the pen.
"Okay class, I'll be gone for about 5 minutes to get more pens. You're loosing school property and us teachers have to be the ones who pay for more. Unbelievable. Keep working, I'll be right back." The teacher said, disappointed.
"Mason." Liam started.
"Do you think Theo's going to break up with me?"
"What? Why would you think that?" Mason sounded surprised.
"Well, if you are dating someone, your supposed to talk."
"Maybe he just wants time for himself."
"What? Why would you think that?" Liam asked, mocking Mason.
"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe you annoyed him somehow."
"Yeah okay." Mason was Liam's best friend but he wasn't the best at advice. He goes to Lydia for these things.
"Hey Mal"
"Lydia, hey, how are you?"
"Good. Malia, you're one of my best friends, right?
"Of course, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Really good, actually. Thank you, Malia."
"For?" Malia asked Lydia. She actually didn't know her and Lydia were best friends but she was happy about it. She never had a best friend.
"For making Scott genuinely happy. It's rare."
"Yes, well, as long as we are both happy, right?" She smiled at Lydia.
"Yeah. Hey, do you wanna go on a double date sometimes? All four of us? Like a weird best friend double date?"
"Yes, sure. Id love that." Malia and Lydia hugged then went their separate ways.
After school, Liam went home and straight to his bed. He has exactly two hours before he has to pick his mom up from the airport. Yes, she might not know about all the crap he's been going through but he sure needs someone to hug. Liam isn't the kind of guy who waits for someone to fix things so because he is who he is, he got his things ready and went to Theo's house to fix whatever this is that's going on between them. He rang the bell and Theo's mom opened it.
"Hi, I just wanted to ask if Th- oh, your having a party? I'm sorry to disturb." Liam feels embarrassed now.
"Oh no, dear, it's okay, you didn't know. I though Theo told you." She laughed a little. "Come in." Liam walked in and saw billions and billions of people sitting down eating. Actually, it was more like 200."Theo's upstairs." She said, smiling, then walked back to her seat. Liam went up the stairs to Theo's room. The door was opened a bit so he was able to see inside. Theo was laughing with a girl about his age. She was wearing a tank top and a really, really short skirt. They were practically making out without the lips. Their bodies were so close and they kept moving. This was eye rape to Liam so he walked out of the house. "Is everything okay?" Theo's mom asked Liam.
"Yeah, I just remembered I had to pick my mom up from the airport. Have a good day." Liam smiled and walked out. He technically didn't lie, he is going to pick his mom up. Just in like an hour and a half. He went home and watched tv. "Didn't she own any pants or something?" Liam thought to himself. "And a tank top? I swear to god.." He had a billion thoughts in his head that he forgot the tv was on even if he was staring at it. "Why does he have to also like girl? Why is it even a thing? Can't he just like boys?!"
Theo's mom went upstairs to bring Theo and his "friend" to eat. She also peeked through the window and saw Theo and Emma (the girl) doing what they are doing.
"Oh, my god, Theo." She thought to herself. As the mother, she had to make things right. She knocked on the door. "Emma, go downstairs and eat, please. Theo and I will be down in a minute." She gave the girl a fake smile and the girl walked down.
"Wow, mom, thanks. You just embarrassed me in front of her." Theo rolled his eyes.
"You shouldn't worry if she thinks you're weird. You aren't dating her. You are dating the boy that came by your house to see you, but instead saw you and Emma doing... that!" His mother was so disappointed. She really did like Liam. She thought he was kind, honest, mature... everything Theo is not, at the moment.
"Liam came by?" Theo asked.
"Well aren't you dating him? Or am I describing the wrong person? I'm so, so mad at you right now Theo. You are back where you started. Besides Liam and half your family, who do you have that cares about you?" She walked out and slammed the door, but acted happy walking down the stairs. Theo grabbed his phone and ran downstairs. He was going to Liam's house. He arrived at Liam's house and knocked on the door.
"Mom?!" Liam shouted in excitement. "Oh, you." Liam saw Theo and slammed the door again. He felt bad so he opened it. But then he remember Theo and that girl so he slammed it again. Then he opened it, and kept it open.
"Can you keep it open?" Theo said, smiling. Liam showed no interest in Theo. His eyes looked like he was bored and wanted to go back to what he was doing. "Can I come in?" Theo asked Liam.
"If you wanna check if I have a girl over with barely any clothes, don't, because I'm not you." Liam was really, really mad right now. He wanted no sign of Theo. But he didn't slam the door.
"So can I?" Theo repeated and Liam walked back so Theo had space to walk in.

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