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*1K READS GUYS? NO WAY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK U BABES!! Also guys please vote bc I'm also almost to 100 votes!!!*
Dear diary,
It's been a week and mom and I are still on bad terms, Mason is still away, Hayden and I are friends, Theo and I are- not Theo and I, I'm still failing classes and most importantly, I hate everything.
"What the he'll happened to my locker!" Stiles said, shocked.
"Theo happened." Liam answered his confusion.
"You still broken about that?"
"How can I not be? I'll see you." Liam smiled and walked away, his head down. If Theo did pass him, he didn't want to look at him. It would just make him feel worse. He hasn't seen Theo's face properly in a week. One week, 7 days, 168 hours. That's how long. That's a lot of hours and days. Since it's Wednesday, Liam had to head to the office to write the newspaper.
"Liam, morning, have a seat. Everyone in the clubs coming to sit and talk about the news from Monday and Tuesday." The club owner said and Liam nodded his head with a smile then sat down. 15 minutes passed, everyone was still talking and Liam was still not listening. He had too many news for himself to talk about the school party next week.
"Liam, what do you think?" A girl asked.
"I think, it's a great idea!" Everyone gave Liam confused faces. "Or not. Yeah, not. Terrible idea." He gave them a embarrassed smile.
"Any news, Liam?" A boy asked him with a smirk.
"Yeah, news, Liam?" Another boy asked.
"No, no news." He answered them. They know what's up.
"Any.. drama?" A girl asked him.
"That's enough, class. I'll see you Sunday. We have enough information for today's paper. You are dismissed." The teacher stopped them and everyone left. Liam walked out of the class and bumped into Theo.
"Oh, I was just going in to pi-" Theo explained and Liam just walked away. He didn't want to see him. He's been going good for a week. Theo just looked back at him with a sorry face.
"Have you guys heard? Theo broke and ruined a lot of the school property." Malia told the other three.
"Yeah. And if you want proof, go to my locker." Stiles told Scott, Lydia and Malia, still annoyed with the whole locker-Theo thing. Lydia just giggled and hugged him.
"I heard it was really bad. Is Liam doing okay?" Scott asked. Scott doesn't know much about Liam. He isn't really his "friend."
"Not at all. He's trying to avoid Theo so he wouldn't break down. I feel so sorry for that kid." Lydia said. She did feel bad for him. She really loves Liam. "There he is." They all turned around and saw Liam walking, alone. Lydia got up and went to him.
"Should I be worried about Lydia and Liam's friendship?" Stiles joked.
"Hey Liam, how you doing?" Lydia asked the poor, sad kid. He was wearing a hat so she couldn't see how sad he looked. She lifted up his hat and he was crying. "Oh, my god Li. Come here." She hugged him and he continued crying. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. This won't keep happening to you. You don't deserve it." She held his hand and showed him his way to the table where all four were sitting. They all felt bad for him. Don't they all have a reason to?
"He said he didn't want to be with me because he's bad for me, or something. He was going on about how we can't date because he's changing me to a bad person and I don't think so. He doesn't just get to break up with me because of his instincts!" Liam told them. He looked more mad than upset now but the tears don't show it.
"He probably means it, Liam. Maybe you haven't changed but if he things so, he has to do something about it." Malia told him. He whispered a "yeah" to her and smiled.
"Morning everyone, I'm going to pick your partners for today's lesson." The teacher called out. "Emma and Maria. Liya and Stephenie, Stiles and Theo, Marcus and savannah, Diana and Louie..."
Theo and Stiles were probably the two people in the school who hated each other the most and now they have to work together.
"Theo! You can't just walk away. You need to help me." Stiles didn't understand how Theo was able to skip a task. Does he know it affect his grade that will affect him getting into college that will affect his future?
"I don't want to do it and you do so, you do it." Theo was almost 100% sure he didn't want to go to college. He didn't see the point of it. It's just school all over again. Aren't you supposed to find your passion at school? Then what's college for?
"I don't want to do it Theo. I have to."
"Well then do what you have to do. I'm gonna go to the cafeteria." Theo grabbed his books and they them inside the locker. He doesn't care about his locker or books. His locker is always open since it doesn't have a key or lock and his books are already ripped anyways. If he looses his because of someone swiping them out of his locker, isn't that their fault? He knows how to get out of trouble as good as he knows how to get into them.
"Theo raeken, where are you supposed to be?" The principle spotted him stealing pizza slices from the cafeteria.
"Home. It's where I belong. In my big, big room full of trophies."
"Theo, I do not care about what you have in your room-"
"You should, though." He said and gave the principle a smile.
"Follow me, young man!" The principle pointed a finger to the door and Theo walked out then followed the principle to a class room.
"What class is this?"
"Every time you skip a class, you'll come here and do extra work with another student. It's like detention during class but you also learn." The principle explained. Theo hated the idea, he'd rather have detention. Extra work? Is that even a thing anymore?
"Can't I just go back to my class and do what they were doing instead of this?" He asked.
"No, since you've had experience with Emma in studying, she'll "help" you." Emma walked in with about 15 science books. Science. How is learning how stems transport water to other parts of the plant gonna help our future? The principal walked out leaving Theo and Emma sitting down in a table alone.
"Hi Theo, more time together." She said and smiled.
"Yay." He said, sarcastically and rolled his eyes. She just gave him a look.
"Liam and Hayden, 2 extra math books from the room next door. And quick, please." The teacher ordered. Liam stood up with Hayden following him to the door.
"How do Phoebe and Mike always forget their books? They should just keep their book in the locker. We never have homework in those text books." Hayden complained and Liam laughed. He opened the door for her and let her walk in first. Theo and Emma were in there.
"Oh." Hayden said as quietly as she could.
"Seriously?" Emma said, not quiet at all.
Liam just walked in to get the books and Theo looked at him.
"Emma, let's give them a little space." Hayden told her and Emma raised an eyebrow.
"Space? Why even? This is a studying room, not a room for "space." Just talk outside." Hayden pointed to the door and walked out with Emma.
"Hey." Theo greeted Liam.
"Hi." Liam greeted back, not even turning to Theo's say. "I don't want to talk to you."
"I know."
"You said we shouldn't talk when I tried to talk to you so, I don't want to talk to you." Liam said, still not turning to Theo's way. "But you know what?" This time, his eyes were locked with Theo. "I'm happy we aren't talking. You hurt me so, so much. I was so excited for this year but nothing seems to go right. You have the perfect life in the perfect house with the perfect family. I have a crappy life with a normal sized house without a dad." Liam wasn't poor and neither was his mom or his outside family. He had a perfect amount of money for just two people, but not perfect enough. Not enough to be with Theo. "I'm trying to continue doing this but I don't think I can. So if you want to be with me, you seriously need to change and stop sticking knifes into my heart. And if you don't, that's fine with me too because it would be easier for both of us." Liam finally let out those words that had been hidden.
"I do."
"I do want to be with you." Theo explained his two word sentence. "I always wanted to be with you. I just don't know how to do this whole dating thing. I mean, if I'm with you, that means I can't "be" with someone else."
"That's about right."
"I'm new to this and I'm trying to learn for you but it's not that easy when you've been doing it for 17 years." Theo tried to get Liam to understand, but he couldn't. Both Theo and Liam's birthdays are on September so they are a little older than a lot of people in their grades. Some student in Liam's grade just turned 15 but he's 16 and some in Theo's just turned 16 but he's 17. Ps, it's October.
"You can become better faster if you really want it, Theo. I don't care about 17 years or whatever. How long has it been?"
"I don't know, like five minutes?" Theo gave a guess.
"Well, it's probably been longer and my classroom is right next to us so I have no excuses for being late. I gotta go. Just- just don't come to me unless it's important." Liam walked out, held Hayden's wrist and ran back to their class.
"What happened, T?" Emma asked Theo, concerned. She does care about Theo, but not the "care" that Liam does.
"Nothing. Don't call me that either. Emma, I'm gonna have to end this." He spoke up.
"What? Class ends in like 15 minutes."
"No, not that. We ended that a long time ago. We need to end this. Us."
"You and me? Why?"
"You and I not you and me and because, I don't even have a little crush on you, honestly. We need to end this before you think it's too serious."
"Theo, I do think it's seriously. I love you!" He did not expect that.
"Why would you love me? You know I'm in love with Liam and I'm a dick!"
"Well, I do." She confessed. Theo shook his head and left the room. He didn't feel bad for her. Why would he? It's not like he ever really cared about her. He never cared about anyone except Liam. Everyone he ever tries to care about, lets him down except Liam. He's the one who lets Liam down.
Theo walked into Liam's class and slammed the door.
"Excuse me!" The teacher shouted, pissed at Theo, like always. "Why are you interrupting my class? Yours is down the corridor!" Okay, she was really pissed. She's one of those teachers who if she gets mad at one person, she's mad at everyone. Like mothers with siblings.
"Shut up." Theo talked back and Liam put his palm over his face. "I would like to talk to Liam."
"Whatever you tell him, you can tell around the class since it's lesson time and we should be talking about school." The teacher said, raising his eyebrow.
"Fine. Liam, I am sorry for everything I ever did. I made a fucking mistake that I shouldn't have and I'm sorry. I love you so much, I don't know how to act because I never fell in love, let alone ever have a crush except a crush on someone's body. I know I have a huge house, a big amount of money and a family but, the only thing I want is you so if I don't have you, I have nothing. I am, really, really sorry." After his beautiful speech, Theo turned to the teacher and raised a brow waiting for her to shout at him. Instead, she smiled.
"Beautiful, beautiful speech. I love high school love! But Theo, get out of my class." She knew it was a beautiful speech and she did love it but nothing gets in the way of Mrs. Lindey and her rules.
"Can I just speak to Liam? Alone?" Theo asked, one more time and she nodded her head. Theo and Liam got out of the classroom and they walked together down the corridor.
"I am sorry." Theo said, after a while of silence.
"I know." Liam replied.
"But Liam, here's the thing. I don't know if I can be perfect for you. I know this isn't the last mistake I'm gonna make."
"I know." He smiled. "I'm gonna have to understand that you are trying."
"Wait? So are we together again?" Theo asked, excited.
"Yes." Liam confirmed and Theo kissed Liam.
"I love you, Liam."
"I love you too."
*note: okay so if I say Core 4 I mean: Malia, Lydia, Stiles and scott and if I wanted to add Liam in there I'd be like "That morning, Core 4 and Liam went... blah blah blah" okay?? It would be easier than spelling out all their names  okay, love u!❤️*
"Guys, us 4 never have drama. Except the whole stydia and scalia couple things we had but that's it. We never had Theo and Liam drama." Lydia said, surprised.
"Oh yeah! We are probably like the most down to earth people in this school." Malia said, realising what Lydia realised.
"In this school? Ever!"
"Stiles, there are people who never have drama in their lives. Ever." Scott told him.
"Yeah, those are the types of people who die right after they get born. I mean, when they die after being born, isn't that drama? Everyone had drama even if others have bigger ones." Stiles said and everyone have a "huh" face.
"Hey, what are we having in our math test?" Malia asked, worried.
"Malia, the test isn't even this month, why do you want to know so early?" Scott asked, confused.
"Well, baby, if your as stupid as me, you need to revise before the test even has a date." She smiled and Scott and he smiled back.
"So, do you guys even know what happened to Liam and Theo? I mean, they are probably broken up for sure." Lydia stated.
"Nah, a strong couple like them will survive this." Malia was positive they would get back together. She's known Theo for so long and he never cared about her like he does for Liam. It's true for them.
"There they are... holding hands. I told you!"
"Liam!" Lydia called him and made the "come here" signal with her right hand.
"Hi guys!" He was out of breath. Liam's always tired so it's not really new. He doesn't sleep much.
"Hi, buddy. How are you and why are you smiling?"
"Gee, I'm glad you care deep down in your cold heart." They all laughed. "And I guess I'm smiling because I'm happy. It's hard to find reasons to be happy these days. Genuinely happy." Everyone was smiling. He's such a good kid. "Okay, gotta go!"
"You do you!" Stiles called out to him and Liam gave him a thumbs up. Theo and Liam are back together and everyone is happy. It's a good day.

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