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Dear diary,
A lot happened lately but not so much happened either. A lot happened if I wanted to describe every part but what's important is that me and Theo are back together. It's been rough and I know I'm gonna have to deal with it because he's a lot to handle. But if you're in love you gotta work on it, right?
"Yes, Liam."
"I have to go to class now."
"No, please don't." Theo begged
"You have class too, remember?" Liam smiled at Theo.
"Okay, one kiss."

•credit to whoever made this

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•credit to whoever made this. I'm not sure who^•
"Okay." Theo smiled at Liam.
"Okay." And Liam walked away to Art. Liam was very bad at art. He never understood it. How can someone be good at drawing, is that even possible? It's a gift. Just like someone being good at maths. A gift.
"Liam, your early. How?" The teacher was surprised and Liam just shrugged. He liked being early but somehow, he's always early to the classes he doesn't like or doesn't want to come early to. "Well, pick a seat. You have your whole room to yourself." The teacher smiled and Liam picked the second row seat. Not too close, not too far. Someone knocked around and the two people in the class tuned to the door
"Mason!" Mason walked into the class and Liam was clearly so happy. "Oh my god, you will not believe what happened while you were gone!"
"Well, you better start talking because I've had the worse time while I was gone." Mason said and Liam smiled back at him.
"-And now, Theo and I are together again." Liam explained everything that happened. The drama, Emma, Hayden, and everything else Mason missed.
"Wow, id like to meet this Emma. By the way, where's the teacher?" Mason asked and he was right, the whole class was talking or drawing or reading or whatever they like to do for 45 minutes. Where's the teacher gone? She was here for the first 5 minutes with Liam.
"Let me just check my schedule. Oh my god, we have library today. Oh my god. Guys! We have library for this lesson in English!" Liam told everyone really, really loudly and they all had confused faces. You could hear "what?" And "oh no" and comments like that all around the class. Everyone picked up their bags and ran to the library.
"Liam? What are you doing out of class? That's my job!" Theo saw Liam running around the corridors. The library is at another building far away from the main one.
"We have library and we forgot that we did and we went to our normal English class and now we are late and-" Liam was so out of breath but was still able to explain what happened maybe a little too much. Theo started laughing and Liam kicked him.
"Stop laughing, it's not funny!"
"How the hell did you get the classes mixed up." Theo was still laughing.
"Asshole." Liam said and walked away.
"I'm sorry, hey!" Liam turned around to Theo and started laughing too. "Why are you laughing?" Theo asked, still laughing.
"I'm laughing because I'm so stupid!" And they both continued laughing. "Okay babe, gotta go. Can't waste any more time or these tears won't be tears of joy." Liam smiled and waved to Theo, then walked away.
*hey guys, so I was rereading my first chapter (since I publish my chapters pretty long after I write them) and I realised that there was this prom thing that was supposed to happen but I changed it into a dance not prom so expect that in these few chapters. Okay, love you!*
"So, what are you wearing for prom?" Malia asked Lydia desperate for help.
"A short yellow dress. Apparently yellow brings out my eyes."
"Really? Says who?" Malia asked.
"Said me." Both Malia and Lydia laughed.
"Did you ask out Malia yet? Scott?"
"Oh, yeah, uh, no, not really." Scott answered Stiles. "Did you ask Lydia yet?"
"Duh. She's a tiger. If I ask her too late, she'll say yes to whoever else asks her."
"Yeah, I don't know how to ask Malia. I'm not even sure what type of person she is yet. What she finds cliche, what she finds "cute." I don't know what I'm gonna do."
"Oh, oh, I know! Ask Theo." Stiles gave him the "obviously" look.
"Oh no."
"You're straight, you'll be fine." Stiles laughed and looked at Theo. "There his, go ahead. Walk." Stiles raised his eyebrows at Theo's direction.
"Fine." Scott picked up his bag and walked up to Theo. "Hey, Theo, can I talk to you?" Scott asked him, awkwardly.
"No." A word means a lot coming from Theo.
"Oh, come on man. I really need your help."
"Fine, make it fast." Theo wasn't nice to anyone else except Liam. But he thought he should help him since he's "friends" with Liam. Besides, he knows Stiles sent him and Stiles is dating Lydia who Liam loves.
"Okay, thanks. Uh, so you know how to ask Malia out from prom?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, you guys dated and I need tips on how to ask her out."
"Sorry man, I can't help you. We never really dated. I do know she likes daisies though. Is that it?"
"Yeah, thanks." Scott walked back to Stiles.
"So?" Stiles asked.
"What? Hey, wait up!" Stiles followed Scott who was running out of the school. He was heading to the flower shop.
"Where you just talking to Scott?" Liam asked, confused.
"Yeah, I was. He wanted advice on how to ask Malia out and I was the most useless person ever, which I don't mind being." Theo answered Liam then held him close and kissed him.
"What'd you tell him?"
"I told him she likes daisies."
"What the hell do you expect him to get out of daisies."
Scott walked back into the school with a big bouquet of daisies. They were sculpted into a heart and there were about a thousand daisies. "Huh. Mark me corrected."
"Uh, Scott, what the hell is that?" Lydia asked, walking up to Scott and Stiles. Stiles was helping Scott hold the heart but was struggling bad.
"This, sweetheart, is something Scott calls a Prom invitation." Stiles told her, annoyed and uninterested.
"I am asking her to prom, not inviting her. It has to be something big."
"Yeah, what can be bigger than this?"
"You know what, Stiles, I can carry this by myself. I had to drive all the way to and from the shop with you giving me comments. I want her to like what I'm doing for her so please, stop."
"Fine, I'm just lucky we didn't have to walk." That was the last comment Stiles gave then continued helping Scott. "So where's Malia?"
"Not sure, let's find her." Lydia said and Stiles was now annoyed as hell.
Theo waited outside of Liam's class for a while. He never really goes to his classes so he comes to Liam's classes about 15 minutes before they end. He saw Liam walk out of class next to a guy wearing a green shirt with a drawing of vampire fangs on the centre of it. Theo heard them two exchange goodbyes then saw Liam walk towards him.
"Who was that?" Theo asked, too curious.
"He's a new guy, David. He's really nice." Liam told him.
"Too nice?"
"Theo, he's just a fried, I barely know him."
"Noted." That didn't convince him. "What do you wanna do?"
"You mean after class?"
"Right, after class. I'm not going."
"I know you're not." Theo's skipped to much classes that Liam doesn't act surprised anymore. He's gotten used to it.
"Is your 'friend' in your next class?"
"Yes, he is." Liam gave Theo a kiss then walked away to his class.
-Theo's POV-
I followed Liam, quietly, to see where he was going. I know he's going to class and I trust him but I don't trust who he's going with. I care about him too much. He was there, waiting for the teacher to arrive so the class could go into the room, while standing next to David, talking. I couldn't really make out the words they were saying. All I head was "hang out?" "Sure" and "tomorrow." All three words came out of Liam's mouth.
"Theo? What are you doing?" He saw me there, standing against a wall with my ear sticking out.
"Oh, nothing. I was just... stretching." I lied.
"Stretching? Well why were you stretching in front of my class?" He knows I was spying on him. I'm pretty sure everyone else knows too. It's not that obvious, is it?
"Well, yeah. No, I wasn't. Sorry."
"Theo, if you don't trust me..."
"No, I do trust you." I interrupted him. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I was spying.
"Okay. Well, I'll see you after class." He walked away leaving me with my thoughts.
*note: hi guys!! Thank u so much for reading, I love youuu❤️ so, most writers on wattpad write a chapter with about 500 or 1000 words and I write 2000+... I was thinking I could keep my chapters in between 1000-2000 words so it doesn't end quickly.*

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