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Dear diary, Theo's in my kitchen right now, cooking. He said he wants to cook so we can have a chat and eat. I would wear something nice for him but he doesn't deserve it. He's just lucky I didn't make him starve.
Theo was making spaghetti, mashed potato and salad. It was a shock how much food Liam has in the fridge. He never checks his food since he's always out eating at junk food restaurants. Liam walked down stairs and sat in the table, reading.
"What are you reading?"
"If I tell you, will your read the book or make out with someone else?" When Liam said that, he instantly thought of friends.
"Okay, Liam, or wasn't like that." Liam rolled his eyes and eat more of his spaghetti. "She was a family friend."
"Of course she was. If she and I were in the opposite positions, would you tell her I was just a family friend?"
"I wouldn't have to because I'm not dating her and I won't. I'm dating you!" Theo raised his voice a bit.
"It's good you remember." Liam finished his spaghetti and put more. He realised Theo was only eating the salad.
"I'm sorry for what you saw but it was nothing. Liam, my mom told me you came over and I just wanted to make things right."
"Of course." Liam whispered.
"Of course my mom told me?"
"No, of course you want to "make things right." Thank you mom. If she didn't tell you, you would still be smooching that family friend of yours. Theo, go home."
"Can we talk without any comments."
"Go home, Theo." Liam raised his voice.
"Liam, you don't even know what happened! I'm sitting right next to a girl and you act like this? I told you I'm sorry!" Theo wasn't raising his voice, he was shouting.
"You don't even know how I've been acting! You ignored me for a whole week and every single time I try to talk to you, you walk away so don't tell me how to act!"
"You are seriously so damn pathetic, Liam! How many times do I need to apologise to get your freaking brain to cooperate with me right now!"
"You can stop trying. I need to pick my mom up from the airport."
"You don't even have a car!" Theo was no longer shouting, but his voice was still loud. "I was supposed to drive you!"
"I'll walk!" Liam slammed the door of his own house with Theo still inside. He didn't lock it, though.
"Damn it." Theo said to himself.
Liam arrived at the airport 45 minutes late and was sitting down in Starbucks waiting for his mother to come out. She didn't.
"Hi, mom, it's Liam. Where are you?" Liam was on the phone with his mother. She bought a new phone so she doesn't know Liam's number yet.
"Oh, Liam, hi dear. I didn't come back to beacon hills alone. I came with my new boyfriend and I went home with him so you don't have to worry about picking me up. If you're already there, go home, dear. It's late. I'll see you tomorrow." She said and hung up the phone. She didn't give Liam a chance to say anything but he knew he was more annoyed than he was before. She leaves town for the longest time then comes back with another guy and decides to spend the night with him without thinking of seeing her son? Her only son? Unbelievable. The first thing Liam did when he arrived home was check if Theo's still at his house. But he wasn't. He was actually sad he wasn't. Does that make sense? He really didn't want to see Theo right now but he really wants to see if Theo's even trying. He stopped trying.
Lydia and Stiles met up with Scott and Malia at the reception in a hotel. Lydia and Malia were wearing short dresses and the guys were wearing suits. They all barely ever wear neat clothes. Yes, Lydia does wear dresses but not something like she wore today. They all looked mature.
"Hey guys." Scott greeted Lydia and Stiles.
"Scott, hey. Hi Malia." Stiles greeted back and the girls hugged.
"Guys we need to catch our table before it's too late. Look at the crowd." Lydia said and they all stared at the amount of people waiting. It was ridiculous.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The waiter asked.
"Hi, we reserved a table for 7:00" Stiles said.
"Okay, what's your name?"
"Stiles stilinski."
"I'm afraid there's no reservation for that name." The waiter said. All four kids looked mad and confused.
"What do you mean no reservation? I called you yesterday." Stiles' voice got a little louder and all the waiter did was shake his head.
"Oh my god, come on guys." Scott said and they all went after him.
"I can't believe we waited in that line for nothing!" Lydia never reserved a table and didn't get to it so they were all afraid of her, at the moment.
"You know what, lets all eat at McDonald's." Malia suggested. "Oh come on, it's right next to us and the foods really good. Besides, I'm starving!" They all still stared at Malia but they knew they couldn't do anything else so they went and sat down in a table in McDonald's.
Liam was laying down on his bet, his feet against the wall, and was throwing the ball to the wall, then catching it, then throwing it, then catching it. It was a small ball he stole from a 6 year olds birthday party. All of a sudden, his phone rang. He remembers he put his ringer all the way up for the alarm next morning. He didn't expect a call for the rest of today.
"Damn it!" He whispered. His ear hurt and bringing the phone all the way near his ear before answering it was a bad idea. "Hello?"
"Hi, this is Emma Martin." She said. Hold on, Emma Martin as in Emma? This shouldn't be good.
"What." Liam said. He said as in the "what do you want." Harsh voice. He had no interest saying it and she probably already knows he hates her.
"Well, Theo's over and he knows you blocked him so he'd like to talk to you." She said.
"He's over?" Liam asked.
"Yeah." She answered. He could feel her smile. That bitch. She gave the phone over to Theo.
"Hey, Liam." Theo greeted and Liam just rolled his eyes. He seemed to master eye rolling. "Well, okay. If your not gonna talk to me, I'll make it quick. You and I... it's a lot of drama. I think we should take a break." Liam watched too much Friends episodes to not know what a "break" is.
"You're breaking up with me?" He was upset.
"No, Liam, I'm not breaking up with you. I said we are taking a break." He made the word "break" sound clear. "Besides, Rachel and Ross found their way back when they were on a break." He just had to mention Friends. Liam just hung up the phone. He's so done with Theo. He knew if he wanted to date Theo, he had to carry his package but he didn't know his package was this big. If Theo didn't want Liam, he's not gonna cry over it. And he didn't cry over it. He was just so mad, he broke almost every glass in the house and then had to go back and throw them all in the outside trash can. And while doing so, he swore under his breath. He wasn't really the swearing type of guy so when he swore, it's bad.
Scott, Stiles, Malia and Lydia were having the time of their lives. They wouldn't stop laughing and each person ate at least one burger.
".. And then, she threw up." Malia laughed and so did the others. They were talking about Emma Martin. Yes, Emma. Lydia and Emma shared the same last name but no where near related. They hated each other to death but somehow, the school knows that Lydia hated her just a bit more.
"Yeah! And the whole bathroom smelled so bad and so everyone had to hold in their pee for the rest of the day." Lydia said. Liam walked into McDonald's and everyone looked back at him.
"Who comes to McDonald's looking depressed?" Stiles whispered to Scott.
"Liam, hey, come over here." Malia called him and he came over to them. They all felt bad for him and faked a smile. They had no idea why he looked so sad.
"You okay, pretty boy?" Lydia asked him and he started crying. Stiles and Scott had their eyes big and were staring at him like they never saw a boy cry. "What did Theo do, Liam?" Lydia knew it had to do with Theo. Every reason of Liam's happiness is Theo. But also, every reason of Liam's sadness is Theo. Stiles felt bad for Liam more than Scott did. Seeing his girlfriend try to take care of a broken boy like it's her responsibility broke him down, too.
"Liam, Scott and I are going bowling tomorrow, do you wanna join?" Stiles offered Liam a day of fun but Liam just shook his head. Stiles understood. He didn't think it was rude to say no to someone when you look like that. "Okay." Stiles mouthed to Liam and smiled. Liam smiled back and kept hugging Lydia. All five of them got into Lydia's car at the end of the day and Liam fell asleep instantly. Lydia knew he would sleep. Feeling like this, they always end up sleeping.
"Lydia?" Stiles started.
"Yes Stiles?"
"You're gonna be a great mom." He said, kissed her forehead, watched her smile back then looked at Liam. He looked better than when he walked into the restaurant.
Lydia's last stop was Liam's house and it wasn't much trouble getting him there since they lived right next to each other.
"Liam, hey. Wake up. I'm wearing heels, Liam, you don't want to do this." And she laughed at her own joke... like she always does. He opened his eyes and got out of the car.
"Thanks Lydia, I love you." He said and hugged her then went to his house. He bumped his head hard on the door but was later able to get in.
"I love you too." She whispered then got into her house. They always "loved" each other. They were both there for each other when no one else was. Not even Mason. Because, again, Mason doesn't know how to handle this stuff. In fact, when Mason had his first breakup from his first real boyfriend, he was so torn down, there was nothing anyone could do.
The next morning, Liam woke up for breakfast and his mother.
"Hey, Liam, good morning. You're dressed already?" She looked at how Liam was. "Are you okay?" She asked him.
"No, mom, I'm not okay! You leave me here when I'm breaking apart! The only time I fucking need you, you're gone with your fling. I don't need you. If I survived yesterday, I sure as hell can survive the rest of my life. And yes, I'm dressed, are you blind?" He shouted at her so loud. He never shouts at his mom. And the best part is, he knows she feels bad. When she went back to her room, he reached inside the fridge and took one of her bottles of alcohol.
Liam walked into school still drinking. He had to walk to school. Yes, he felt like shit but he didn't want to die from driving drunk. He wasn't drunk yet. One bottle didn't change anything for him but he still didn't drive. He's not supposed to, anyways. He's underage for everything. He walked into assembly. There was just a little assembly for the grade 8s and up.
"Liam, you are late!" The principal shouted at him then looked at his bottle, just like everyone else did.
"Put that bottle on my desk right now!" She knows he just had one. He might drink, but everyone knows he doesn't "drink"
"Why? Do you want to have a drink too? I gotta warn ya, it's not that warm anymore." She looked at him and pointed to a chair at the back. The student sat on chairs and at the front are the earlier years so at the back were the latest year. So he was sitting around right behind Theo who was sitting right next to Emma. He sat down and started at the white board with notes on it but everyone just stared at him. Including Theo.
"Liam! What the hell is wrong with you!" Lydia quietly shouted at Liam. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Drinking? In school?" She was still "shouting."
"Miss Martin, is there a problem." The principal asked Lydia.
"No, sorry." She apologised and looked back at Liam with a disappointed face for about a second, making sure the teacher didn't catch her. After class, Stiles went chasing after Theo.
"Okay, man, you've been following me since this morning, what do you need." Theo asked Stiles and Stiles just punched him. He didn't want to, but he did. Theo did hit back. "That's for messing with Liam." Then he punched him again. "And that's for being Theo." Then he walked away.
At lacrosse practice, all the boys stood up in a line. It was a free period for most people in the team so they decided to practice. Liam wasn't there, though he had a free period. After waiting a bit, he showed up.
"To set things clear, I'm not leaving the team because of an asshole so, y'all can suck it up and get used to me being in this team." He said, really, really loud. It wasn't shouting though.
"Okay... everyone, pick a partner. There will be one person left that doesn't have a partner and that person can work alone." Theo told everyone. Liam was the person without a partner but he didn't mind. He did the activity 10x better than the people with a partner. He was also first to finish.
"It would have been better if you left the team, Dunbar." A person said.
"Yeah, it's not like we need you and your gay drama." Another one said.
"You know, your totally wrong. First of all, I'm bisexual and second of all, at the moment, I hate all boys." Liam corrected them and a guy laughed.
"All boys or Theo?" The first boy asked. "Little, weak, Liam needs to drink before school? Pathetic."
"I'm not weak." Liam told them, angrily.
"Yes, yes you are." The first boy said and a punch from Liam's hand, out of no where, came right to the first boys face. He hit hit back but Liam was stronger and he hurt the guy more. You know what they say "A man hits best when mad."
"Hey! You two, stop it before we get in trouble!" Theo came over and pushed them apart. The boy ran but Liam just punched Theo. Theo had a big mark between the side beginning of his cheek and nose. It was really red too. Liam just ran back into the school.
"Oh, my god, Theo. What happened?" Emma asked Theo.
"Nothing. Move, you're blocking my locker." And so she moved.
"Do you wanna hang out after school?" She asked him while he was shoving his things in his locker.
"No, I don't. I have stuff to do. I'll see you after class." He walked away and went into math. Being Emma, she followed him.
"Theo, why don't you like me? Aren't we dating?" She looked upset and angry.
"Yeah, we are. Of course we are. I do like you, I'm just tired and done with everything." He lied. He always lies.
"Okay so can we get ice cream or something?" One reason he didn't really like Emma was that she would pressure you until you said yes or okay.
"No." And one thing Theo always does is he does what he wants.
"Theo, if your playing me..."
"Emma, I'm not playing you! I just don't want to eat cold shit and your saying I'm playing you? Just leave me alone. I just got punched and your worrying about ice cream? What, do you want me to put the ice cream on my bruise? Leave me alone." He made the final words clear. She flipped her hair and walked away. Theo did find her sexy and pretty, though. Does that count for something?
"Hey, Liam. Are you okay?" It was Hayden. Liam missed Hayden. "I'm not sure if you can hear me but Mason went with the math club to Europe for a contest thing and he said I should watch out for you and I'm guessing he actually meant it."
"Yeah, Hayden? Hayden! I like your name. I don't hear it a lot, that's sad."
"Liam, you're still drunk?"
"Nope, not drunk. Just Liam." He smiled. "Do you want to go somewhere after school? You and I?" Liam asked her. He actually didn't ask her to make Theo jealous, he just asked her because he really likes her as a friend and he wants to hang out with her. She took the whole gay thing really well. You don't get a lot of that.
"Why not. Pick me up from math?" She asked and he nodded. They hugged then she went to Spanish.
"Liam, don't you have Spanish too?"
"Oh, right!" And they both walked to Spanish. Liam's arm was around her shoulder. Theo watched them walk together though Liam didn't see him. Theo knew Liam didn't try to make him jealous. That's not who Liam is, that's who he is.
"Buenos dias clase" the Spanish teacher doesn't know much English so if you're not good at Spanish, you're as good as dead. "Take your books out please." She also had a very Spanish accent. "Um, page, the 45, please." And they all opened to page 45.  --
"Theo, would you please read out the starter for today?" The teacher asked Theo.
"Do I have a choice?" Theo talked back.
"Theo, what happened to you? You became a better student and now your back where you started."
"Just like this conversation." Theo said and gave her a smile while she gave him her worse face.
"Okay, Michelle please, read." She was still giving Theo the face but he didn't care.
Liam and Hayden walked out of class and went down to the cafeteria, While Malia, Stiles, Scott and Lydia ate outside. Apparently, Emma hates the outside because it "messes up her hair" so her and Theo sad together in the cafeteria.
"Can I get the spaghetti. No, actually, the slice of pizza... oh wait, is that cake?!" Liam couldn't decide what to pick so the lunch lady just gave him mashed potato. "Gee, thanks. I'm gonna love this!" Liam said sarcastically and walked away from the cafeteria. "The only chance we get good food at school, I get something worse than our daily food!" Liam cried and Hayden laughed. Hayden made Liam happy. She knows what to say and do all the right times. She was like his sister.
"You know, there were free cupcakes next to the napkins so you could have just picked one up while walking away." Hayden pointed out and laughed. Liam just showed an annoyed face. He then looked in front of him. 7 tables away was Theo eating with the slut. What do you call a man slut? "Hey! Oh my god it's Theo! Hi Theo." Hayden shouting to reach Theo and Theo looked at her.
"I'm guessing you don't know that we broke up and things are really bad."Liam told her.
"Oh, oh my god Liam, I'm so sorry. Now I know why Mason said I should take care of you." Hayden felt bad. She really didn't know. "Who's she?" She asks Liam.
"She's a bitch." Liam told her and she understood what he meant.
"I have an idea." Hayden told Liam. She whistled and then kissed Liam. For a really, really long time. There was tongue touching. Theo didn't know who whistled and that was the whole point. He saw them kissing and just walked out of the cafeteria. Emma just sad there, clueless. She's always clueless.
"Do you think that worked?" Hayden asked Liam.
"Why did you do that?" He wasn't very thankful. He was quite mad.
"Well, I just wanted to help."
"I know, it's just, I'm not the type of person that would do that. Thank you, though. I can't stand him right now but I need to apologise." He smiled and walked off. He was really annoyed at Hayden but he didn't want to loose her too. If he lost her, he would have no one. Liam walked out into the halls and saw the lockers to his left that had fists printed on them. Who would be that mad to hit them this hard?
"Theo, what are you doing! You're bleeding! Stop!" Liam tried to stop him but he didn't stop. He was throwing things around and kicking things until they would break or fall. "There are cameras, Theo. You gonna have to pay for this!"
"I don't care! I have the perfect family that has a lot of money. My life is perfect, right!"
"Theo, just- stop." Liam came closer to Theo and held his arms down. "Please, you're gonna end up in the hospital."
"Why would you care? I've been such a bad person. I've been a bad boyfriend and I lost you." Theo seemed genuinely upset.
"What? You weren't a bad boyfriend. And you didn't loose me, you left me... for no reason. Why did you break up with me, Theo? I never asked." Liam was curious. He did never ask and he just realised that he doesn't know why their relationship ended.
"I'm not good for you, Liam."
"Why did you break up with me?"
"I get you in trouble and-"
"Why did you?"
"And one day, you're going to end up in the hospital or jail."
"And I made you drink in school, oh my god." Theo put his hands on his face.
"I broke up with you because I feel like I've been ruining you! Did you hear everything I just said? And you broke your leg because of me!" Theo finally confessed.
"What? I told you, my leg isn't your fault. Neither is any of the other things. They were all my choices."
"No, I made you drink. I made you do a lot of things you wouldn't have done without me. I made you think things you wouldn't have thought without me. Or known."
"That's true. I wouldn't have known what love was without you. I wouldn't know that people actually change without you.  I wouldn't face people without you. You made me stronger and more confident. I don't care if you're bad for me."
"I do. I don't care how mad or jealous I'm going to get but as long as you're safe. You can't be around me, Liam. I'm a bad person."
"You're not! I know you!" Liam shouted while Theo was walking away. Liam fell to the ground, crying. When did this all happen? How did this all happen?

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