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Note: wow! Chapter 10 already?❤️❤️❤️
•"Hey Liam!" It was Hayden.
"Oh, Hayden, hey... long time no see."
"Yea, I've been kinda busy. So I heard you and Theo are a thing, is it true?" In this school, something can stay a secret for about 5 minutes maximum. Even if your in a different country, you'll hear the secret.
"Yeah, we are."
"I didn't know you were-"
"I'm bisexual." He wanted to try and talk things calm with her.
"Oh, that's nice. So you still like girls?" She joked.
"Yeah." He smiled.
"How's life?"
"Hayden, I'm sorry, but do you need anything?"
"No, no. Just checking up on my ex-something."
"Well, I kinda gotta go do something but I'll see you around." He hugged her and left.
Liam walked into an empty classroom and sat on one of the desks. He was waiting for Theo, they are supposed to meet up here.
"Theo, hey." He came earlier than Liam expected.
"Hey, i didn't see you." Theo kissed Liam and sat down next to him.
"Yeah?" Theo was breathing heavily and had blood coming out of his ear.
"You okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you have a blood version of Niagara Falls coming out of your ear." Theo swore under his breath and took a tissue from the teachers desk.
"Who hit you? Theo, answer my question."
"No one, I hit a wall."
"And did the wall fall over you?"
"Liam, this isn't funny."
"You bet your ass it isn't. Here- let me help you. Now tell me, what happened?"
"Nothing." Theo smiled, held Liam closer and kissed him. "Your so pretty." He told Liam.
"Come on, Theo. I need to know!"
"I just got in a fight. That's all. Usual me. Can we kiss now?"
"Damn it, Theo. Who was the fight against?"
"Jason Dorian" Jason Dorian is a very hard headed guy that can get to fights and trouble easily and if you do get in a fight with him, your stuck with his drama for a while.
"Damn it, Theo!"
"Look, babe, it's okay. He's in the principals office. I was there too but he dismissed me earlier. The principal probably knows he started the fight."
"And did he?"
"Yes Liam, he did. Can we kiss now since everything is cleared up?"
"What are you going to tell your parents?"
"Nothing Liam. They don't need to know. This is information that has nothing to do with them."
"Oh, I think it does. And if they find out knowing you weren't the one who told them, your screwed."
"I'll tell them when I go home."
"Okay." Liam smiled and came in closer to kiss Theo but then the bell rang. "Oops, gotta run."
"You mean, mean boy." Theo said and smiled while walking to class.
Malia was a cheerleader for the lacrosse team and Kira was a girl who most people don't know exist. Stiles has no clue on how Scott "loved" them both since they are completely different.
"So, who are you choosing?" Stiles asked Scott.
"What?" Scott had no clue what Stiles was on about, like always. Stiles starts a conversation which has nothing to do with the conversation they just finished all the time which confuses Scott.
"Malia or Kira?"
"Stiles, we were talking about science like two seconds ago and now your bringing up Kira and Malia?"
"Well, yeah. You need to pick one some time soon. As your best friend, I'm trying to help you find you way and your not making it easy for me."
"Trust me, it's not easy on me either. I don't think I'm gonna choose. I broke up with Kira and I don't want to come back to her because she's right, she's not the one for me. Even if it's just a high school love thing. I mean, I'm not even in love with her. And I'm not picking Malia because we have this amazing friendship that I really don't want to loose. I don't want to loose her."
"You still like me more, right?"
"What? Did you hear anything I just said?"
"I heard the part where you said you have an amazing friendship with Malia. You still like me more, right?"
"Yes, Stiles, your my best friend but right now, I'd do anything to avoid you so I'm going to get some more food."
"Huh, he likes Malia more."
Liam walked up to his locker to get his English and history books. He actually like history. 99.9% of the school hate history but Liam enjoys it. He finds it interesting what happened in the past. His notebook fell out of his locker to the ground and when he picked it up, he looked over and saw Jason.
"Oh look, it's the boyfriend!" Jason joked with his friends about Liam.
"Are any of them your boyfriend, or are you single? Because I don't see anyone around here that looks like they care about you." Liam talked back.
"He talks! That will help me a lot in the future."
"You wouldn't be able to hear me speak if you've got broken ears."
"What?" Jason was confused. But so was Liam, he barely ever talks back.
"Gotta go to class. I have a future waiting for me." He walked away and left the guys shocked.
"You guys didn't tell me he wasn't the puppy kind!" Jason raised his voice at his "friends."
"He isn't! He must have changed." One of his friends said.
"Yea, besides, he's dating Theo now." Another one of them pointed out.
Liam walked to his English class and saw a poster on the outside of the door that said
"Class dismissed for today, go read or catch up on some work in the library."
"Huh, I wonder why." Liam was surprised since there wasn't once English was ever cancelled. But he did what he was told and went to the library. Theo never goes to class this part of the day since he'd be in the field practicing lacrosse or he'd be running laps around the field. The library is just around the corner of the field. It's a different building.
"Liam? Hey! Don't you have class!" The field was so big, that they had to shout to reach each other's voices.
"Kinda! Come over here!" And Theo ran to Liam and was out of breath.
"Why- are- you-" he stopped and took a breath.
"I'm out of class because I have library this period. English was cancelled."
"Oh. Well, I'll come with you to the library. What are we reading?" Theo did hate reading. It was the most thing he hated. Ever. Besides math. And science. Okay, so it wasn't the most thing he hated, but he did hate it. He did this stuff for Liam and to spend time with him.
"I don't know. We'll see."
"Okay." Theo put his arm around Liam and squished him then kissed his forehead. "Let's go read!" Theo shouted and Liam laughed. When they arrived at the library, they sat at the back of the room, like always.
"I don't like this book. Can we change it?" Theo asked Liam.
"No, you don't like any book so we are sticking to this one. By the way, guess what happened today."
"What?" Theo asked.
"Two really weird things. First of all, I saw Hayden."
"Hayden? As in "my ex-something" Hayden? Woah."
"Yeah, I know. It was pretty surprising since I haven't seen her in such a long time. Anyways, numb- what?" Theo was staring at Liam and smiling. It was creeping him out but he liked it too.
"Your so damn pretty." Theo told him. Liam smiled and Theo kissed him. "You were saying?"
"Oh yeah. You friend came up to me, Jason." Theo looked scared and shocked. "He made a joke and I talked back to him and he said something else and I ended it with another comeback." Liam was proud of himself.
"Oh, you were that guy? God, people are talking about you all over the school! About the no ear thing?"
"Yeah, I think so." Liam and Theo laughed and continued reading the book.
"I love you." Theo interrupted Liam's reading.
"I love you too. Now let me read."
"Hey, Lydia. Can we talk. You've been in school the whole day and in alot of my classes. I haven't seen you at all. Have you been avoiding me?"
"What? No. I haven't." She didn't sound very honest. "I just had things to do."
"In geography with mr. Merian? What have you been doing other than sleeping, cuz I'd like to know." Lydia and Stiles signed up for classes that they were both in together, including Scott, so they can see each other more often but lately, Stiles barely sees Lydia.
"Nothing. What did you want to talk about? Because if that was it, then..."
"No, it wasn't it." Stiles kissed Lydia but had no control over it.
"You kissed me, why?" She was happy about it.
"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't kiss the girl I love?" He smiled and walked away.
"Wait!" She came up to him and kissed him back. "Stiles, I want you to know that-"
"I know." He smiled.
"I always have. I just never thought you loved me back." She looked up at him and giggled.
"Wanna grab something to eat?" He asked her.
"Duh." She held his hand and they walked over to his jeep. "You still have that car? When are you getting an actual car?" She asked him. She actually really liked his jeep. She was the one that bought it with him a few years back so it brings back a lot of good memories.
"I'll get a new one as soon as this one breaks and is unable to be fixed." They got into the car and went to the closest café around.
Scott really wanted to talk to Kira since he knows his last talk didn't go as planned. He also asked her to come into a classroom so if she tried to walk away, like she always does, she wouldn't be able to because he'll be standing in front of the door.
"Hey, Kira, thanks for coming." He smiled.
"Hi. It's fine, I had a free period." She sat down to the chair closest to the front. "So, why am I here?"
"Kira, I want to talk to you without you walking out. Thought I probably shouldn't have mentioned the walking out part. Uh- that wasn't smart. Okay, forget I said that. But I do want to talk to you."
"Okay, sure. But Scott, you don't have to keep guarding the door from me." She smiled and he walked over to her.
"Right, okay. So, Kira, I think you might be the kindest person I've ever met. Your beautiful, smart, honest. Your seriously amazing. And you don't deserve to be shut down by me for no real reason. I'm so sorry for what I did to you, that was not very.. good. I just want you to know that I think you deserve better than whatever the hell i am. And I do love you.. but as the way that I love Lydia. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings in any way. Know that I will be there for you if you need anything."
"Scott, I know your sorry and I know you mean these things. I know you just didn't know how to tell me them. I know the person you are, I know you didn't mean to hurt me and I know that you want the best for me. I'm not hurt, really. I've moved on and I think you deserve better too. I might be the "perfect girl" for you but it doesn't seem like I'm the type of person you want so if you want Malia, go get her and if you want anyone else, get them. I don't mind as love as your happy. I love you too." Kira might be one of the most understanding person ever.
"Thank you so, so much." He went up to her and hugged her. Then they both left the room smiling and waving.
"So, we have a game tomorrow, are you playing?" Liam asked Theo. School had just finished and the day went by pretty well. Maybe because Theo and Liam had more time together.
"Yeah, I am, actually. Get excited to win." Theo winked at Liam and opened the door for him.
"It's back!"
"What's back?" Theo asked Liam.
"The wink, it's back!" Theo smiled and hugged Liam.

*hey guys, I realised this day in the story is so unreal because a lot happened with Sarah, Hayden, Jason, thiam, stydia... and on. I'm sorry I just thought things should be good since it's chapter 10🤷🏻‍♀️*

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