Truth: for Lance

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Theoneweirdowriter: truth for lance, did you fall in love with Keith right away as soon as you saw him?

Lance: uh...

Keith: *looks at him*

Lance: well, yes. I have loved him since I saw him! Buuuuuuut... I thought he was a girl for a little while.

Keith: you what!?

Pidge: more than a little while! You thought he was a girl until you had an argument with hunk about his gender.

Hunk: yeah, I remember Lance telling me the "girl" he liked was flat chested.

Keith: do I seriously look the feminine to you!?

Lance: yep.

Hunk: yup.

Pidge: a lot more feminine than me.

Shiro: can't say I disagree.

Keith: .... I have a penis!!

Shiro: that still doesn't change the fact that you have the body of a woman.

Pidge: and long hair.

Hunk: and girly eyes.

Allura: also your face is shaped like a woman.

Coran: your lips look like a female's.

Keith: alright!! ... Damn!

Lance: see, this is why you're bottom, and I'm top.

Keith: *glares at him* asshole.

Lance: love you too, kitten.

Keith: *blushes* douche bag.

Lance: kitten!!

Keith: douche bag!!

Shiro: go fuck!

Pidge: no! They can't do that yet!!

Shiro: why?

Pidge: *laughs evily*

Shiro: understood.

(Hello theoneweirdowriter. I hope you liked this chapter, the second part of your request is coming shortly. I hope you like that one as well! Thanks for the request. I hope to make more of your truths and dares for you in the future!)

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