Amazing, Funny, Smart and Gorgeous

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Emmett's POV

As me and Bella are working on Her and Jasper's float i can't help but wonder why everyone thinks she is a vampire like us, I mean i get it she's pale and gorgeous but she is such an amazing person and she is funny, clumsy and so .... human, she has a faint heartbeat and she's warm. Sure it's weird how rich she is and how she can afford to keep a house like Swanera manor but lots of people have money. There is literally nothing that is Vampiric in nature about her. 

" Emmett can you pass me that bucket of paint?" Bella ask bringing me out of my trance

" Yeah sure " I say passing her the can of baby blue paint that she decided would look good for the sky, I can't help but wonder about why she moved here and how she knows so much about the Civil War, it would make sense if she was a vampire but she has a heartbeat I can feel the warmth of her skin I can smell the blood in her veins.

Alice's POV

YAY! It's lunch, maybe Bella will sit with us, ohhh maybe we could go shopping soon. Ever since I met bella all I can think about is how much fun it's going to be having he around, She can be the Vampire equivalent of a gay best friend - A human best friend.

" Alice sit down already, please " Rosalie says pulling me down into a seat, I look around for Emmett but I can't find him, oh God he better of not already played another prank. I hear the doors to the cafeteria squeak open and I look to them and see Bella saying goodbye to Emmett and he then comes and sits next to Rose. 

" where on earth have you been " Edward said and Emmett chuckles

" Oh our teacher let the class go and work on or floats so I helped Bella on hers and Jasper's and before we new it the bell had rung and we were still working " Emmett says and Edward les out a low growl

" Jealous Edward, but why he only spent a whole 50 minutes with her " Jasper says mocking Edward, Jealous Edward, really I never thought I would see him Jealous 

" Why are you so Jealo...." I was cut of by the fire alarm going off and I looked to my mate and siblings and we all rushed to the parking lot and see everyone is being told to write down their names and then they can go home 

Carlisle's POV 

As I arrive home I see my childrens cars in the garage, they aren't supposed to be home yet. I grab my briefcase and walk into the house to see everyone sitting around the table waiting on me.

" Hey guys, why are you back so early?" I ask as I take my seat at the table 

" someone set fire to a home economics class " Jasper says in his natural southern accent

" yea, Alice in the kitchen again" Emmett says and Alice shoots him a glare 

" So why the family meeting?" I ask and Jasper and Emmett look at each other

" We don't think Bella's a vampire " Emmett and Jasper say at the same time 

" Why not ?" I ask 

" She's so nice and has a heart beat and she's warm, She eat food and is clumsy she's so ..... so human " Emmett says

" I don't know, how would Ephraim would know to keep the land in her name " Edward says

" don't get me wrong she is amazing, funny, smart and gorgeous but you have to agree with me " Edward says

" what do you mean "amazing, funny, smart and gorgeous" huh? Something to tell us " Alice says 

" yea yea, shut it Ally " Edward says as they start a full on nick name battle ......

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