High School Hottie Part 2

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Bella's POV 

As I walk into my first class - English - everyone stops what they are doing and looks straight at me, everyone is in awe of me 

She's beautiful

Wow ..... she's perfection 

God the things i could do with that body

I can hear everyone's disgusting thoughts about me and my looks, so what if i'm cute i really don't care, the girls in the class are looking at me with envy and the boys with awe and lust. I look over to the teacher handing her my slip to sign and he passes it back and tells me to and take a seat next to a Mr. Cullen.

" Hi i'm Emmett, nice to met you " Emmett says to me as i sit down and i shake his hand

" Isabella Swan, but I like Bella, lovely to make tour acquaintance " I say just before the teacher starts talking.

Once English ends i go to my next classes - Math and Religious Education - until it comes to my favourite class, History. As i rush in I pass the teacher my pass to be signed and i take a seat next to a Mr. Hale.

" Jasper Hale, lovely t meet you ma'am " the Jasper guy says as i shake his hand introducing myself.

" okay class today we will be making floats for the towns parade so everyone will have to chose their float first theme The declaration of independence" the teacher says oing through the themes until i hear one I actually want to do 

" okay next Civil war in the South .... ah Miss Swan and Mr. Hale, good choice " the teacher says as i turn to Jasper and we smile at each other 

" Class get in your groups and start decorating " the teacher says as i turn to Jasper and for the rest of the class we talk to each other about our selves or we throw paint at each other laughing utill the bell rings

" Hey Jasper, you can go you know, i'm sure you're being missed " I say as he turns to me 

" I'm sure their fine without me Bella, besides i'm sure within the next three minutes my family is going to be out here looking for me and if I leave you alone i'm sure the male's f this place will descend and we can't have that " Jasper says walking over to me pouring a can of blood red paint over me 

" Jasper! I'm going to kill you!" I shout grabbing another can throwing it over him and then we just start throwing as much paint at each other as we can until we hear a few simultaneous coughs and we spin around to see Emmett a guy and to other girls behind us and we just look at each other and start laughing

" Jazz, what the hell happened ?" The small Pixie looking girls asks 

" Um well .....it's kinda hard to explain Alice " he says looking at me

" I'm sorry about this .... I'm Bella it's lovely to meets you " I say to them and they all introduce themselves until it comes to the last guy he looks like a god, he has topaz coloured eyes and bronze hair and he introduces himself as Edward Cullen and as we shake each others hand and it feels like the whole world just disappeared.I let go and take a step back and look at Jasper and he nods slightly and i loo to the cans of paint at our feet and we pick them up and throw them over the cullens and they all look furious until they grab paint ad we start a full fledged paint war.

" Miss Swan, Mr. Hale what is the meaning of this?" Our History teacher asks looking angry 

" ummm, well " I say and I look to Jasper for help 

" All of you i suggest that all of you go hme and get cleaned up and you two i want your float finished by tomorrow" the teacher says turning around and leaving and as he does I look at Jasper and we all just burst into laughter

" we better get going " I say to him 

" Yeah, esme's going to be pissed when we trail all of this paint into the house" Emmett says to us

"If you wantin've got spare clothes at my house that you guys could borrow " I say and Alicce's head shoots up

" Sure, yay new closet to explore " Alice says 

" Just follow me, and just don't ask any questions" I sasy as we allhop in our cars and spead away to 

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