My Life, My Story

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Bella's POV

As i turn to face Edward I see him and his family staring at me .

" Yes Edward?" I ask as he looks at me in shock

" You're a . . . . You're like us a . . . a vampire " He says quite obviously 

" yeah I am, so?"  I ask as I look at Jasper to make sure he was alright 

" Why didn't you tell us, why did you not tell me?" Edward says sadly

" Edward stop badgering the girl, Bella would you like to come back to our house and get cleaned up darling?" Esme asks politely

" It's fine, I can just go to my house it's closer after all" I say and she nods

" Can we come with you? to make sure you are okay" Alice asks and I nod and run as the Cullens follow, as we arive to my house I stop as we get in the main door when I heard the Cullens gasp even though most of them had already saw inside it was pretty spectacular   

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