Melding colours of the sky

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Bella's POV

As me and Jasper are riding to the top of Elanor's Peak we jump of the horses and we look at the sky and I see all of the different colours melding together. 

"It's amazing up here " I say looking from the sky to Jasper 

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"It's amazing up here " I say looking from the sky to Jasper 

" Yeah, it is isn't it " Jasper says pulling out his phone and taking a picture. I take out my phone and take a picture to and I see the time 4:15pm, school ended two hours ago 

" Won't your parents be wondering were you guys are by now?" I ask looking at Jasper

" They might, I'll call them " He says and he does so and once he does he comes back and tells me they are fine with them staying for a while longer

" So, what's your family like? They mus be rich if they own all this land, right" Jasper says looking at me and all I can do is think about how much I miss them 

" They were amazing, but sadly I am the only one left " I say as I turn to face Jasper and I see how bad he felt after asking

" Oh my god Bella, i'd didn't know I am so sorr... " He starts to say as I cut him off

" It's fine Jasper, you didn't know " I say as i put a blanket down for us to sit on 

" Will you tell me about them?" Jasper says

" Of course, Jasper " I say as I think about everyone 

" Well there was my younger brother - Thomas - He was so kind, caring and a giant teddy bear all round, he could be mean and funny sometimes, he loved playing pranks on everyone, he could always make anyone laugh. He could walk into a room and it would light up immediately, he was also smart and handsome, he was always a looker all the girls would be all over him, but there was only ever one girl for him " I say as i look in the sky and see how all the clouds looked like they were just painted on  

" Her name was Lily-Paige, she was smart, funny, cute, charismatic and caring. Even though she was a year younger than me she was like one of my best friends, they made the perfect pair all most so perfect that you could swear they were made for one and other " I say remembering the day Thomas brought Lily-Paige home for the first time 

" Then there was Elizabeth my older sister, she was popular and funny, she could just smile and you could feel warmth radiating of off her skin, she was always there for anyone and everyone, she was the kind of person you either loved or hated, wanted to be or wanted to kill, every boy in the whole state wanted her for themselves but their was only Ryan." I say remembering the day they first met, me and her where walking through town and she bumped into him and she went to say sorry but he did it first insisting to buy her a new dress to make up for the one he had just ripped 

" You know those kind of boys who you are just drawn to be friends with, that was the kind of boy Ryan was, you could look at him and all your worries would just fade away because he just did that, when you spent time with him he ...... god it's hard to explain, you could be given the hardest paper to write or have to find another number of pi as homework and you new it would be so extremely hard but if your did it with him it would feel like you just had to know what the word -and- was used for, he was like another brother to me " I say as I turn to look at Jasper

" And then there was my Parents - Charlie and Renee Swanera - you know those couples you see and you wish you could have something like what they had, that was my parents. My dad the Sheriff, he was a looker, every woman in the town wanted him but he was a dedicated family man, he loved us all so much. My mom Renee, she was so kind and caring, no one could ever be sad in her presence she was the town's chef, she would cook for the whole town just to see them smile they were always so grateful " I say wishing they were still here  

" They sound amazing Bella, so what about you who did you like because it seems like everyone in your family had another half so what about you?" Jasper says looking at me, questionably 

" There was this one boy,I guess. His name was Anthony, he was Ryan's adoptive brother, he had brown hair and bright green eyes, he was always amazing and a gentleman, he would always make sure I was okay. One year he asked me to the spring ball and I said yes and it was the best night f my life, we Danced with each other for hours and just talked, he was utterly amazing " I say thinking about Anthony

" He sounds amazing Bella " Jasper said with real sincerity in his voice, I decided to check the time and when I saw it my eyes bulged out of my eyes 8:40pm 

" we better decide to get back soon " I say and he agrees so we get back on Wild Storm and Jasmine and we start riding back 

As we get back to the stables we put the horses back and we walk into the house and I see the rest of the Cullens are in the living room watching TV.

" Hey Guys " I say as me and Jasper walk into the living room, Jasper goes and sits next to Alice and I sit next to Edward

" Hey guys, where have you two been ?" Emmett asks looking from me to Jasper

" we went horse riding up Elanor's Peak and we just talked for a while " I say and we all just hand out until 11:00pm when they all had to go home so i said goodbye to them all and i decide to read Wuthering Heights again until its time for school again.

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