Home Town Havoc

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Bella's POV 

As I drive in to my home town of Forks, Washington, I see that the place hasn't really changed in the past 35 years. Once i get to my apartment that i rented out until i could restore my family home i look at it and i have to say i could've done a lot worse. Once i unpack all of my stuff i decided to go and see the old place before i go hunting.

*** 27 minutes later ***

Wow, this place has really taken a turn for the worse since i was last here, i guess i better see how bad it is on the inside. I walk up to the main door i try to open the door but can't, thank god hopefully everything is still here. i grab the key from my back pocket and open the door and i walk inside and i take a look around.

It's like walking through time to the passed it looks the same as it did 350 odd years ago, I can see all the old family paintings. The place looks like a museum of my childhood, the only exception was there was a layer of dirt and dust over everything not to mention the cobwebs and bugs. 

I decide that i can go to the town hall and present them with the forms tomorrow so i can start refurbishing this place and making i back into the house i have always held in my heart. As soon as i walk out of the door i can smell a deer about 500 yards to the west and i go after it. Once i see it i pounce and feel the blood flow into my mouth.  

Once i finish off my deer something no ..... Someone pops into my head i wonder if he still lives on the reservation or if he is still alive. Well He's Billy Black so he's probably still alive if not Chief of the Quileute tribe. 

As i arrive on the reservation i am surrounded by werewolves all looking the same with their big muscles and short hair and that tattoo. 

" Vampires aren't allowed on our land blood sucker!" One of them says no ... shout at me 

" I don't wish you any harm i just came to see Billy Black .... He's an old friend " i say as they all look at one and other

"What do you wan't with my father ... he would never be friends with a blood sucker!" One of them says crossing his arms 

"You must be Jacob .... You're father told me about you, i'm Isabella" i say looking at him, he looks just like his father 

"Swan? He's told me about you, come with me i'm sure he'd love to see you " Jacob says smiling 

"And i'd love to see him" I say to him 

As we walk away from the other boys in the pack i remember the last time i saw Billy... he was 26 years old, He and Jacob look just like Ephraim Black, He was an elder that i first met when i moved back here in 1925. As we walk up to a small House i remember me and billy building this place together when he was younger.

" Dad " Jacob shout as he turns back to me 

" He'll be out in a minute, it just takes him a while " he says as i remember the wheelchair 

" Hey Jacob whats wrong why are yo ..... Vampire " he says looking at me 

" You're not allowed here, Jake why would you bring this thing here?" he says looking at his son who looks at me 

" Billy it's me Bella, remember?" i ask him but he still looks doughtful

" No, She left " He says looking at me 

" It's me, I came back just like i promised, we built this house together when you hit 21, we'd go hunting together and fix cars, remember you gave me this when i left " i say passing him the necklace that held a photo of us 

" Bella?" He says and i bend down and hug him

"God Bella, I've missed you" he says into my hair before i pull back

" Hey, I heard about Sarah, i'm sorry Billy " I say and he smiles 

" I see you've met Jacob, my son " he says as we looks to Jacob

" I have, Billy, you know Jacob I told you're father everything he knows " i say looking from Billy to Jacob

" No way .... Ha dad, oh my god that's a good one for the pack " he says laughing 

" I have some very embarrassing photo's and stories about your father" I say and Jacob just snorts 

" I actually came to tell you that i'm fixing up the old place and i was wondering if you still had all of the papers for the place?" i ask Billy

"Of course I still do, I'll go and get them" he says going back into his house, as he does the pack that i 'met' earlier walks up to us 

" She's the real thing?" One of them asks Jacob and he nods

" Bella This is Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea, Embry Call, Quil Atera V and Leah and Seth Clearwater" Jacob says pointing to each person

" It's nice to meet y'all" i say as Billy comes wheeling out with the papers and a map

" Here are you're papers Bella, Ah i see you've met everyone " He says passing me the papers 

" And well, Half of you're land is kinds not on our territory" He says and i can't believe Ephraim did that

" Do you have a copy of your territory so i can take a look " and he nods as he goes just in the door and comes out with a map and a stack of papers

" here is out territory and this is a copy of the papers stating everything " he says passing me the paper's and i look through them and i see something stating my name saying-

' The Property on both lands entitled Swanera Manor belonging to a Miss Isabella Marie Swanera will belong to the Quileute tribe until she wishes to redeem it, If this promise is not upheld than Miss Isabella Marie Swanera is aloud to take actions against the Olympic Coven ' 

" Oh thank god Ephraim kept my land " i mutter under my breath 

" Bella if i were you i'd pay a visit to the Cullen's Coven " he says, the Cullen's must be the Olympic Coven 

" yeah i could but i'm not going to " i say and everyone laughs 

" Hey Bella, do you need help cleaning up the place, i'm sure we could help as long as it was alright with you?" Sam asks and i smile 

" Um, I wouldn't mind some help i was thinking of starting tomorrow because i want it to be ready for when school starts in 2 weeks" i say

" we'll be there to help" Jacob says smiling slightly flirtatiously at me, I spend the rest of the day with them before heading home to get stuff ready for the town hall tomorrow.

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