Don't Lock YourSelf In After The Attack

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V Pov

After dropping Jin off at his apartment when the tour around his father's building was finished. I drove off to the hideout trying not to make the others become all questioningly about my disappearance for about six hours. I quickly parked the car in the hidden garage and basically jumped out of the car and started to run kicking the hideout door open making an loud bang. To my surprise I didn't see anyone but I heard voices coming from the planing room making me sigh in disbelief, I though their going to be somewhere else! I said to myself as I quietly made my way towards the room were the laughing became louder and the talking getting louder, but what caught my attention is that there were talking about someone I can hear them say he, his or him.

Fully walked  into the room I see them either sitting on the chairs or on the table mostly J-Hope and Jungkook sit on the table Jimin sometimes does as well the others or sitting in the chairs, laughing and joking. I got a little to close when I stepped on an wire and they turned around looking at me, the trip wire is there because when someone walks in they don't get away from sneaking in or out.

"Taehyung?! Well let's talk about the six hours that you were not here!" Said Namjoon with his arms cross looking at me with an death glare. I just rolled my eyes.

"I was busy taking care of somebody, who was trying to kill an little girl." I lied sitting down next to Suga who was eyeing me like an stupid person.

"Well you know or forgot that we always kill anyone without hesitation right?" Suga said resting his head on his hand, still eyeing him.

"Well....we don't kill children now do we? Anyways what where y'all taking about before I walked in?" I asked looking at Namjoon mostly, while the others are staring at me.

"We were talking about an boy that- well he ran into us while we were robbing." Said Jungkook smiling, while brushing thru his hair.

"He probably heard all the shit J-Hope was making and decided to see what was happening from hearing his fucked up laugh of his." Said Suga with an mocking smirk and J-Hope looks like he wants to punch him or something.

"The boy was so scared that he couldn't move...and I don't blame him most people are petrified of us." Said Namjoon standing up and walking over to sit closer to Taehyung.

"He had the nerve to slash my cheek. Then he ran after, then some bitch decided to call the god damn police, all ways ruining the fun." Namjoon said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I wish you were there Taehyung. That boy gorgeous, he looked innocent. I know that the rest of you are thinking the same thing." Jimin said smiling and messing with his hands.

I was so.....scared? Yes, I'm was scared for him and I know who there talking about. Just from saying that he's gorgeous and innocent made my mind start to panic, my heart started to race. I couldn't be with them on that mission because I fell asleep and was being lazy about killing then robbing some dumbass couple that decided not to pay us back after we give them their fucking bullshit son back from one of our rivals, that are now dead. Without thinking I walked out and slammed the door while the others look at me in confusion, stupidity, and suspicion, I can feel their eyes burning thru my head but I don't care.

I went to my car and decided to text Jin telling him that I want to hang out with him, the real reason is that I have alot on my mind and that is wanting to protect Jin from them or anyone that's trying to take him or kill him. I won't let that happen. Arriving at Jins apartment I got out of my car and walked into the apartment complex, taking out my phone mid way up the stairs cause of a text, from Jin.

"I'm not ready for you to show up yet Taetae~~"

I smiled and shooked my head, then rolled my eyes. He's so adorable and innocent. I made it to the floor where Jin is and stopped a while to rest my legs, how the hell can he walk up that so many stairs and not feel tired? I asked myself walking up to his door then knocking, but he didn't answer. Before I can knock again my phone buzzed showing that I got an text from Jin.

"I said I'm not rrreeeaaaddyyyyy yyeeeeeett~~~~~

I put my phone away then turned around leaning my back against the door, lifting my head up looking at the ceiling then closing my eyes for awhile. Before I can move or even open my eyes the door swung open making me fall hard onto the floor, looking up I see Jin looking at me in worry and he reaches an hand at me and I offered his help.

"I-I-I.............I'm.........s-so..sorry Taetae." He said lifting me up with alot of struggle.

"It's okay. You didn't know. Nothing to be sorry about." I said trying to hold in my laughter as he continues to struggle with lifting me up. I'm not that hurt I just wanted to test his strength, it looks like he's really is innocent.

"Having trouble there kitten?" I asked teasingly smirking.

"N-N-No.....I got it." He said with an faint blush spreading across his face, looking down.

I finally give Jin mercy and lifted myself up. He was surprised at this and nearly fell over but I caught him by his waist and pulled him up to my chest, I started to rub his head slowly and rested my mouth against his head kissing it every now and again. I can feel his face heating up every kiss I give him, hear him squeal in protest and hitting my chest softly causing me to smile.

"Taetae. Five days ago there was an group-" I cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"Don't lock yourself in Jin." I said hugging him closer and rested my head between his neck and shoulder.

"W-What?" He asked trying to lift his head to look at me.

"I said don't lock yourself in Jin, please. My kitten don't lock yourself in please. After what happened you have me and can call me whenever and wherever." I said resting my hand on his head and kissing his neck, which made him jumped.

"Okay. Okay. I will......f-for you Taetae." He said hugging me back shyly.

"Thank you. Be strong Jin fight back if they break in. Don't lock yourself in it only make it worst." I said remembering the time where I did the same thing when I was an child and my father was trying to open the door and once he did he beat me until I bleed. My mom was the one to stop him and she tooked me to the hospital. That's why I face my fears with an open door. My mom said the same thing and also she was beaten almost every day but she faces it. She said if someone that I can't live without is in danger, protect them and teach how to keep the door open for anyone or anything to comes your way. I'm going to do that to.

(The door of fear that V was talking about and cause all army's are afraid of this fucking door)

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(The door of fear that V was talking about and cause all army's are afraid of this fucking door)

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