Learning The News

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V Pov

I woke up to Jin sleeping on my chest and smiled at how cute he is when he's sleeping. I tooked my phone out and check the time seeing that it's about..........2:57 am?! Oh shit the mission!! But it's to late they probably getting ready...then something snapped in my head and looked at Jin in wide eyes. His job....his fucking job!

I pushed Jin off me hitting the floor hard. He groaned as he sat up rubbing the back of his head and looked at me in pure confusion.

"W-What's wrong with Taetae?? Y-You hurt m-me.." Jin stuttered trying his best not to cry.

"Your job Jin! Your gonna be late!!" I yelled showing him the time.

"O-oh n-no...I-I can't be late!!" Jin yelled grabbing his bag and everything else for his job. It's an good thing he fell asleep with his job clothes.

When he slammed the door in an hurry watching as it slowly open up again I got an phone call from Namjoon. Just fucking perfect..

"What is it Namjoon...?" I said with annoyance walking out of Jin's apartment room.

"Where the fuck are you Taehyung!!!?? You been gone all fucking day and we're already for the mission!!! While you just sitting at your house being an slow ass and taking your time!!" Namjoon yelled hurting my ears. I hunged up and placing my phone back into my pocket.

Well since I pretty much missed the hole thing....well not yet but still mind as well stay at the apartment and take care of Mu Mu for Jin, besides he grew used to me. But out of all honesty I really wanted to go but at the same time I don't cause I'm not nearly dying just to kidnap some pathetic CEO son who probably an ungrateful little shit. But after sitting here for about three minutes I decided to give the other members an surprise....I smiled once it comes into mind, before I left I filled Mu Mu bowl up with food and water then walking out the door locking it, running into the elevator and being impatient as it slowly closes. While I was in there I checked the time seeing that it's 3:04 am and sighing in annoyance for not taking the stairs down.

The elevator opened up once it reached the main hobby. I got stairs from some as I ran out and running towards my getting in and speeding off. Driving down the road highly fast trying to beat the others to the CEO's son restaurant, which I did. I parked in front of the restaurant and not seeing the black van I smiled and got an cloth with the dark green bottle, putting my black hoodie on to cover my face and getting out of the car walking into the busy restaurant without getting out my gun just in case.

Opening the door slowly looking for the son. They did say that he cooks, so without no one noticing I walked behind the counter, the people didn't even see nothing wrong the probably though that I was an late worker. Going inside the kitchen seeing some cooks at the corner of my eye I see the.......I guess the break room open and close. Walking towards it before it can close I see somebody on their phone facing away from me....was he the son? Without thinking I walked up behind him looking over his shoulder seeing his text messages and reading that he's texting his father and his father on the text name is 'Loving CEO'. So......this is him...his son? He doesn't even realize that I'm looking over his shoulder.

I smirked at how he doesn't feel my body heat or anything. Taking out my white cloth and taking my dark green bottle out pouring it onto the cloth. The boy put his phone down and before he can get up I placed the cloth over his mouth and hold tightly onto his stomach as he struggled and cry in protest. I start to loosen my grip when he's becoming more weaker per second, he nearly fell out of my grip. I don't bother to look at his face when the door opened behind me and I ran thru the back door holding the son over his shoulder and tossing him into the back seat slamming the door and got into the drivers seat starting the car then speeding away.

Looking at my car window seeing how far the restaurant is getting. I smiled and laughed at how easy this was. Before I can look at her sons face my phone ranged, rolling my eyes in annoyance I answered it.

"Hello what do want now..?" I asked driving pass an red light.

"Are you coming or not!?!!" This time was Suga who was clearly pissed.

"Well I......just kidnap someone that was at the CEO's son restaurant." I said calmly.

"Why the fuck are you kidnapping random ass people!!?!" Suga yelled.

"Didn't Hitman say that he's at the restaurant at this god damn time?!" I yelled back driving even faster then before.

"We are going to kidnap the son at his father's fucking meeting!! You dumdass!!!" Suga yelled even louder than before.

"Well why kidnap him at his fathers job then at the fucking restaurant!?" I asked putting my phone on speaker cause I was about to crush it in any second.

"Because Hitman wanted his father to suffer for what the hell he did!!" Suga replied back sounding confused.

I hanged up on him not wanting to hear him anymore. I drove up to the hideout looking for any signs for the others but I notice that the black van wasn't there, sighing in relief about the van gone I ran out of my car and picked up the still unconscious son bring him inside of the dark hideout. Walking over to I think is the living room and throwing him onto the couch, turning my phone on to see in the dark for the light switch. Turning the lights on blinding him a little I picked up the unconscious boy without looking at his face.

Walking him towards the hidden room behind the book shelve. I pushed it away with my foot, opening the metal door and walking inside dropping him on the red velvet bed chaining his right writs on the headboard and taking his phone out of his pocket.

I was about to wall out when something stopped me. It was 3:00 when I got there and Jin usually is in that room at that time...that what he told me two days ago. My heart for some reason started to beat fast once I turned around seeing what I don't want to see nor realize about until I captured him........................Jin was the CEO's son.

(Was this rushed or not? Cause I thought it was.....-_-)

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