Keeping You Safe Princess.......

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(Warning: Triggering, Probably torture, probably Rape, and blood curdling been warned!!)

Narrator Pov

Jin woke up to an loud bang, jolting into an sitting position Jin hugged his knees up to his chest looking around panicking. He doesn't know we're he is the only thing he sees is pure darkness with an window that was covered by something that looks like an body.

Jin tried to get up but his legs give out and was hit with an wave of nausea and pain. Jin held onto the wall for support but only fell back down making him groan and whimper in pain. Jin then decided to crawl instead of standing, he was crawling slowly do to the pain in his legs, arms, and face.

Jin can see an door with light under it but it was dim and flickering, he started to crawl a little quicker towards the door but something pulled on his left ankle violently following an loud clank after wards scaring Jin so badly he froze in place. Looking down he saw an heavy iron ankle brace chain connected to the concrete wall and onto his ankle, Jin can barely lift up his leg or move it and Jin was wondering why his left ankle felt extremely heavy then normal.

Jin looked back and forth towards the door and his ankle but stop cause he saw an key hole on the ankle brace.  Jin thought that the key might be in the room somewhere which it was right in front of the door but Jin was one foot away from it. Jin started to yank the chain harshly making him cry in pain holding his thigh cause the pain went up towards that area.

Jin was about to move back towards the wall but an click got his attention causing him tear up a little. The metal door opened up roughly showing bright light blinding Jin making him squeal and covered his eyes tightly some tears spilling out.

" sweet little Jin!" Jin looked up his eyes still closed. He tried to open his eyes again but the light blind him again.

"Is the light hurting your gorgeous eyes kitten?! Don't worry I'll get it for you!" Jin heard an quick flick, so Jin opened his eyes to see the light is only dim down.

"Hi was your sleep~?" Jin vision cleared and saw Taehyung on his knees brushing his hair smiling.

"T-Taetae....? W-what—" Jin was interrupted.

"I'm keeping you here....where your safe from everyone that is trying to keep you....steal you away from me!" Taehyung placed both of his hands on Jin's cheeks roughly.

"B-but—" Jin heard an noise that echoed a little and felt an stinging on his left cheek. He had been slapped.

"You really don't understand....on how much I really want to keep you safe! But you want to go back into that hell hole....of a home!? Jin I love you! I fucking love you and you are being an dumbass and want to go back their!!?" Taehyung slapped Jin at the last sentence as he watched him cry. Jin held his hands up when Taehyung was about to slap him again.

"I-I....mi-ss......m-m-my..parents...T-Taetae..." Jin felt Taehyung's hands on his they were pushed on to the floor then he wasn't slapped.......but punched. Blood came from his mouth but Jin though it was just his saliva.

"You want to die don't you Jinnie?!" Taehyung grabbed a fist full of Jin hair and made him look up at him.

Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand and try to make him let go but only got thrown to the floor. Taehyung then stomped on his side causing Jin to cry and try to block him but only got his hands stomped on as well. Jin heard him walking away then heard the door open and close, that's when Jin broke down into more tears. Jin is having an mental breakdown...he was so confused as to why Taehyung is doing this to him and why is he hurting him just for asking to go back.

Jin barely heard the door open up again from his loud painful cry's. Jin then felt something hard slam against his face making him fall on his side he didn't know what it was but he felt something warm coming out of behind his right eye. Jin tried to get up but was grabbed by his hair and thrown on the floor making Jin cry violently. He was grabbed by his left wrist and dragged out the door but Jin refuses to leave the room and at the same time he can't cause his ankle was chain against the back wall.

"Oh...I forgot to unlock you didn't I Jinnie?" Taehyung slapped Jin before going to get the key.

"You should have fucking told me Jin!!" Taehyung yelled picking up the key from the floor and opening the door. Then he went towards Jin but stopped and bend down at his level.

"Try...anything..and I will stab your legs and that?" Jin nodded while looking down trying to catch his breath while Taehyung unlocks his ankle brace making an loud clanks.

"Come on now. Don't fight back!" Taehyung grabbed Jin's hair violently pulling him out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

"I am just taking you towards my bedroom so calm down!" Taehyung grew frustrated about Jin's struggling against his grip.

"B-but...I-I-I thought.......w-we we-were i-i-in...your.....r-r-room a--already...!" Jin cried out still trying to make Taehyung let go but failing at every grip.

Taehyung made it to his room and kicked the door open them tossed Jin on the floor making him cry even more as he holds his head in pain from Taehyung's forceful grip. Jin heard the door lock, then he was picked up by the collar by his shirt making him choke. Taehyung threw him on the bed and chained him to the head by his neck, then placed  hand cuffs on him keeping him from trying to hit him.

"Now...Kim Seokjin I need you to be an nice boy and.......Keep! Quite!" Taehyung said while he pulled out an iron box and place it next to the bed.

"I am going to teach you an lesson about breaking an rule! DON'T ASKED ABOUT GOING BACK HOME!!!!!!!" Taehyung then pulled out an steak knife.


(Tell me if theirs any mistakes or errors....)


Also this is the end of this book!!! Hoped you all liked it!!:)  ......................................................................................................................................................................................________


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