You Want To Go Back!?/ Your Insane!!

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(Short chapter........maybe..-_-)

V Pov

It was like about 10:50 am at night and let's say I'm fucking happy about what happened earlier today. I thought that Jin was going to be scared at first but he tooked it highly nicely. After coming back from the beach we didn't bother to get into more comfortable clothing before getting into bed. I gently brush through Jin's hair as he quietly sleeps on my chest just hearing his soft snores as he move up into my neck a little more. Yawning I kissed Jin on his head one last time before falling asleep holding him close to me.


(Next Day)

It was mid afternoon and I was on the couch on my phone looking at multiple weapons. Jin was still upstairs in my bedroom sleeping I guest my little adorable kitten loves to sleep alot and I don't mine at all. I did make breakfast for him but it's only pancakes and toast cause that the only things that I can cook properly without burning up the god damn kitchen.

I heard footsteps come running downstairs. I smiled while rolling my eyes I turn around looking at Jin who has an oversized pink sweater without any pants.

"Taetae!!! Taehyungie!!!" Jin hugged the back of mine neck and resting his head on my right shoulder.

"Yes baby~?" I replied kissing his cheek.

"I have an question...." Jin said.

"That is?" I asked.

"Can we go back to my apartment, please??" Jins question scared me.

I got up from the couch and looked at him in complete shock and confusion. He did the same but it was more worry, sadness, and pleading I looked down an shook my head no.

"Why!?!" I heard Jin asked.

"Because it's not safe over their for you and I'm not going to let you get hurt or kidnapped once again!" I yelled back my hands forming into a fist.

"But I want to go BACK!!" Jin screamed stomping his foot.

"WE'RE NOT GOING BACK SO SHUT UP!!!" I screamed back at him.

His face shows nothing but sadness mixed with anger as tears slide down his face. I sighed in frustration and was about walk passed him but he pushed.

"What's the heck is wrong with you Jin!?!!" I asked grabbing his hand that was about to slap me I guess.

"Your b-being selfish!!" He replied struggling to get out of my grip.

"How the hell am I being selfish!?!" I pushed his hand away from me making him fall.

"Because y-you won't let me go back you dummy!!" He got up but I pushed him back down.

"Who the hell you calling a dummy?! You fucking bitch!!" I was to angry to realize what I just said.

"Your.....are.....c-crazy and mean!!!" He got back up and ran before I can push back down.

"Jin get your ass back down here!!" I ran after him.

I heard an door slam shut. I checked my bedroom and I didn't see so looked all over the place. I grew annoyed and frustrated at him, I went towards the guess bedroom that only as an bed and an closet I looked in the closet, under the bed and didn't find him. Slamming the door I then looked towards the bathroom door and smiled. I pulled out my knife walking slowly towards the bathroom door.

"Jin!! Come out right now!" I Banged the door.

"Leave me alone Taetae!!" I heard him cry out.

I sighed in frustration again but also in amusement and backed up then started kicking the bathroom door causing the wood on it to fall and fly everywhere.

"TAETAE STOP PLEASE!!!" Jin begged crying even harder.


Narrator Pov

Jin was curled up in the bath tub trying to control his cry's while hearing the door being kicked multiple times until he heard an loud bang, then footsteps. Jin grabbed the nearest thing in the corner of the tub which was an razor and he quickly manged to break the blade off successfully. Just as he did an hand grabbed on to his hair pulling him violently out of the tub making him drop the small blade as he cried harder then before.

"Why are you hiding from me my princess?" Taehyung has Jin face him tightening his grip on his hair.

Jin had the strength to hit Taehyung's forehead but that only made him slam Jin on the floor. Making Jin vision go black slowly then everything went black in an instant when Taehyung kicked him clear in the face.


(Tell me if I made any mistakes or errors........plz...-_-)

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