Jealous? Pt.2(Get Out/Murdered)

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(One might short chapter coming up or long......sorry-_-)
(Warning: Gore, Violence, Blood, Insanity, and Beating you've been warned.)
V Pov

It as been two hours since that bastard arrived here, he isn't bothering me but just seeing his face is annoying the fuck out of me. Hearing his voice is annoying me, seeing him hug, flirt...kiss Jin makes me wants to pull out my gun and shoot him right now. I've been in my room for the pass two hours ignoring Jin calling my name or on my phone. I just covered myself in my blankets trying to sleep until that bitch leaves my house and leave Jin alone or I'll do it myself.

I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it's midnight, sighing in frustration I tossed my phone at one of the leather chairs next to the windows almost falling off it. Before I could try and go to sleep I heard an loud noise from downstairs like something shattered, getting put of the bed as fast as I can, busting the door open and ran downstairs while holding my gun just in case.

When I got down I was greeted with Ken carefully cleaning up pieces of glass, while Jin tried to help but Ken kept pushing his hands away.

"What the hell happened?!?" I asked mostly looking at Ken. He was about to answer but Jin interrupted.

"S-sorry Taetae........I-I....t-trip and fell. I-I tried to catch m-myself but f-failed." Jin explained while rubbing his red puffy eyes.

"No! It's okay Jin. Accidents can happen....I can help you." I quickly regret affording help.

"Yeah sure, thank you. Can you bring me an bag?" Ken said not looking at just the broken glass.

I saw Jin smile at me but he quickly turn away from me when I looked at him, smirking when seeing an blush creeping onto his face. I went to get an bag for the glass but another idea came into mind when I looked at the black bag, maybe I can suffocate him when Jin is somewhere else? Smiling to myself like an serial killer, then walked back towards them.

(1 hour later)

Sitting on my bed once again I was looking at my knife watching how the light reflects off of it. Yes, Ken is still here and I don't know why he is but I want him the fuck out of my house before the next 20 minutes and if he doesn't leave then I'll make him version of leaving. It as been a long time since I made somebody leave.

I got bored and decided to sharpen my knife but my bedroom door opened up causing me to drop my knife. I turned around seeing an tired Jin who hair was dismantled.

"Jin what happened!?" I asked closing the door behind him.

"I-I-I.....*yawn*..j-just fell a-asleep..." Jin replied flopping into my bed.

"Where's Ken?" I asked looking at my knife on the floor.

"He s-still downstairs......h-he w-wants t-t-to talk w-with you before he l-leaves." Jin replied tiredly hugging his pillow tightly.

When I walked out I then started thinking. Does Jin even know what boyfriend even means? Or thinks that their really close friends? Probably the second one. He's to innocent to understand. I made it downstairs and see him sitting on the couch looking at something on his phone smiling. Taking an closer look I see an picture of him and Jin at an restaurant, I grew annoyed as to why I looked at his phone but fucking curiosity made me look. I hit his head softly but I wanted to punch him now that Jin is sleeping but I can't rush things like this.

"Hey...Taehyung.....I like to thank you for letting me stay in your house for awhile." Ken said showing off an forceful smile. I noticed.

"Your welcome..........Ken." I replied taking out my knife slowly so he doesn't notice it.

"I have an question for you." Ken said.

"What?" I said fully pulling out the knife and hiding it behind me.

"There's this friend I had....who was an famous CEO's son. Have you seen him?" He asked smirking.

"No." Was all I said gripping the knife handle harder.

"Oh.....that's sad. I thought I saw someone placing an body into an car, when I went to look for him." He commented.

"CEO's son?" I asked. My hand gripping the knifes handle even more.

"The son name is..........Kim Seokjin." He answered smiling devilishly.

He knows to fucking much. Without thinking twice I tooked my knife out and sliced his right upper arm causing little blood to spread everywhere. I yanked his left arm towards me while he cried out in pain when I sliced his lower arm even deeper showing a tiny bit of bone. I count how many times I slice him and how he screamed sounds like music to my ears. He tried to fight back but I can tell that the pain was to much for him to able to, it surprised me when he kicked my stomach I dropped my knife in the process.

I grabbed my knife and saw him trying to open the door even though he's in severe pain. I knew that he'll try to escape when he had the change I love it when I think ahead of my victims. I walked over to him having my knife at the ready, he turned around shaking terribly in horror as tears poured from his eyes.

He was about to say something but I punched him making him fall, then kicked him multiple times in the stomach and his face blood came from his mouth and face. He was starting to bore me I stabbed him in his heart and he frozen in place as I continued to stab him, blood flying everywhere most of it on the floor, on my hand that's holding the knife, on my face, and on my clothes as I laughed at his lifeless body with his eyes rolled up.

I then stabbed his eyes, his head, his neck, his legs, and his stomach splitting it open making some of his guts to half way fly out, a large amount of blood came out almost covering me. I then started to stab every single last organ that I see laughing even more louder and cold hearted stabbing they into nothing but blood, and mush up flesh.

With one more stab I whipped my tears from my eyes. Throwing my knife all the way towards the kitchen I dragged his disfigured body outside to my backyard an dropped him down and grabbed the shovel with dried out blood on it. I was about to dig an hole but I thought about it, picking Ken up again I walked him towards my basement and tossed him down the stairs hearing his body hit every single step as blood, flesh, and pieces of organs coming out.

I closed my basement door and went to clean myself off from his blood and went into my bed with Jin. So happy that he didn't hear Ken screaming in pain and begging. Getting into bed I hugged Jin to my chest and he snuggled closer to me smiling. He'll never now what happened to that bastard.

(Tell me if I made mistakes or errors.......plz-_-)

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