Chapter 59 : Don't Lose Anyone

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Camila's pov

"Nebula?" I say . "She is more like a big sister to Briggan and Y/n . She the Alpha of her pack , Y/n and Briggan are like in and out agents." Louis tells us . I could tell everyone was tense as Nebula just circled around us . "What is she doing?" Ally whispers . "Sensing a threat , give her a second." Louis says .

Nebula walks in front of us and nods . "She is giving us permission . Note , she will hurt you if any of us wound , her . But I am sure you girls are here to get her back and not take revenge right?" Louis confirms . We all nod . "Good , now lets see who you've been finding." Louis says . Louis gestures for the white wolf to go first amd she goes .

We follow close behind as Nebula enters the house , us behind her . Inside the house , there were scratches and more spots of blood . There was a bit of broken furniture maybe even more but they must have cleaned it up . A creaking noise was heard and we all snapped our heads at the source of the noise . It was Briggan . His jaws were bloody and he had a piece if meat in his mouth . We all gasp afraid of what must have happened . Briggan runs to a room and goes in it . Me and the girl were about to chase after him but Bebe , Dua and Louis stopped . "Let Nebula lead the way." Bebe whispers to us .

Nebula continues her lead and leads us to where Briggan went . The door was closed and we all felt nervous for what we're about to see . We all take a look at each other before I open the door . I push the door forward and our eyes widen because of what we saw . Y/n was wounded with Briggan close by the bed holding the piece of meat from earlier .

"Girls?" Y/n rasped . "What are you all doing here?" she continues . We all run towards her and give her a big hug . "How did you find me?" she asks . "Louis." I say simply . I stared straight into her eyes to realise , that is not her eyes . They aren't cracked . "Y/n?" I call . She looks at me and gestures for me to continue . "Are you wearing contact lense?" I question . She didn't tense or even freeze but just kept quiet . "Y/n , are you?" Bebe asks . Y/n sighs as she stand up and grabs something from her drawer .

She removes her contact lenses and turns around . Her eyes were closed and I know we were all anxious to know what is behind those closed eyes . "There , now you know." Y/n sighs , opening her eyes . I felt my heartbreak at the sight . Her eyes , they were so cracked , so broken . "Y/n , why?" Dua sobs . "You two would know and if I came back you all would pressure me more . I was scared." Y/n confesses . "Your eyes , dawg." Dinah sobs .

We all were crying even Louis as Y/n smiled at us . "It wasn't any of you guy's fault . If anything , its my choice so don't blame it on yourself." Y/n assures . "But , we could have prevented this . God , Y/n I am so sorry about leaving so much and Damien." I say as tears escape my eyes . "No , I loved helping all of you but the media was to much so I removed myself of the spotlight for awhile . You girls should always stay in it . It your girls dream." Y/m smiles sadly . "A dream that would be a nightmare , without you." I say .

Y/n chuckles but immediately winces in pain . Our eyes widen as Briggan and Nebula help her get back on the bed . "Y/n open your clothes." Ally commands . "What , why?" Y/n says . "You winced in pain , show us what happened." Lauren says seriously . She sighs and opens her shirt . Her stomach had a large scratch wound , both her arms are bruised and cut . There was a bite mark , a very deep one , on her right shoulder . What looked like someone stabbed a knife in her back and so much more .

"How did you get these and more importantly how did you survive?" Mani asks . Y/n just keeps quiet .

Your pov

"Y/n?" Camila calls . They all stare at me with wonder and I sigh . How many times have I sighed this hour ? If sighing was a bad habit like smoking I would have already died . I break my own train of thought and look back at the girls . "Okay , it happened when ...

They monkeys weren't stopping . But me and Briggan don't plan on doing so either . I bent down and picked up a stone on my way for later . I rammed right into Jaruhi , hearing him scream . The unusually big ape falls of my back and I run back to get some distance and throw the small stone right in his eye , blinding him temporarily .

Briggan and I were now on the other side and they were at our precious spot . Jaruhi recovered from his wounds and immediately comes for me . But before he could even lunge at me , he stops right in the middle . A black ring . When a challenger stands in a middle of a battle , it mean he want a black ring , a brawl . No weapons , no allies no nothing , only raw strength and talent .

"You want ? Come at me." I growl as I walk closer . The monkey chant three times before screaming . I charged at him faster since monkeys are pretty slow . I clawed his side and he gripped my arm harshly , causing cuts and probably bruises . We were now on a hand on hand tug of war . "Listen to me you ape , this is my territory ,this is wolf territory!" I roar , pushing him back . He stumbles back as I prepare to end him but I will most probably let him off no matter how much of a pain he is . I was nearing close to him until I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder .

I groan in pain trying not to attract anymore animals . "CHEATER!" I scream pushing the monkey on my shoulder off of me . More monkey started to pile on me and it was starting to get hard to fight them all of . I felt myself changing but I argued against it . I'd rather die then turn into my wolf self . I felt a deep cut in my stomach and a sharp one in my back . I groan loudly in pain as I tried to get them all off . Slowly all the monkeys decreased and I took this moment to breath .

I saw Briggan standing there . But he wasn't alone . There , was Nebula and her entire pack . "NEBULA!" I yell . I get up and hug the white wolf . I pull away quickly amd she whimpers looking at my wounds . She licks them and I giggle . "Later , Neb . We have a war with some apes that want out territory." I smirk . We stand together and howl , trying to scare them off . "What now , Jaruhi ? Scared?" I taunt . The apes scream and come at us . I was fighting ape after ape , I felt unstoppable . Minutes of fighting , and we won . There were still a lot more alive but wounded because we wolves have mercy .

They limp away into the dark forest and we all howl . I smiled but then immediately start to feel the pain after all the adrenaline left my body . Nebula and Briggan brought me into the house and patched my up by licking the scars . I laid down and felt the couch dip both sides . I cuddled into both wolves and chuckled .

"So thats what happened." I explain . They all were in shock and started examining for wounds . "Guys , it happened days ago." I chuckle . "Lucky your still ali-." Bebe was cut off by a whimper . Nebula , Briggan . I felt my blood boil . "Y/n you okay?" Dinah asks . I shake my head , no .

"Those damn apes . I told them to back off." I spat putting on my shirt and going out . "Who ? Whats happening?" Camila , my girlfriend asks worriedly . "Those apes . They're hurting Briggan and Nebula and I don't plan on lossing anyone." I say . I run out of the house to see the monkey . But their not alone , they had a group of five gorillas . Macow's group .

"Back of Macow . I hate to hurt you." I warn . The gorilla laughs at my remarks as he trudges forward . He passes by me and starts harassing the girls . I can sense they all were afraid . "Back . Of . Macow." I warn for the last time . Now , the gorilla grunted and commanded for his mates to push Briggan and Nebula a few feet away . They both whimpered in pain as I growled . He backed away back to his group and I tell the girls to rush behind me  . Better now or never . "If you want this , Macow . For you I'll do anything."

No one's pov

When the big gorilla went back to his group the girls went away and Y/n told them to stand behind her . Camila was personally scared for her since
Y/n hasn't healed properly and she can tell the rest were too . "If you want this , Macow . For you I'll do anything." Y/n says . Then , a loud scream was heard . The girls and Louis all gasped at the sight before them .

Don't lose anyone because the pain hurts more than you think ...

I , Canine , am proud to announce this as an official WEREWOLF book !! After you people dicovered Y/n as werewolf , I thought I would change the genre . So have fun !! See ya!

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