Chapter 60 : The Cronin Pack

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No one's pov

Big black paws quake the earth as the girls watch in awe . Y/n , was no longer present . Her wolf form took over . Midnight Cronin , Omega of the Cronin pack . Midnight had silver eyes , was bigger than any normal wolf , even Briggan and most importantly , jet balck fur .

 Midnight had silver eyes , was bigger than any normal wolf , even Briggan and most importantly , jet balck fur

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Midnight was Y/n's pack name , like some sort of code name . The big wolf stared directly in Macow's eyes . Macow tried to act tough , but Midnight can smell fear deep with in . She bent down to a fighting stance and within a second lunged towards the big ape . She tackled with full force , seeing her size and brute strength , it will be like getting hit by a train . Macow and Midnight fall to the ground with a thud as they wrestle for dominance . Briggan , Nebula and some other wolves joined in while teo seperate wolves came and escorted the girls out of there .

They were placed in front of the house behind atleast five guard wolves . They could only watch in fear , afraid Y/n couldn't fight due to her wounds .

Midnight bit the gorillas's side , as the ape roared in pain . He threw the black wolf off and pinned it down . It gripped the wolf's side harshly making it whimper . Midnight barked and kicked it with its back legs and went over to help Nebula who was fighting off an ape herself . She tackled the ape down and signaled Nebula to make her move . The white wolf bit the apes weak spot , not killing it but weaking it . They're not that cruel .

Midnight flinged the ape of to the side to show he was down . She was about to help Briggan when she felt a body collide with her and bit her abdomen . The Cronin barked and whimpered in pain as the girls screamed for her . Midnight tried to pry the gorilla off of her but came to no avail . Then , she bit the gorilla instead . Macow , stumbled back rubbing the spot she had previously bit and glared at the wolves .

Midnight heard a scream and noticed the guard wolves protecting the girls were being attacked . She rushed over and threw Jaruhi and any other monkey that was close . She pounced onto Jaruhi , her canines on display and her eyes searching his soul . Jaruhi cowered in fear as the big dog pinned the monkey down . She was about to end him when three apes ambushed her .

She fought off all two , succeeding but with many scars . Midnight or Y/n couldn't feel the pain while adrenaline pumps through their veins but once it wears off , her body will be burning . She walked of the scars and charged , full speed to an ape who was challenging Briggan she hit it , then but his right arm and clawed his stomach . She let go and let the animal limp away . Now all thats left is , Macow . He has no more allies and is alone . The big wolf steps forward and challenges him to a black ring . No one has ever beaten the big ape because of his pure size and strength . But Midnight has the same attributes , and maybe even a little bit bigger .

Macow smirks and stands forward , accepting her death wish . They both bend down to their fighting stanced and circle each other . The wolf had minor but a lot of scars , including the bite mark from earlier . Macow had almost the same but a little bit less . On the third round , Macow took action . He lunged towards the wolf but she dodged . She grabbed the apes foot and threw him back to his side . The ape growled in pain but he stood back up , wanting more . This time , Midnight charged towards the ape and successfully pinned him . Macow tried to escape but Midnight's paws blocked his escape .

Midnight scratched and bite but the big ape didn't surrender . He got enough strength and pushed the wolf off . She whimpered , feeling herself getting weak but when she glanced at how hopeful the girls are , she reached her limit . Her eyes closed for a second and reopened , to display her golden eyes .

 Her eyes closed for a second and reopened , to display her golden eyes

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When she reaches this stage , Midnight is in her Omega stage . She would be ten times for smart , powerful and quick . Macow backed up a bit afraid , but he still didn't give up .

The wolf charged with full force and hit the ape . A crunching sound was hurt as the ape screamed . They hit a tree and Midnight bit his left leg to make him weaker . She stared directly into his soul and can sense real fear . She knew he was begging for mercy , so she gave it to him . If , he stays away from their territory . Macow and his group left out of their sight and Midnight sat with her pack . They howled in victory .

As soon as Y/n changed back her eyes were so broken and she was full of scars . She was nauscious and fainted . The girls rushed to her to give her medical support and so did the wolves . They laid her inside , Nebula and Briggan cleaning the wounds while the girls patched her up .

Y/n was in a critical condition so they had to being her to a hospital close by . Fortunately , it was the hospital her doctor was stationed at so they won't conduct tests on her . They checked her vitals and help stitch up some of the nasty wounds . Once the doctors done they allowed the girls to visit Y/n but she was asleep . They were actually glad and relieved to find her again and she was able to fight off a gorilla .

But most importantly today , they saw her wolf self in action . "How could she call herself a monster ? She is beautiful in wolf form." Camila says . "Yeah , I'm the vampire so I can date her to be Twilight , right?" Lauren jokes . Camila smacks her arm and glares at the green-eyed girl . "Okay , okay . She is yours." Lauren chuckles . Camila pecks Y/n's lips and sits back down . They still haven't got the full story about Y/n , so they shall wait . But all they know is

Nobody is a monster when they did it out of love ...

As you can tell the story is coming to and end but keep those seatbelts on , I have more stories to come . Laters !

Made To Howl (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now