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Im gonna make the chapters Vic's POV unless I say otherwise, (idk if I will tho) bUt yEaHh I'll update whenever, HOPE YA LIKE IT!!! (Follow my Instagram for daily memes)


"Shit" I mumbled to myself, careful not to say it too loud, entering the classroom and seeing an all too familiar face, in a place I would never expect to see it. Flashbacks of last night started to swarm my mind, making my breathing speed up. This couldn't be happening. I backed out of the doorway, slamming my head back against the wall just outside the classroom, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. I took one breath in through my nose, and one out through my mouth, one breath in, one breath out, repeat. Once my breathing slowed back to a normal pace, I pulled my hoodie up, covered my face with my hands, and entered the classroom. I sat in the far back corner, hoping to avoid all interactions with the class, especially the teacher. Anxiety is a bitch, and so is the fact that my English teacher was my fucking one night stand last night. Shit.

I could survive this, i thought, not so reassuringly, I could just stay silent, like I normally would anyway, and I'd never even be noticed. No one would have to know, and no one could know. Especially not the teacher. If he found out that 'last night' was one of his students, if he found out that I lied about my age, that i wasn't even legally in that bar, he would freak out. I'm sure he would completely flip and get fired for accidentally telling someone, or get me in trouble. He seemed like a really chill guy, but who knows.. maybe that was just the beer talking. Ugh, this was going to be complete shit. My life was OVER.

Slowly I walked back into the classroom, my eyes on the ground, my head tucked in my hoodie. I sat as far back in the classroom as I could. I pulled out a pen and my notebook, leaning forward on the desk to avoid eye contact, and glanced up to write down whatever was on the board. "Good morning class," he said, much too cheerful for my liking on the first day of school. Or maybe I was just feeling sick by the sweet sound of his voice. Or his soft lips that created that beautiful voice, or his sweet smile or- STOP IT this isn't okay, I told myself, I needed to stop thinking about him. Maybe if I just pretended that last night never happened, maybe he would forget. Maybe he was so drunk he doesn't even know 'last night' happened. But Id rather lay low and not get caught than him find out and do get caught. Shit. The things I do for one night of fun..

"Let's start off today by getting to know each other," well, I already know most of you, ughh I need to stop my thoughts.. just forget about him, forget about last night. "And I know you're all probably brain-dead from summer, so I won't be giving you any homework this week," okay, that's good, "But we will be going over things from last year, but it shouldn't be too hard, just review," he added. I sighed, my anxiety levels were so high right now, I didn't need schoolwork to make it worse. I mentally thanked him for not giving us loads of homework.

"Okay, if any of you want to start us off by telling us your names and a bit about yourself, you can start." You could hear a pin drop. He was right about the fact that we were all brain dead, no one wanted to speak, so he started. "Okay, um, My name is Mr. Bostwick, and this is my first year teaching," he said some what awkwardly. "Okay.. you!" He called out, I didn't look up, hoping that whoever he called on it wasn't me. "What's you're name? In the back?" I still didn't look up, there were two other people in the back, maybe it was one of them, it had to be one of them. "With the hoodie on?" Shit. It's me. I looked up, uncovering my face, my head turned to see his. His green-blue eyes stared right at me, no they seemed to stare past me, as if he couldn't handle looking me in the eye, I bet he couldn't. The look on his face immediately went from cheery, to horrified. I would have been too.

"Um.. my name is, Vic," I introduced myself, my eyes darted around the classroom, looking everywhere but him. I couldn't look back at his eyes, he was so shocked. He probably felt even worse than I had when I realized my one night stand wasn't just for one night. It would be for the rest of the year.

"And.. a, um- a fact about you," he told me, he sounded so awkward, so confused. I understood why, wouldn't anyone be?

"Oh, well, I play guitar?" I said. It came out as more of a question than an answer. I looked around the room, some students nodding at me, a few looked at Mr. Bostwick. Others doodled or looked down, avoiding the conversations. He cleared his throat, shook his head, he was trying so hard to forget, I could tell.

"Thanks, Vic, was it?" He asked. He knew my name, and I knew that for a fact, but his fake ignorance was the only thing that was keeping him sane, so I went along with it, "mhm."

"Um- thanks for going first then, who wants to go next?" A couple hands rose, I sat back in my seat, sighing in both relief and regret. He remembered, but he wanted to forget. The class went around, introducing themselves and saying random things- facts about themselves. Once the entire class had spoken, it was almost time to leave.

"I'm dismissing you early, since we finished that early, so-um, see you tomorrow!" He said, having regained his cheerful tone from before. "But- Vic, can, can you talk to me after class?" He asked, I shook my head and muttered a quiet 'yes.' This was terrible, this was awful. Shit.



I love leaving you guys on cliffhangers :)

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