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I sat up as a shadow walked closer into my view. The outline was obviously that of a guy, but I couldn't quite tell who it was.

"Hey!" I called out, and was surprised when Alex wasn't the one to call back.

"Vic?" Kellin's voice asked. What was he doing here? I scrambled off the floor to my feet, waving to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wondering what Alex would think when he saw Kellin here.

"I.. I mean I live in the neighborhood," he stated. It was a valid reason, so I just nodded and went with it. I didn't think he'd followed me here, anyway his house was a few streets down from mine.

"Okay." I said, smiling at him as his face came into view.

"Why are you here?" He asked, walking towards me. Alex. The thought of him made a feeling of unsettling panic flow through my veins. I was here to see him, not Kellin.

"A-Alex," I stuttered out, "we're, um, sorta dating and I need to talk to him." I paused, pursing my lips, "about you." Kellin nodded slowly, in understanding. He looked me up and down and then his eyes went back to mine.

"I should probably leave in that case," he said, forcing a smile. His grin looked pained, and I knew it was my fault, I shouldn't have moved on so quickly from him, but then again, if having a wife counts then we're even. Without another word said, Kellin turned around and walked in the opposite direction, leaving me in the darkness waiting for Alex.

"Was that..." a small voice behind me speaks, it's Alex, "was that Mr. Bostwick?" He asks, sounding almost terrified.

"Uh- y-yeah," I stutter, afraid of what he will say or assume due to the reason I had called him here in the first place. I needed to get myself out of this mess.


"He lives in the neighborhood, was going for a walk," I explain, I could tell Alex needed and wanted one.

"Okay." He said and I took a deep breath in, it was now or never.

"I needed to explain that... situation to you, in person," I said with a light smile, resting my hands on his shoulders as if he'd run away from me any second. I was a bit scared that he would try to leave me here once he saw Kellin, but I guess I don't know him as well as I thought.

"So.. what's the story? Your side? I mean, I know what Jaime told me, but I don't know your side," he sat down on the playground structure.

"Okay well um..." I didnt know where to start, and as if he'd read my mind, he helped me start.

"Where did you meet him, because it obviously wasn't at school," I nodded, taking a seat next to him.

"At a bar, this small place down town, I was just there to have fun, it was a Sunday night," I began, spilling every detail of that night, I hadn't formally told anyone of what had happened, it was Kellin and I's little secret.

"So what did you do when you found out he was your.." he swallowed, "teacher." I bit my lip, trying to remember the exact feeling.

"Absolutely fucking terrified," I reached for Alex's hand as he let out a light chuckle. I smiled too, but it was true, I was absolutely fucking terrified.

"It's not every day that you find out your English teacher was your one night stand," I start again, "so I was scared, and I kept my head down, not wanting him to even notice me. When he did, he probably felt the same, scared and panicked, what if we were caught?" I told him more about what had happened and how Kellin- Mr.Bostwick and I had come to be in some sort of fucked up secretive relationship, even how Jaime managed to learn of our little secret, and almost spill it. I didn't want him to not know any detail, so I told him everything I remembered, except for the parts that I felt didn't fit the apology/story time I was trying to tell him.

"So you guys knew it was wrong, but kept going?" He asked, "and wait- he had a wife?" Alex asked, his eyes wide.

"Uh.. yeah, and um.. she kinda has a kid." I sigh, not wanting to think of that. The jealousy I felt from his wife and child filling the pit of my stomach.

"So, why didn't he just get a divorce since he obviously didn't want to be with her," Alex asked. That's exactly what I had wondered when I found out about her.

"I don't know.. not really my story to tell," I sighed. I told him more about all the things that had happened and how scared I had been when I'd found out an anonymous teacher at our school had been arrested and fired for teacher student relationships, and he just listened and commented when it was appropriate. I didn't know what he was thinking or feeling, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Once I finished telling him everything up to when Jaime told me he'd told Alex, I waited to here his final response.

"Wow, that's.. that's kinda intense," I nodded, not sure what I had done by telling him.

"I think we should break up," he said, a sad smile spread on his face. My eyes went wide, I didn't understand.


"I.." I could see the tears forming in his eyes from the dim lamp-post light. "I think we should," he broke, tears rushing down his soft cheeks.

"No, Alex no, please don't.. I.. I love you," I wiped the tears off his face. Why was he doing this?

"I think we should... you obviously still love him, and I don't want to be holding you back.." he bit his lip to hold back a sob.

"Alex- I-"

"Please Vic," he pulled away from me.

"Alex, I can't be with him anyway, and I love YOU!" I said reaching for his hand again.

"No, I need to, I need to get home," he stood up, walking away.

"No, please Alex!" I called after him, but he was gone.. I sat down again, and let myself cry too. I had ruined everything, and there was nothing that I could do about it. Alex was sad, Kellin was sad, I was sad. And it was all my fault. I was crying so hard that I didn't even notice the footsteps approaching me in the distance.


So, not as dramatic as you guys probably wanted but???

I promise next chapter will be more interesting

go follow @emosnowflak on Instagram AHAHHA

Omg ily guys so much you're the best.

Just sayin^

Alsoooo, I want pizza get me pizza.


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