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'Hey Kells, its Vic' I typed into my phone, hoping he hadn't given me some fake phone number or the number to Pizza Hut or something random like that. I sent the message and laid down on my bed, my mom had ruined my perfect moment with Kellin, so now I would stay alone in my room, blasting rock music from my radio just to annoy her. My phone buzzed next to me, telling me I had a text. I smiled, hoping it was Kellin texting me back.

'Hi' it was from Tony. I was a little disappointed, but I had been wanting to try and talk to him ever since... the incident.

'Hi' I sent him the message, putting some music on to break the silence of being alone. Another notification lit up my phone.

'Call me' I read his message, then quickly dialed his number into my phone.

"Hello," His voice was quiet through the phone.

"Hi tone, what's up?"

"Are we.. okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." I knew what he meant, he wanted to know if I was mad about him and mike. I didn't like it, not one bit, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"But, are you mad at me?" Yeah, I kind of was.


"Are you really?"


"So you don't mind if I come over?"

"Sure, come over,"

"To hang out with mike." OH. OH OKAY. So this was how it was going to be. He was going to come over and 'hang out' with mike. This was so frustrating, I hated that they were actually doing this.


"So you're not okay with it? Because if you aren't it's okay- I don't have to come over, we can meet somewhere else, it'll be-"

"No, it's fine, I have somewhere else to be anyway. But thanks for asking... I'll let mike know you're coming,"

"Okay, thanks." He said, I could tell he was smiling by the way his voice went up a bit.

"Uh huh," I sighed, and hung up the phone. I prayed that Kellin texted back, I needed somewhere to go other than my house. I lied on my bed for a while, listening to music and awaiting a text from Kellin. Tony showed up and said hi to me before meeting mike downstairs.

'Hey Vic, sorry I just got your text. What's up?' The message popped up on my screen and I practically jumped up out of my bed.

'It's fine, I kinda wanted to meet up somewhere, if you're up for it lol' I typed, adding on the 'lol' so I wouldn't sound too desperate, but I wasn't sure if it had worked.

'Yeah okay, where would you want to meet?' Shit. I hadn't thought of that, where could we meet? I didn't know any places around town that kids didn't go to often.. there was the park. We could meet there.

'The park?'

'K, I'll be there in five' I leapt to my feet and pulled on a pair of vans, running down the stairs and past mike and Tony.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked, his arm wrapped around Mike in a disgustingly cute way.


"Hey Vic," my mom called from the kitchen, "where are you going?"

"Just to hang out with a friend," she came out of the kitchen, giving me a look.

"Which friend?"

"Jaime." I answered quickly, hoping she would just stop asking questions and let me go. Knowing her, she would continue to interrogate me.

"Okay, be back by 7 for dinner," she smiled, walking back into the kitchen. I walked out, surprised and grateful I had gotten out without further questioning. She could be so nosey at times.

"Have fun!" Mike called out from the living room, still practically cuddling Tony. I left the house quickly and started to walk to the park. I texted Jaime and let him know to cover for me if Tony or Mike asked any questions, and that I would explain it to him later on.

When I got to the park, Kellin was waiting on the upper level of the castle structure. He smiled at me and gave me a small wave.

"Hey Kells," I called out to him, and as I got closer, I saw his face blush slightly at the nickname I had begun to use more frequently with him.

"Hey Viccy," now I blushed, he hadn't used any nicknames for me before, so this was new, but I liked it. "So, what's up? Why'd you want to meet?" He tapped the spot next to him, gesturing for me to take a seat there.

"I just needed to get out of the house... and I missed you," I admitted.

"We've literally been apart less than a day, and just because its the weekend," he giggled, and I shrugged.

"That doesn't make me miss you any less Kellybear," I giggled.

"Kellybear?" He bursted out with laughter, but I could see the light blush rising on his cheeks.

"Yep." I grinned, leaning closer to him and placing my lips next to his ear. "You're so fucking adorable," I whispered, and it was true.

"So are you," he turned his head to face me so our eyes were mere inches apart. I smiled, and leaned a bit closer, breathing in the air he breathed out. We were so close, I wanted to kiss him so badly.

"I really like you Vic," he whispered, and I smiled, resting my hand gently on his knee.

"I like you too," he smiled and glanced at my lips, so I pressed them against his. I kissed him and let my eyes close, I felt so relaxed with Kellin. I moved my hand up his leg and placed it on his thigh. He pushed himself closer to me and I felt his tongue press against my lips. I opened my mouth slightly and let my tongue move with his, sub-consciously sliding my hand higher up on his thigh. He grabbed my hand, holding it and moving it away from himself. He tangled his fingers with mine and I pulled away from him, opening my eyes. I was a bit disappointed that it hadn't gone further, but if he didn't want to do anything right now, we didn't have to.

"Hey, Vic," he whispered, a smile spreading across his face.

"Yeah?" I rubbed my thumb gently on the back of his hand, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Wanna go back to my house?" I grinned and nodded. Hell yes I did.








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