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I skipped school the next two days, not finding it in me to even get out of bed. How was I supposed to avoid Kellin if he was my teacher? Then a thought came to mind; I could just ask to be switched out of his class. There was another English teacher for seniors, and I could switch into her class. That way I could still go to school, yet not have to even see Kellin. The next day was Friday, and I went to school, getting there earlier than usual so I could talk to the principal.

"Good morning Vic," Ms. Williams greeted me as I entered her office that morning.

"G'Morning," I grinned at her, sitting in the chair across from her desk.

"What can I do for you today?" She smiled at me.

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me out with something." I told her.

"What might that be?" She asked, and I made up a story about what was going on, and told her that I was having trouble focusing in Mr. Bostwick's English class because of some students, and that I would like to be switched to Ms. Costello's class instead. She told me she would see what she could do and hopefully everything would work out. Good. I would only have to suffer one more day of Kellin, then he would be completely gone from my life.

I had chemistry first period, and it started out pretty boring. We took some notes and did a couple experiments, but nothing too exciting. That is, until Ms. Williams came into the room.

"Hello Mr. Barker," she said to our chemistry teacher.

"Hi Ms Williams, can I help you?" He asked her, and she turned to me.

"Hey, Vic, can I talk to you?" I looked up from my seat, seeing her t the door. She poked her head through the door of my chemistry class and asked. The teacher told me to leave and so I went out. Maybe she was just letting me know how it was going with switching classes. And I was right.

"Whats up?" I asked casually.

"Well.. you see, there was a bit of a complication with your switch." She explained.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't switch classes right now, I'm sorry," she informed me. My heart sank.

"Why not?"

"Because, the other class with Ms Costello is full, if we have any more kids in it, that class will be over our schools policy on how many kids can be in a class." I frowned.

"Doesn't she have multiple classes?"

"That's the thing, all of them are full,"

"Oh." I sighed.

"Well, I'm sorry for the inconvenience," she said, "have a good day, I hope the issue with your classmate gets resolved."

"Huh?" What issue?

"The reason you wanted to switch...?"

"OH YEAH! Um, yeah, we figured it out, it was just a misunderstanding." I continued my lie, "Okay, well I have do get back to class, but thanks for letting me know." I went back to chemistry, feeling that weight of emotions weighing back down on me.


"Good afternoon class," I sat in my seat in the back of the room, and there was an unfamiliar shadowy figure sitting next to me. I didn't bother to look up, and I ignored every word coming from Kellin's mouth as he taught us a lesson on grammar. I started to sketch something in the margins of my paper, until the shadowy figure spoke.

"Psst," the kid next to me whispered.

"Hm?" I looked up and over to him. He was wearing a black hoodie and some band's t shirt. He had short dark hair and pale skin. I didn't know him, so he must have been new or just switched into this class. I had never seen him before.

"Who're you? Im new here.." he answered my question in a whisper tone as I pretended to write down  notes so Kellin wouldn't notice I was completely shutting his voice out of my brain.

"I'm Vic," I said in a hushed voice.

"Cool," he half smiled, "I'm Alex." Then there was an awkward pause where neither of us really knew why to say to keep the conversation going.

"Do you know anyone here?" I asked him, since he had said he was new.

"No..." he said, sounding almost guilty that he didn't.

"Wanna come hang out at my house after school? I mean- if ya want," I smiled at him.

"Sure," he grinned and then Kellin yelled at us to stop talking in class and I continued to pretend to take notes.



I know it's short but otherwise I wouldn't have posted for a couple days RIPP S O W W Y Y : (




Love you m8iez

B y e for now

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