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My eyes were wide, he had actually done it.

"Oh my god vic.. I'm sorry, I- i shouldn't have done that.." He looked at the ground, a look of guilt on his face.

"Wow okay I guess you can be king now," I joked, hoping it would calm him down, or at least make him laugh a bit. It didnt work.

"No- oh god- vic look.. I didn't mean to- I'm so sorry..." he leaned back on the plastic wall for balance, looking everywhere but me, I grabbed his hand and used my own to tilt his head, forcing him to look directly at me.

"Hey, Kellin.. it's okay. And don't be sorry, unless you really regret that." I looked at him, he looked about ready to cry, "Do you regret it?" I asked, if he did, maybe I was wrong and he truly didn't like me after all. Maybe it was just meant to be a one night stand and no more. But then again, maybe he didn't regret it...

"Yes- No! I-"

"Please just tell me if you do or don't," I begged, I just needed a solid answer.

"Ugh! It's so illegal! What we're doing! It's not okay and it can't be happening!" He raised his voice in frustration.

"But do you regret it?"

"I don't regret kissing you.. but this is still so wrong..." he sighed, and I nodded. It made sense to me.

"What's so bad about breaking the rules every once in a while?" I broke the rules all the time, but I was a reckless and crazy teenager. He, on the other hand, was a teacher, who was supposed to be responsible.

"It's the law. Not just some school rule or something. Oh my god vic- I could get arrested!" He looked at me, his eyes wet with tears that were ready to fall.

"Okay- okay, fine. You're not gonna agree to anything I say, so I'll just forget about it. Sorry Kellin, it doesn't really matter," I said. "All that matters is that you're okay and that you're comfortable with doing something- and if you're not, I get it, you're right," and I meant it, I wouldn't try to convince him anymore, if he came to me, then maybe something would come of it, if he didn't, oh well. I grabbed onto the metal bar above the slide and swung myself onto it, ready to slide down.

"Wait- Vic," I looked back at him, nodding slightly. Wow, my plan was working already?

"I.. I really like you, and I really want to be with you, and-" he sighed, and I pulled myself up so I was standing in front of him, "I think you're right, let's
just try this out and see what happens, we can just keep it secret and it'll be fine, you're right." My eyes went wide, was he serious?

"For real?" I asked, my eyes still wide with shock.

"Yeah.. but only outside of school, in school- you're my student and I'm your teacher." I nodded in agreement.

"Okay- wow I actually didn't expect you to agree to that,"

"Well I did, are you happy now?" I nodded, grinning widely.

"Very," I licked my lips silently.

"Good." He smiled back.

"Now what?" I asked, what happened now? Were we in a relationship? What the heck had just happened? He didn't even bother to answer me with words, instead he once again, presses his lips against mine, this time wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me in closer. My lips moved perfectly in sync with his, and I put my hands on his waist, keeping us balanced.  I pulled away, smiling and blushing.

"That's one way to tell me," I grinned widely, "so is this a thing now?"

"Yeah, I guess," he smiled back, "but like I said, not at school.." he ran his hand down the back of my head and to my neck.

"I know, I know," I mumbled, pressing my lips carefully against his again. I ran my hand up his back and tangled my fingers in his hair. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and he pulled away.

"You gonna get that?" I shook my head, holding his face in my hands again, ready to pull him back to me as my phone went off again with another notification. Way to ruin the moment. I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket. It was my mom, asking where I was.


"What's wrong?" He looked at me, a bit concerned.

"My mom just wants me home," I sighed and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Oh, okay," he spoke awkwardly, "you should get back then, and I should get home too now anyways," he smiled at me and touched my cheek gently.

"Okay," I nodded, my eyes locked on his. I leant in to kiss him gently, but he pulled away before I could. I gave him a confused look, and he spoke.

"Your mom wants you home, Vic." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed onto the metal bar above the slide to swing myself off the structure. He called after me before I landed on the ground, "wait!"

"Yeah?" I stood up and looked back at him.

"Toss up your phone," he said, I gave him a questioning look, what was he doing?

"No, it'll break, you come down here," I said, he sighed and slid down the slide like I had, holding out his hand for my phone.

"Let me see it," I handed it to him, still confused. He tapped the screen a few times and then handed it back.

"Just in case," he grinned and handed it back, I realized why he had asked for it. I looked at the screen which now had his number and name on it.

"Okay," I said, kind of shocked that he'd actually given me his phone number.

"See you later, text me," he said, walking down the sidewalk in the direction I assumed he lived.

"Bye Kells," I waved, he laughed and waved back, walking away, maybe this would become a thing that happened regularly, he had given me his number.


What're your thoughts??

Lolololll idk

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