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I woke up in a strange room which was pitch black. Nothing was familiar, except for the warm body pressed against me. That was something I had felt once before, and hopefully would wake up to many times again. He yawned and smiled when he realized I was awake.

"'Morning sleepy head," he said, his voice thick with sleep. I smiled back but then frowned.

"It's not morning- it's still dark out," we had met at the park at about 4:30, and now, according to the alarm clock on his desk, which read 9:48, it was still nighttime. He sighed and cupped my face in his hands.

"You're such a smart ass," he yawned again.

"But you love it," I smirked, and kissed him gently.

"You're right, but you're also a smart ass who needs to get home because you have school tomorrow,"

"Bitch, why did you have to remind me," I groaned, realizing it was only Thursday. "Can't i just skip tomorrow?"

"I can't," he said, "I have to teach some classes." I frowned, why did he have to bring that up. I rubbed my eye and cuddled closer to him.

"I don't want to go home yet..." I whined, I wanted to just lay here all night with him, feeling safe in his arms, and not worry about going to school or anything else.

"Too bad," he said and shoved me lightly away.

"Hey," I said and grabbed hold of him, keeping myself close.

"Nope, you gotta go," he said, and pushed me all the way off the bed.

"Ow!" I hit the floor with a loud and unpleasant thud.

"Sorry," he said and offered a hand to pull me back up onto the bed. I took his hand but instead pulled him down which wasn't a good idea for either of us. He landed on top of me and squealed in pain, but he landed on my stomach, causing me to lose my breath and gasp for air momentarily.

"You really should get home, don't want your mom to worry." He said, pulling himself and me to our feet.

"Yeah- okay.. you're right," I said, grabbing my phone from in the pocket of my jeans which were thrown on the floor from earlier. I checked and saw that I had 17 missed calls from my mom, and two from mike.

"Shit," I said, pulling my pants on over my boxers, Kellin gave me a questioning look and I explained. "My Mom called me like a million times, ah I'm gonna be in trouble."

"does she know where you are??" He asked, showing the beginning signs of panicking.

"No, I told her I was at Jaimes, and he said he'd cover for me."

"Does he know where you are,"

"No, not really."

"Not really?" He asked, the worry in his voice.

"Yeah, he doesn't know I'm at your house."

"But does he know we're together?"

"I-" I wasn't sure if I had told him that I was with Kellin. I mean, he knew we were... a thing, but did he know we were actually doing things?


"I don't know!"

"Damn it Vic! He can't know! No one can!" He said, for sure he was freaking out now. "What did you tell him? Why did you tell him?"

"He.. he caught us."

"Caught us? How? When? At the park?"

"No, in the classroom,"

"We didn't do anything in the classroom."

"He overheard us talking-"

"Vic..." he said, sitting down on the bed to collect himself. "Do you know what this means..?" I nodded, I knew what it meant, I knew that it meant that Jaime could tell someone and then he could lose his job and most likely go to Jail. I didn't want that to happen, but Jaime already knew, I couldn't change that.

"We need to fix this," he said, holding his head in his hands.

"I can- I'll just tell him that you decided it was too risky and it didn-"

"Vic you really have to be more careful.. especially if we're going to be doing things like this.." he stated.

"I'm sorry.." I said, sitting next to him.

"Jaime is the only one who knows, I promise."

"Okay." He said, he was calming down. "Now I think you need to get home and get to bed," he said.

"K," I pulled on my shoes and socks.

"Did you finish all your homework?" I raised my eyebrows at him, "What? I'm serious! You need to do your homework vic," I sighed and nodded, and he grabbed my hand before I left the room.

"Bye Vic," he said, and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

"Bye Kell," I smiled, "see ya tomorrow," and with that, I left his house, starting on the way back to my own and calling Jaime on the way.

"Hey You've reached Jaime, I can't get the phone right now, leave a message, BEEP." I sighed and left him a message.

"Hey Hime, thanks for covering for me, I owe you one. Also, I need to talk to you, call me back or I will see you at school, bye."

I continued walking home, passing the park on the way, and preparing myself for a lecture from my mom.


Really short chapter but I've been pretty busy lately, I'll try to write more, but no promises.


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