Chapter 8: Christmas Parties

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I do not own the underlined passages, it's from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That being said, I do not own Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, nor Percy Jackson series.

Italicized - Pegasus Speech

Underlined - Quote from book

Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban. The few owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they could fly off again. (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Page 194)

No one could wait for the holidays to start.(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Page 194)

Harry especially felt excitement at seeing his dad again. He was currently having a snowball fight with the Slytherins and few Ravenclaws and an amused but-wished-she-could-go-back-to-reading Hermione and then there were the twins.

But that wasn't what really caught Harry's attention, it's the fact that Draco, Blaise, and Neville have been whispering about something for the past week.

He finally figured out what they were talking about when they shuffled over to him one day when he was self-studying for Defense Against the Dark Arts (after the mess, his dad threatened that if Harry stepped foot in the classroom that wasn't for either taking tests or questions, then expect something much harsher than a taken wand).

"Can I help you three?" Harry asked as he bookmarked his page in a third yearbook.

"Are...are you aware there is a three-headed dog on the third floor corridor?" Blaise hesitantly asked.

Instantly, Harry narrowed his eyes at the three. "How do you know about the Cerberus?" Harry asked, his voice dangerously quiet wondering what the three were doing.

He prayed they weren't going to act like Gryffindors and rush into something dangerous. "So you do! Tell us what you know," Draco demanded as he took a seat at the table Harry was at.

Harry could feel the narrowed eyes Madam Prince was aiming at the group. She was lax about the talking rule for Harry especially during their history lessons, but she was certainly giving a warning to them.

"I do not think that it concerns you, if you dare go to the corridor again and especially that room. I will not only tell a Prefect or Head Boy or Girl, I will also go to the Professors. What the Cerberus is guarding is none of your concern," Harry angrily whispered to them.

"You know what he's guarding under that trap door?" Terry asked looking excited about learning something.

"Of course I bloody well don't. I don't have a suicide wish." Harry suddenly had a thought cross his mind and narrowed his eyes at the group. "Do you know what the Cerberus is guarding?"

"Hagrid mentioned that Fluffy was guarding something for Nicholas Flamel. But to my utmost dismay I cannot find any mention of what the Cerberus is guarding. It is driving me insane, because I know I've heard the name before," Terry supplied looking slightly distraught.

Harry stored the names away for later and instead, glared at his friends filled with warning. "Don't go looking into what the Cerberus is guarding. If you pursue it, I will write to your parents," Harry threatened and received three flinches.

His friends hastily left their friend, all the while muttering between the three of them. Harry watched them leave, wondering when they befriended the half-Giant Hagrid before remembering Neville mention it near the start of the school about getting a note about tea.

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