Chapter 17: Babied Plants and An Idiot Professor

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Underlines - Quotes from the book

The day started out relatively normal, and for a place full of magic that was saying something.

Harry woke up earlier than his classmates, and started to stretch before going through certain sword motions that his father had been teaching him for the past few years.

It was something that they both enjoyed, and something Harry started learning after feeling no control over with the Dursley's, his dad thought that a form of control and confidence would be teaching him the skill of using a sword.

So, for the past three years Harry had been learning from his father, and while he didn't do it as consistently last year as he should of, which was shown after he gotten his arse handed to by his father during that summer, he was determined to work on his techniques throughout the year.

After working on his techniques, he stretched once more before grabbing running shoes and an outfit before walking outside the castle and toward the lake. While it was not the path they had in the forest outside their house, Harry figured a few laps around the lake would be good.

So, with being stretched and awake, he started at a soft pace around the lake, not wanting to lose any exercise like he did last year with all the studying he was learning from Hogwarts and the times he was hanging with his friends.

So, figuring waking up an hour or two before breakfast was mandatory would work well with him, he was getting enough sleep and this way he could keep up his exercise and learning.

He also wanted to see how many laps he could do around the half-mile diameter wide Great Lake before he got really tired and his muscles got a good workout in.

After running for nearly 30 minutes, he decided to walk for a bit and allow his muscles relax. As he walked the last few minutes of the lake, with his hands resting behind his head, he watched as the water softly rippled as it was clearly active beneath the surface of the water.

Harry reached out with his magic and felt the Giant Squid that was resting right below the surface of the water, he sent gentle caresses of magic to the squid and felt it respond almost instantly.

Magic that was foreign but kind and welcome caressed his own. Harry closed his eyes and embraced the wild, but tamed magic of the creature of the water. Not noticing the small rock and dip of the surface and felt his foot collide with the rock and felt his balance threaten.

Before he could react, Harry's body fell toward the water and he was submerged. In his panic his mouth opened slightly but no air was released and no water rushed into his mouth.

For a few seconds, Harry's eyes were wide as his mouth opened and closed as no water escaped or entered.

He breathed in with shock and noted that his mouth actually received oxygen. Trying not to panic, Harry pushed himself toward the surface and pulled himself out of the water, only now seeing a teacher rush toward him.

Harry, dripping wet with water as his workout clothes were soaked, watched as Professor McGonagall rushed toward him.

"In all my years! Are you alright? Mr.Jackson-Potter?" she asked as she crouched in front of the boy that only now realized he was shaking from cold as his teeth chattered.

Because while it wasn't quite winter, it was only recently becoming dawn and the water was cold from the previous night.

"J-Just a bi-bit co-cold Pro-Profess-Professor," Harry stuttered out hating how he sounded almost like Quirrell did last year.

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